20. training & the finals

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Twenty: training & the finals

After the winners were announced, each of them was to draw lots to see who they faced in the finals. One at a time each of the competitors drew a number announcing it out loud. The hokage had a large board where he drew up the next round of match ups. After all the numbers where called out, Minato turned the board to the competitors. Naruto stood in shock and disappointment that he wasn't facing Neji but rather his own twin sister Nariko. (Menma vs Neji. Kankuro vs Shino. Temari vs Shikamaru. Naruto vs Nariko. Gaara vs Sasuke)

"You will all have one month to rest and recover. Also in that month, you will have time to prepare for your match." stated Minato. Naruto could see Neji smirk at the fact that he and Naruto wouldn't battle until possibly later on. While Nariko paled at the thought of facing against her twin brother. "All right you are dismissed." stated the hokage.

Naruto was growling low as Neji left with a wide grin on his face. Menma came up to his brother placing a hand onto Naruto's shoulder.

"Don't worry ototo (little brother). I will make sure that he has what is coming to him." Menma stated with a grin on his face. 

"Thank you Menma. I owe you for telling the hokage about what happened in the forest of death."  Menma just shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. Just between you and me, that fox scares me but, I can tell how much he cares about you." Menma stated. Naruto couldn't help but to smile at Menma's words as he knew that there was hope for rekindling his relationship with his older brother. Menma has proven the most that he had changed.

"Thank you Menma. I have to talk to Nariko before she does something stupid." Naruto stated. Menma nodded his head as he watched Naruto jog off to speak with Nariko who was making her way to speak with the hokage. Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder forcing his twin to look at him. "Don't even think about quitting Nariko or arranging for you to face someone else. You have to take this test seriously as you remember that the proctor did say that we stood a good chance in either fighting family or a teammate. I don't want you to go easy on me because I am your twin and your brother. I want you to give it your all regardless of who you are facing against." Naruto stated. Minato whom was nearby heard Naruto's words as he found himself smiling.

"Naruto is right Nariko. I know that you wish to rekindle your relationship with your brother but, going easy on him, quitting, or changing whom you face isn't the answer." stated Minato.

"I guess that you are right. I guess that I have no choice. I will see you at the finals nisan (big brother)!" Nariko stated as she ran off.

"Lord hokage, does that offer still stand?" Naruto asked. This caused Minato to smile even more.

"Of course, Naruto." he replied. 'But will one month be enough time for him to learn this technique that took me to perfect?'

During the month Naruto trained with his father learning seals and Minato's technique that made him famous as the yellow flash. The Flying Thunder God. Minato was surprised at how fast Naruto learned as he managed to master not only the seals but, the teleportation technique within two weeks' time. Naruto trained perfecting his own jutsu's and perfecting the Flying Thunder God technique. At the last week before the finals, Naruto rested up, recovering his chakra. According to Shuichi he saw Menma being trained by Jiraiya while Nariko was being trained by Tsunade. He also saw Kakashi and Itachi training Sasuke.

"How was training with your dad?" asked Tomoe.

"It was alright. I mean he did teach me a lot about seals and the technique that made him become known as the yellow flash. He told me that I maybe the only one who can build upon the Rasengan and make it my own because of Kurama." Naruto told his adoptive family.

"Just know Naruto that even though most of us can't come to cheer you on during the finals, we all know that you will come out on top." stated Sherufanir.

Later on that night, Naruto had gotten a surprise visit from Gaara and Shukaku in his mindscape.

"What's going on Gaara?" Naruto asked.

"It's my father, the Kazekage, Rasa." Gaara stated as he looked at Shukaku.

"He smells different. Like a mix of death, snakes, and blood." added the one tail.

"I hate to be the one to break it to you but, that's no longer your father Gaara. It's Orochimaru in disguise." stated Kurama. This caused both Gaara and Naruto to curse out loud.

"Why would he.....?"

"He's after my dad. It the only way that he could way that he can get close to him. He killed your father to impersonate him in order to kill the hokage. When is the attack supposed to happen?" asked Naruto.

"During my match with Sasuke. They want me to transform and let loose Shukaku."

"But that's not going to happen. I won't be used as a weapon of war." snarled Shukaku. The two Jinchuriki and the two Biju talked about what their plans for tomorrow was going to be.

It was finally the day of the finals as all the participating genin stood in the middle of the arena. Naruto could see his god parents standing behind Minato as the Kazekage sat next to the hokage. Naruto made certain that his father had one of his teleport kunai on his body. After the hokage made his announcements, the participants for the first-round match was to remain behind while the rest went up to the observation deck. Naruto patted Menma on the shoulder.

"Kick his ass and be careful of his Byakugan technique."

"Don't worry. Neji won't win." Menma replied as he tapped Naruto's hand. (Menma wins his match the same way that Naruto does in the series.  Shino wins after Kakuro forfets. And Temari wins her match the same way that it happens in the series) 

"Next match Naruto Kitsune vs Nariko Uzumaki-Namikaze." called out the proctor. Both twins made it down to the lower levels and out to the middle of the arena. Naruto could hear the shouts telling Nariko to win this match. He could hear the calls of monster and demon aimed at him. "All right I want a clean match and the only way that you can win is by knock out or forfeit the fights. Ready?.... Begin!" Naruto leapt back and slipped into a defensive stance. Nariko looked at her twin brother debating on whether or not to throw the fight.

"Don't even think about it Nariko! I told you before that I wouldn't allow you to give up. You have to attack me with everything that you have. Don't think of me as your twin brother but, as an enemy!" Naruto snarled out. Nariko let out a long sigh before she slipped into a defensive stance and then moved to attack her twin brother. Her hands were rapidly running through a series of hand signs.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains!" Nariko called out as chains of chakra exploded from her body heading for Naruto. Before Nariko's jutsu could hit Naruto, the blonde Jinchuriki threw a triple prong kunai. Naruto instantly teleported out of the way. Nariko's eyes widened considerably when she saw Naruto use their father's jutsu. Nariko turned sharply as she gathered up chakra into her hands before slamming her fist into the ground. The earth quaked as dirt, dust, and pieces of earth rose up.

When the dust cleared there was no sign of Naruto. No one bothered to look up at the pavilion where the hokage sat. Naruto held in his hands a very large spinning wind orb. Naruto leapt off the pavilion teleporting right behind his twin sister.

"Big Ball Rasengan!" Naruto snapped out as he slammed the large Rasengan on top of his sister. The earth quaked once again as the dirt and dust kicked up within the arena. Once the dust cleared they could see Naruto still holding onto the large Rasengan inches from his sister's face. Nariko laid curled up in a fetal position on the ground crying. Naruto allowed the large Rasengan shrink in size before it completely vanished from sight.

"Nariko Uzumaki-Namikaze is unable to battle. The winner is Naruto Kitsune!" The whole arena erupted in cheers and thunderous applause as Naruto helped his sister up and allowed his twin to cry upon his shoulder. 

*Now soon the war is going to start. Be ready Naruto as remember what Gaara told you.* Kurama stated in the back of Naruto's mind.

*Don't worry. I am ready. I just want to pass a message along to Sasuke before the fight begins.* Naruto replied.

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