18. collecting scrolls

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Author Notes: I claim no rightsy or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Eighteen: collecting scrolls

After Orochimaru had run away, Kurama who was now controlling Naruto's body collapsed onto his knees.  The curse mark burned against Naruto's skin as the great Biju wasn't going to allow the mark to affect his host.  He needed to neutralize the curse mark before it could affect or sink its claws into Naruto.  But being without a body was going to be a problem.  Kurama looked over to see Menma telling Sasuke to stand down as the young Uchiha looked ready to fight Kurama since his Sharningan could see the tailed beast's chakra that was controlling Naruto.  Kurama knew that his roar and the mass release of his chakra was going to draw a lot of attention to their group.  Menma finally came over to Kurama's side to see if his brother was all right.

"Naruto are you alright?" Menma asked placing a hand onto Naruto's shoulder.  Kurama laid Naruto's hand on top of Menma's pulling the elder Uzuamaki-Namikaze into Naruto's mindscape.

Menma's eyes widened when he found himself staring at Kurama face to face.  He had heard and knew that his little brother was the container for the tailed beast.  But it's power and very presence was nothing to sneeze at.

"Listen up......  If you truly want to help your brother, you will allow me to borrow your body before that curse mark Orochimaru placed on him can sink its claws in." Kurama growled.  Kurama wasn't sure if he could trust those whom had hurt his host.  He knew that Naruto was going to slowly let his true family back into his life but, he didn't fully trust them.  Naruto and Kurama knew that actions spoke volumes. 

"All right......  What do I have to do?" Menma asked.  Kurama started at the human wide eyed.  Without battling an eye, Menma was willing to help Naruto.

"Did the fourth teach you any sealing jutsu's?" Kurama questioned.

"A few in case you run amok." replied Menma.

"Of course, he would.  I am going to get one chance at this." stated Kurama as Menma nodded his head that he understood.

Menma opened his eyes as he could feel Kurama's power seep into his body.  The tailed beasts power felt like a rush of energy.  Menma weaved his hands through the series of hand signs that Kurama had told him as he slammed his hand over the curse mark.  He could feel Kurama's powers surge through him and back into Naruto as markings appeared around the curse mark sealing it off and neutralizing the curse affects.  Menma swayed a bit after Kurama's power had left him.  Naruto had not regained consciousness as it seemed that Kurama was no longer controlling Naruto's body.  Sasuke moved to catch his teammate before he passed out. 

"Menma what just happened?" asked Sasuke.

"I will explain later." replied Menma.

"We should move before other teams make their way here." he added as tried to put Naruto onto his back.  Shinri and Sasuke also helped with carrying the unconscious Naruto.  But, they weren't going to get too far with the unconscious teen slowing them down. 

"Hold on guys...... I have an idea." stated Akira as she bit into her thumb.  She ran her hands through some hand signs.  "Summoning Justsu!"

Akira placed her hand down onto the ground as smoke rose up before her.  When the smoke cleared before Akira stood a medium green dragon that seemed to blend into the forest.

"You had called for me mistress?" asked the dragon.

"Yes Verdi.  Could you carry Naruto for us.  While we looked for a safe spot to rest until Naruto can regain consciousness?" asked Akira as she pointed to the unconscious Naruto.

"Or course mistress.  Shall I lead you to the closest safe spot from here?" asked the male dragon.

"That would be wonderful Verdi." replied Akira.  Verdi nodded his head that he picked up Naruto into his claws. 

"Follow me." stated Verdi as he led the way through the forest.  The two groups followed Verdi to a large hollowed tree.  One that was large enough for both groups.  Verdi gently placed Naruto deep inside as the others filed in.  "Mistress...... I will stand guard while you and your friends rest."

"Thank you, Verdi."

Both team seven and squad thirteen rested while Verdi stood on watch.  Menma explained to his team about how Naruto is truly his younger brother who held the nine-tailed fox demon within his body. 

"But according to the stories, the third killed the demon."

"That's what the fourth told everyone as he didn't want people to see Naruto as a demon.  But, people still found out and treated him badly for it.  Even my family did the same.  So, Naruto ran away from the village and our family.  I don't know how he became part the Kitsune family but they seem to know about the fox demon and accepted Naruto regardless because of it.  Naruto renounced his last name and chose to refuse to have anything to do with our family until recently.  He is going to allow my family slowly back into his life.  We can never forget how we treated him the past but, only try better to understand him in the future." stated Menma.

Slowly a low moan pierced the air as everyone looked to see Naruto regaining consciousness.

"Kami (god)......  I feel like hell.  What happened?" Naruto asked as he moved to sit up.  Both Akira and Menma moved to help Naruto as he struggled to sit up.

"Orochimaru attacked us.  You helped fight him off, avoiding him from cursing Sasuke." replied Menma.  Naruto rubbed the area where the curse mark sat.

*Don't worry about the mark Kit.  I neutralize and sealed off the curse affects with some help from Menma.*

*Thanks Kurama.  How long was I out for?*

*A day.  I would suggest that you and your team stay with team seven just encase Orochimaru attacks again.* suggested Kurama.

"How are you feeling Naruto?" asked Menma in concern.

"I will be alright.  Thank you for helping him out." Naruto replied.

"No problem."

"Well if we are done here......" Sakura began as she looked like she was ready to strike squad thirteen but was held back by both Menma and Sasuke.

"Don't even think about it.  We owe them for helping us out." both boys snarled.

"It's all right.  We will be still traveling together just in case Orochimaru tries to attack again.  Besides you guys have the same scroll as us." Naruto stated as he showed them the two heaven scrolls.  Team seven looked at Naruto in shock not even realizing their scroll had been taken.

Both team seven and squad thirteen left the hollowed tree after Akira dispelled her summons.  Naruto had given Menma back their teams scroll.  Naruto had suggested that they head straight for the tower.  They could pick off teams as they come across them.  It would also cut down some of the remaining teams for the competition.  Team seven had to admit that it was a well thought out plan.  Menma couldn't help but to admire how much of a natural born leader Naruto was.  The two groups traveled together with Naruto leading the way.

"Naruto.......  Just how is it you know your way around the forest of death?" asked Sasuke.

"I used to come here to avoid getting beaten to a bloody pulp by the villagers and at home.  It was the one place that not many tried to set foot in." replied Naruto.  This made Menma feel even more guiltier.  Menma made a silent vow that if Naruto was even in trouble, he would come to his brother's aid this way he would never have to go through what he had been through growing up.

Squad thirteen and team seven were lucky to run into two really weak teams who had an earth scroll that they needed.  Every now and then the curse mark that Naruto had gotten from Orochimaru would flare up even though Kurama had neutralized the curse affects.

*Damn....... I didn't think that the curse would be this strong.  When we get to the tower, you should see about getting it resealed Kit.* suggested Kurama.

*All right.*  The two groups arrived at the tower, they had split ways this way to go into separate entrances.  Within the tower was a test which resulted in using the two scrolls to answer the question.  Turns out the scrolls were used to summon someone who proceeded to tell the team that they passed the second phase.  Naruto's team had summoned the hokage as Naruto suddenly passed out do to the curse's affects.

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