19. preliminaries

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Author Notes: I claim no rightsy or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Nineteen: preliminaries

When Naruto awoke, he wasn't at all surprised to find himself in the infirmary. He turned his head slightly to see the fourth hokage sitting by his bedside.

'Come to think of it, the curse mark Orochimaru placed on us no longer hurts.' Naruto thought to himself.

"Lord hokage?" he questioned out loud.

"Thank heavens you are alright. It seems that was one powerful curse that was placed on you." replied Minato.

"No thanks to that damn snake." snarled Naruto.

"Yes, Menma and your team told me what happened. Orochimaru must have slipped through as a contestant to get at the young Uchiha. Menma told me that the nine tails tried to neutralize it."

"He's not as bad as people think if you give him a chance. You do realize that he was forced to attack that night."

"I thought about the event over and over again. I realize that what happened was never the nine tails or your fault. I don't know why I believe people's rumors about you as I can never forgive me Naruto?" Minato asked as he hung his head. Naruto sighed to himself softly. He could genuinely sorry his father was for what happened in the past.

'He must have sealed the makr and has been sitting by my bedside waiting for me to wake up.' Naruto thought.

*He's been blaming himself for what happened. He should have realized that Orochimaru would slip in during the chunin exams to go after the Uchiha. He found out through Jiraiya's spy network that he is the leader of the newly created sound village He has increased guard and hopes to advert the war and whatever plans Orochimaru has.* Kurama stated mentally.

Naruto sat up right looking at his father who had his head down in shame.

"What happened in the past is in the past. But thank you for sealing off that curse mark."

"No problem Naruto. If you should thank anyone it should be the nine tails. By neutralizing that mark, it managed to stop the effects from sinking its claws into you."

"His name is Kurama. Of course, it's only natural that he helps me out." snarled Naruto.

*Calm yourself Kit.* Kurama stated calmly. The fourth looked at his son in shock.

'Of course, he would know the nine tails true name. He learned about the fox at such a young age as the demon has always been there for Naruto. I have no right to judge the beast for what happened in the past especially since it wasn't his fault.' Minato thought to himself.

"I'm sorry Lord Hokage. I didn't mean to snap at you." Naruto stated.

"It's alright Naruto. It's only reasonable that you would know the nine tails name. The preliminaries are to begin soon as you been unconscious for the last three days." Naruto climbed out of the bed that he was in as he followed the hokage to were the preliminaries were to take place.

Half of the teams remained as Naruto saw that all of the leaf ninja had survived. He could see Gaara's team had also made it through along with those from the sound villager. Naruto had joined his team as the hokage gave a speech telling everyone the true purpose behind the exams. He then asked if anyone wished to drop out before the preliminaries could begin. Three people from the leaf raised their hands. Sai, Shinri, and Kabuto decided to resign. Minato took a look at Kabuto knowing that this isn't the first time the young man has quit before the preliminaries. If his information was right, Kabuto has participated seven times before each time quitting before the preliminaries begin.

'Something is up. There is no reason for you to continue to participate year after year if you aren't interested in moving up the ranks.' Minato thought to himself. Naruto and Kurama couldn't help but to notice that Kabuto smelled similar to Orochimaru.

*He is a spy for Orochimaru.* hissed Kurama.

*It seems that the hokage suspects something if off about him as well.* Naruto stated as he could see Minato make a very small motion with his hand to the Anbu hiding in the shadows. (A/N the fights are pretty much the same as in the cannon as I didn't want to focus on all the fights. Sasuke Uchiha of the leaf vs Yoroi Akado of the leaf but, no curse mark rising. The winner is Sasuke. Zaku Abumi of the sound vs Shino Aburame of the leaf. The winner is Shino. Misumi Tsurugi of the leaf vs Kankuro of the sand. The winner is Kankuro. Sakura Haruno of the leaf vs Ino Yamanaka of the leaf. No winner because of a double knockout. Tenten of the leaf vs Temari of the sand. The winner is Tamari. Shikamaru Nara of the leaf vs Kin Tsuchi of the sound. The winner is Shikamaru. Kiba Inuzuka of the leaf vs Menma Uzumaki-Namikaze of the leaf. The winner is Menma in same way that Naruto won in the cannon. Hinata Hyuga of the leaf vs Nariko Uzumaki-Namikaze of the leaf. Winner of is Nariko as she bound Hinata in Adamantine Sealing Chains who held a kunai to Hinata's throat as Hinata gave up. Gaara of the sand vs Rock Lee of the leaf but, no sand cursing Rock Lee's leg and arm. Winner Gaara. Dosu Kinuta of the sound vs Choji Akimichi of the leaf. No one winner as a result is a double knock out.)

