22. training journey

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or the demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

TwentyTwo: training journey

When Naruto, he wasn't surprised to find himself in the hospital. Doing a combined summoning took more out of him than he was used to. Naruto noticed that he wasn't alone as two Anbu were in the room with him. When the Anbu noticed that Naruto had come to, one of them left to get lady Tsunade. Naruto slowly sat up looking at the Anbu wondering what was going on. Soon the other Anbu returned along with Tsunade.

"How are you feeling Naruto?"

"All right I guess.  What's going on obachan (grandma)?" Naruto asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?" asked Tsunade.

"Summoning Kurama to battle Orochimaru."

"Well thanks to the nine tails, Orochimaru is dead. The other fox you had summoned caught Kabuto as he is being held for questioning. Your father is laying in critical condition but thanks to you and that fox you summoned, he will be out of commission for a while. Lots of people were afraid thinking that the nine tails would attack them again."

"Kurama wouldn't do that!" Naruto shouted out.

"I know kid. Plus, your father came to your defense. He said it was thanks to you that there weren't any causalities. You and the nine tails had stopped a major invasion and protected the hokage. There for, Minato wants for you to be hailed as a hero." replied Tsunade. Naruto looked at her in shock. He didn't expect his father to defend him but people could change.  "Gaara asked for me to give this to you when you came back around." Tsunade added as she gave Naruto a scroll.

"Thanks, obachan. Who was named hokage until lord Namikaze..... I mean dad recovers?" Naruto asked as he took the scroll.

"I was named the next hokage. Also, you and Jiraiya are to go on a three years journey to get you stronger for when the Akatsuki attack." 

"Can I make a request that Menma accompanies us?" Naruto asked.

"I don't see why not. Why not Nariko?" asked Tsunade.

"I was hoping that you could train her she shows that she isn't mentally and physically strong enough to be considered a ninja. Plus, you know how much a pervert Jiraiya is." Naruto stated.

Meanwhile off in the distance at the hot springs, Jiraiya sneezes suddenly.

"Some beautiful woman is talking about me." he states with a perverted grin on his face. Naruto was heading back to his home with Kurama's children. Both Menma and Minato had regained Naruto's trust. He had forgiven them but, still had a long way to go before he could call them truly family and call himself Namikaze-Uzumaki. He arrived at the house to find him family asleep in their fox forms. He quietly went to his room opening up the scroll that Gaara had given Tsunade. 

'Naruto......  Thank you for becoming my first friend. For opening up my eyes to the truth that I'm not alone. You have shown me that I can become friends with my Biju and that I'm not a weapon of war but my own person. I usually tend to keep people away and not show my feelings to others but this only caused pain for both my brother and sister. I am going to open up more to my family and I suggest that you do the same. I have a new goal in life as I am going to try to become the Kazekage of the sand. I'm going to try to make peace with the leaf this way we can help each other out when the time comes. So Once again thank you Naruto. You have changed my life in a way that no one else had ever done. Your friend Gaara.'  Naruto couldn't help but to smile at Gaara's letter as he then went to pack for the three-year training journey with his godfather Jiraiya and his older brother Menma.

The following day he told Kurama's children what was going on as he would be going on a training journey with Menma and Jiraiya. 

"Know that we will always be here for you Naruto. You have come a long way since I found you as we are proud to call you family." stated Shuichi. Each of Kurama's children hugged Naruto wishing him luck on his training.

"Thanks guys. You are a part of my family no matter what happens as I will see you in three years' time." Naruto stated as he took off. He wanted to stop by the hospital to see his father. He hoped that he could finally work things out with his family. He has already missed a lot of time with them. He nearly lost his father during Orochimaru's attack. As he neared his father's room, he could hear voices.

"You can't be serious to have the villagers see him as a hero. He is a beast and needs careful monitoring and remain in the village." stated a male voice.

"NO! You don't understand Homura and Koharu." snarled Minato. "The third always wished for him to be seen as a hero. The battle with Orochimaru has opened my eyes. My son is a hero. He never asked to be placed with burden to be the nine tails Jinchuriki. The nine tails isn't like the stories that we have heard as both not only befriended the sand's Jinchuriki, he also defended us in battle. Don't you see.....   Naruto is a hero. Not some weapon that you can use at your will." snapped Minato.

*Damn......  Your father has changed a lot. I never thought that I would hear the day he would snap at his advisors. I never did like Homura Mitokado nor Koharu Utatane.* growled Kurama.

"Now get out!" yelled out Minato. Naruto quickly darted into another room to avoid the two advisors. Once the advisors were gone, Naruto left the room he was hiding in to enter his father's room.


"Naruto.....  What are you doing here? I thought that you were leaving today with Menma and Jiraiya."

"I am. I wanted to say thank you. For standing up for me and Kurama. I also wanted to say that I forgive you. Both you and Menma have earned it." Naruto stated.

"Actually, I should thank you and that nine tails. It's thanks to you and Gaara and even your Biju's that there weren't many causalities. Because of what you have done during the invasion that you have earned the rank of chunin."

"Don't feel obligated in giving me the rank dad."

"I'm not Naruto you had earned it as it was also agreed on by Tsunade. So, congratulations Naruto."

"Thanks dad. I should get going. Jiraiya and Menma are waiting. I will see you in three years' time." Naruto stated as he made a single hand sign vanishing from Minato's room and reappearing before the main gate were Menma and Jiraiya waited for him.

"Sorry I had a few things to take care off." Naruto replied as he picked up the triple prong kunai that he asked Shippo to set at the gate.

"It's alright Naruto. Are you two ready? We won't return until three years. We have a lot of training to accomplish as I promise when you both return, you will both be strong. Stronger than you are now." stated Jiraiya.

"Come on pervy sage. Let's get going!" yelled out Menma.

"And I thought that I was the only one who called him that!" Naruto laughed out.

"I am going to kill you both!" yelled out Jiraiya as he chased after the two teens who ran ahead of him laughing wildly. 

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