23. the return of a hero

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or the demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

TwentyThree: the return of a hero

Three years have passed since Menma, Naruto, and Jiraiya left for their training journey. An announcement was made concerning what happened during the invasion and the truth about Naruto. Many voiced their concerns about the nine tails. Minato and Tsunade quickly shut them up by telling everyone the truth. Naruto didn't ask to be the Jinchuriki for the mighty beast. That the nine tails was forced to attack the village sixteen years ago. The same night that both Naruto and Nariko were born. That Naruto was Minato's and Kushina's son, brother to Menma and Nariko.

"Have you ever put yourself in Naruto's shoes? To be hated and feared for something he had no idea about. To be beaten and despised with an inch of his life all because of what he held within him. My family and I were no better as we drove him away. Since then we tried to mend our relationship with him, to have him become a part of our family, to earn his forgiveness. Naruto has been the one foretold by the great elder toad. A child who suffers in silence shall rise up to greatness. They shall forever end the endless wars that continues on today. They shall befriend the mightiest and most powerful beasts in the world. They shall also befriend those whom had suffered like them. They will be a hero in the world's darkness times defeating a great evil."

Everyone felt bad about how they treated and viewed Naruto. They villagers vowed to honor the third and current hokages and to see Naruto as a hero. To accept him as a human being and not a monster. In three years' time the genin have become much older and had changed. They grew and many had changed their hairstyles. Akira and Shinri were no different.

Shinri now wore an open short sleeve dark blue kimono top with white snowflakes on the back that was cut short at his waist. Underneath the kimono he wore a black long sleeve mesh shirt. He still wore his headband as a belt. He wore a faded tight pants that was light blue in color on top fading into a darker blue. He wore a pair of standard blue ninja shoes and a light blue scarf around his neck.

Akira's hair had become much longer as she wore it in a ponytail draped over her side as it was several times.

Her outfit had greatly changed as she wore a purple and white off the shoulder shirt with a collared mesh underneath. An open black open short sleeve shirt hung over her shirt.  She wore a pair of open slitted black capri pants with a mesh bottom. Standard ninja black shoes with a purple cuff, black fingerless arm guards with silver plates on them. Miki her pet dragon was now the size of a large dog as he was the same size as Akamaru (in the shippuden series).

It was a normal sunny day as two teens entered the village. Both could have been mistaken for twins their hair color. Both walked talking to one another in front of an older male with long white spikey hair. Menma and Naruto had finally returned back home along with Jiraiya.

"Hurry up pervy sage or we will leave you behind!" shouted out Menma (who is wearing his Road to Ninja movie outfit).

"I told you not to call me that gaki!" growled out Jiraiya. Naruto stood next to his older brother as he wore a white chunin vest with orange trim. A short sleeve grey shirt with his clan's symbol on the sleeves. Black Anbu pants with knee braces. Tall black and grey ninja boots. He wore his headband was now around his neck as his right hand was wrapped up in bandages. His yellow hair had an orange tint to it as it was much longer but not as long as his father's.

"Come on you two...... We have to report back to the hokage tower." Naruto called out to them as he noticed Tsunade's face carved into the mountain next to his father's.  "Menma check it out!" he stated as he pointed to the monument.

"Well I will be damned! So, are you going to tell Akira how you feel towards her?" asked Menma with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Only if you tell that Hyuga heiress Hinata!" Naruto stated as the continued into the village.

As Naruto traveled, he noticed that he no longer got dirty looks. Everyone gave him a bright smile and greeted him with warm welcomes back.

*Well this is odd. Do you think that Tsunade and your father has something to do with this?*  asked Kurama mentally.

*I wouldn't put it pass them.* Naruto replied. Suddenly Naruto was knocked off his feet as a large feathered serpent smothered him with kisses.  "Miki!" he shouted out in shock. The Quetzalcoatl was pulled off of Naruto by Akira. Naruto couldn't help but to admire how beautiful the young woman looked. His animalistic instincts were screaming mate.

"I was wondering why he took off suddenly. Welcome back Naruto." stated Akira as she offered him a hand up. Naruto took her hand gladly as he smiled at the young woman who was blushing at how handsome Naruto was.

"It's good to be back. I will catch up with you later." Naruto stated as he gave a quick peck on Akira's cheek before taking off. Akira was now blushing madly.

The group made it to the hokage tower knocking on the door to hear two voices telling them to enter. Tsunade sat in the hokage chair as Minato stood making sure that she completed the dreaded paperwork. Both adults smiled at the two young men.

"Welcome back you two. How was the training?" asked Tsunade.

"Great! Naruto and Jiraiya taught me how to summon toads. Perform the Rasengan and I have learned sage mode." Menma replied with a wild grin on his face.

"That's great son. What about you Naruto?" asked Minato.

"I managed to build upon Rasengan. Can finally summon Kurama without him wearing out my chakra. Can manage to stay in Biju form for a longer period of time. I also can share Kurama's chakra." replied Naruto.

"That's great to hear." Minato stated with a smile.

*Why don't you tell your father that you have decided to regain your last name.* Kurama suggested.

*I was planning to tell him the truth about your family. I want them to be accepted even if some of them can't be fully human.* Naruto replied. The nine tails was quite at this statement. He wondered if humans would truly accept his family.

*It's your call Naruto.* Kurama replied.

Tsunade dismissed the two teens telling them to go home but Naruto remained unmoved.

"Was there more you wish to tell us Naruto?" asked Tsunade.

"Yes..... But without prying ears." Answered Naruto. The female hokage waved her hands dismissing the Anbu as Naruto created a seal barrier to prevent anyone else from hearing what he had to say. He told Minato and Tsunade the truth about the Kitsune family and who they really were. Both former and present hokage were in shock. They had no idea that the Kitsune's were actually Kurama's children as only a few of them were able to take on human form.

"Naruto..... If you summon Kurama from beyond the seal, could he take on a human-like form as well?" Minato asked.

"Yes. He's done it before when he reunited with his children." Naruto replied with honestly. "I want them all to be accepted as they are a part of leaf as well. I want to regain my true name with permission of course."

"Consider it done Naruto. We should hold an assembly and introduce everyone to the nine tails and his children. There should be no more hiding in secret. It's time that we accept everyone regardless of what they look like and what they truly are. It's time that we make new strives for the leaf." stated Tsunade.

"Thank you obachan." Naruto replied with a smile on his face.

"You have grown Naruto. Will you return home with your family?" asked Minato.

"Only if the Kitsunes whom I have been living with. I consider them a part of my family as they do the same for me." Naruto replied. Minato nodded his head that he understood as he had much to discuss about. But Naruto was certain that he was making the right call. He wanted everyone to know the Kitsunes the way that he did. They were a part of this village like everyone else. Kurama couldn't help but to admire Naruto's strength and conviction.

'Master...... Hagoromo. He is the one. The one that you had foretold us about. I can sense a great change is coming. And Naruto will be the one to bring it about.' Kurama thought to himself.

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