"Next round...... Daisuke Hayabusa of the leaf vs Naruto Kitsune of the leaf." called out the proctor after the board revealed the next two names. Daisuke walked down slowly with his hands behind his head while Naruto leapt down to the arena floor. The two teens stood before the proctor. "All right you both know that anything goes and that you can't move on unless the other one is knocked out." stated the proctor as both teens nodded their heads. "All right....... Begin!" Naruto leapt back away from Daiskuke slipping into a martial arts stance. Daisuke sighed out loud as he couldn't spot any gaps in Naruto's stance.

"Sorry Naruto but, I plan to end this quickly!" Daisuke stated as he rapidly ran his hands through various hand signs before slamming a fist to the ground. "Molten Earth Wind Eruption!" The earth quaked beneath Naruto's feet as fire erupted from the ground in a fiery eruption almost like Naruto was caught in a middle of a volcano blast. "Al right proctor call the match." stated Daisuke as he turned his back towards a burning Naruto.

"The winner is......." Suddenly a warm golden glow filled the arena. Daisuke turned back to see Naruto covered in golden chakra. There were no wounds from Daisuke's attack. Everyone looked at Naruto in shock except for team seven and squad thirteen.

"How did you survive my strongest attack?" Daisuke asked. Naruto's eyes looked different as they had cross design as they were a reddish-orange glow. The whisker marks on his cheeks were clearly visible. Dark circles surrounded his eyes as it looked like he was wearing eyeliner (Kyuubi sage eyes). Naruto simply smiled showing his fangs.

"That's for me to know." replied Naruto as he held up his hands into a cross position. "Multiple Shadow Clone." Suddenly ten copies of Naruto all in the glowing chakra appeared. Even those with the Sharningan and Byakugan couldn't tell the difference between the original and the clones. Each one had a small spiraling orb in their hands. "Mini-Rasengan Barrage (OC attack)!" The small Rasengan's shot out of Naruto's hands hitting Daisuke like fireworks. The Rasengan's hit the young teen tossing him about like a rag doll. Daisuke collapsed to the ground after the attacks had finished as the young teen was out cold.

"Winner...... is Naruto Kitsune!" called out the proctor.

Loud eruption of cheers filled the arena. Naruto leapt back up to the platform where the contestants watched the fights play out.

"All right will the last two combatants Akira Tensho and Neji Hyuga come down." Both Akira and Neji took the stairs down to the main floor. Both fighters stood before the proctor. "You both understand the rules?" asked the proctor as they both nodded their heads.

"Miki...... Go and be with Naruto. I am going to do this on my own." Akira told her pet dragon. Miki ruffled his feathers and scales as he flew off to where Naruto stood.

"Even without your dragon, you don't stand a chance against me. Fate has already declared me the winner." Neji stated as he shot a hated look to Hinata.

"Nobody can predict the future. And I refuse to go down without a fight." Akira replied as she slipped into a fighting stance.

"Ready....... Begin!" called out the proctor. As Neji armed himself with the Byakugan, Akira rushed in as her hands were covered in rough scales.

"Exploding Dragon Strike!" she snapped as she slammed her hand into Neji. Fire exploded from her hands. Neji had caught Akira's hands before they could truly hit him. Even though he took the blast, he was still standing.

"Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms!" stated Neji as he slammed two fingers into Akkra shutting off her chakra.

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire!" she shouted out unleashing a fire blast close range. Neji jumped back to avoid being caught in the blast. Akira also leapt back as she knew that she couldn't face Neji in a hand to hand battle as his clans' technique would be able to shut down her chakra network. She would have to try a long-range attack. Akira ran her hands through various signs while breathing in deep. "Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullets!" snarled out Akira as she unleashed a volley of small fire balls. Neji dodged and avoided the volley of fireballs as he ran up to Akira.

"Eight Trigrams: One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms!" stated Neji as he slammed his fists over and over again into Akira causing her to cough up blood. Neji moved to strike her once again but was suddenly stopped by three people. His sensei Might Guy, Naruto, and squad thirteen's sensei, Simba.

"That's enough Neji. There is no reason to kill her." Might Guy stated. Naruto's hand was nearly crushing Neji's hand.

"Do to the interference...... Neji wins!" called out the proctor. Neji yanked his hand away from Naruto who was snarling.

"I won't forgive you for nearly killing my team mate."

"And you will suffer the same fate as her." stated Neji as he walked away from Naruto. Simba broght Akira to the infirmary to heal the damage that was done to her.

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