21. attack on the leaf

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or the demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

TwentyOne: attack on the leaf

"Last match..... Gaara vs Sasuke Uchiha. Participates please enter the arena." called out the proctor. Naruto helped his sister over to where his mother stood. You could tell that Kushina Uzumaki was clearly shocked by the display of power that Naruto showed. He won without Nariko having to forfeit or knocking her out. Kushina took her daughter nodding her head towards Naruto before taking off. Naruto could see Sasuke coming down as he grabbed the young Uchiha by the hand.

"Just know that whatever happens, Gaara is on our side." he whispered to the teen. Sasuke nodded his head that he understood as both teens could see a lot of Anbu standing around the area. More than what the leaf had in their guard. Naruto continued his way up to the upper deck. Naruto went over against the wall sitting Indian style to go into a mediating stance. He began to gather nature energy for when the attack began. Naruto kept his senses trained as he would be able to sense when Gaara or Shukaku flared their chakra.

"Match between Gaara of the sand vs Sasuke Uchiha of the leaf begin!" called out the proctor. Naruto could hear the people in the arena cheering loudly before he blocked everything out. With his eyes closed he wouldn't fall under the genjutsu spell as he could sense Shuichi nearby. Suddenly the odd sound of chirping birds filled the arena. 

"Chidori!" called out Sasuke. Naruto could sense Gaara's sand rising to protect him from harm. Naruto knew that the attack had begun when he heard a large explosion and the snarling hiss of snakes. Naruto opened his eyes to see large snakes descending upon the village.

"Summoning Jutsu!" called out the voice of his god father Jiraiya. Naruto could see large smoke go up as when it cleared he could see Jiraiya standing on top of the boss toad Gamabunta's head but there were still far too many snakes still thrashing around the village.

*We are ready Naruto!* Shuichi called out mentally. Naruto bit into his finger as he ran his hands through various hand signs. 

"Summoning Jutsu!" he called out slamming his hands down onto the ground summing forth his adoptive family whom where all in their fox forms. "Protect the villagers and kill off those snake summons." he told his family whom nodded their heads. Naruto could see various jonin wake up some of the genin to get the villagers to safety. Naruto could see Gaara's sand shout out like a rocket crushing some of the sound ninja. 

*Go Naruto. We have this covered!* Gaara shouted out mentally.

Naruto looked over to the pavilion to see it surrounded by a barrier that wasn't allowing anyone through. He could sense his father's chakra fluxing. Naruto activated his sage mode before he used the Flying Thunder God  technique to teleport into the barrier. When he arrived his saw his father not only fighting against the former hokages that come before him but also Orochimaru. Without thinking twice, Naruto activated his Biju mode.

*Let's go Kurama!* he stated mentally before flaring up his chakra even more. All fighting seemed to stop as all attention turned to Naruto as his chakra rose as the golden yellow chakra formed the body of Kurama. 

"Orochimaru!" roared out the nine tails. Kurama's mighty roar shook the barrier that surrounded the area. 

"How in the world did you get in here brat?" Orochimaru asked. Naruto showed the snake sannin the triple prong kunai that his father had for the teleportation jutsu earning a shocked look from Orochimaru. "Kill that kid. I don't need him to get in my way." he commanded the former hokage. The three hokage charged at Naruto while Minato fought against Orochimaru 

*Kurama they are being controlled by some talismans.* Naruto stated mentally.

*Combined your chakra with mine kit. We will take care of all of them in one blast.* Kurama told his host. Kurama opened his mouth as Naruto stretched out his hands. Dark chakra began to form in Kurama's mouth as he dodged Hashirama's (1st hokage) Wood Release: Wood Dragon. Tobirama (2nd hokage) fired continuous Water Release: Water Dragon Bullets at both Naruto and Kurama but their chakra never altered. Sarutobi (3rd hokage) also added in Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet. But Kurama pelted those away with his tail. Once the dark ball of chakra was completely formed both Naruto and Kurama unleashed the blast.

"Super Mini Tailed Beast Ball!"  they stated in unison as the dark chakra divided into smaller ones each heading for the former hokages. None of their jutsu's stood a chance to defend them from the blast as their bodies were completely incinerated.

Naruto turned his attention to his father and Orochimaru to see a long sword had stabbed through Minato. Kabuto was armed with a chakra scalpel as the fourth had numerous wounds covering his body as he was losing a lot of blood.

"NO! DAD!" Naruto shouted out as he and Kurama moved to protect Minato in their Biju cloak.

"With the death of the fourth, the village will fall to my army!" laughed Orochimaru. Kurama could feel Naruto's anger like it was his own.

*Naruto, summon Yohko. He will be able to heal Minato's wounds. I should be able to hold them off long enough for you to make certain that your father hangs in there.* Kurama stated.

*Thanks Kurama.* Naruto stated as both he and Minato slipped out of Kurama's chakra cloak. Naruto quickly bit into his fingers as he ran his hands through various hand signs. "Combined Summoning!  Yohko.....  Kurama!" Naruto shouted out as he slammed his hands down. Kurama's chakra changed as he became flesh and blood. Yohko appeared in a puff of smoke in his demonic form. Naruto swayed as his Biju form unraveled. Naruto was caught by one of Kurama's nine tails.

"Yohko take care of them. I am going to kill a snake." stated Kurama in a low voice.

"Yes father." replied Yohko as he used his powers to cause demonic plants to grow covering himself, Naruto, and Minato in a protective barrier.

Kurama glared at Orochimaru and Kabuto before he unleashed a powerful roar that shattered the barrier that surrounded them. He swiped his tails at Orochimaru undoing his human form. Orochimaru looked like a giant snake with his regular face. Kurama could hear the villagers gasp at the two creatures.

"This is where your evil ambitions come to an end. You tried to destroy our village because of a grudge you have. You attacked a person to gain a body because you crave to be immortal and desire to know every jutsu that is out there. You hurt my Kit and the people he cares for. For that, I am going to kill you!" roared out Kurama. The nine tails charged at the snake as Biju Bombs flew out of Kurama's mouth hitting Orochimaru continuously as the giant snake tried to fight back but, he was no match for the Biju's power. Orochimaru was totally obliterated and any remaining sound and sand withdrew in fear of facing the nine tails whom was protecting the leaf village. Kurama shrunk his form down as he tapped on the demonic plant barrier that was protecting Yohko, Naruto, and Minato. The barrier retracted as Minato's wounds had been bound but, he was in desperate need of medical attention.

"Yohko go and get Tsunade. The fourth is in need of her aid. Kit are you all right?" 

"Yeah.....  Great work Kurama. I am going to fall asleep now." Naruto replied as he closed his eyes falling asleep due to chakra exhaustion. Kurama vanished in a puff of smoke proud of his host.

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