24. coming to a friends aid

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter TwentyFour: coming to a friends aid

The following day both Tsunade and Minato made an announcement concerning Kurama and his children.  Minato asked for Naruto to summon them as they all appeared in their human-like forms.  Many of course had problems with the nine tails because of what happened sixteen years ago. 

"Enough!" shouted out Kurama.  "If I truly wanted to destroy this village, it wouldn't be still standing.  I have been used twice against this village by the Uchiha.  But not all Uchiha are bad or will use me as their weapons.  Those who would are dead and rotting in their graves.  Not all of us Biju are evil in nature as it is you humans who make us into monsters and weapons for your wars.  My master, my creator, the sage of six paths created us in order to prevent those from uniting us and bringing destruction to this world.  He had prophesied that one day a human would unite the Biju in a goal to save the world.  That this human would become blessed with his powers.  I believe Naruto maybe that person.  He has shown me that not all humans will fear and will strive to understand us as we too are capable of emotions just like every other creature." Kurama yelled out. 

"Easy Kurama.  We don't meed them to fear you." Naruto stated causing the fox to calm down.  The villagers had no idea that even the mightiest of creatures like the Biju had emotions.  No one besides Naruto, Tsunade, Minato, Jiraiya, and the whole Uzumaki-Namikaze family knew that Kurama's children were able to wonder about without being summoned.

Things in the village seemed to return  back to normal.  No longer did Naruto have to be afraid for his life as everyone in the village now treats Naruto with the respect that he long deserved.  Naruto had found out that Gaara had become the Kazekage of the sand.  Naruto was proud of his friend as now the leaf and the sand were allies.  Naruto had also found out that Shinri and Haku were dating.  One night  as everyone was heading home, Naruto had received a telepathic cry for help from both Gaara and Shukaku. 

*We are under attack by the Akatsuki* Naruto quickly ran to the hokage tower.  He wasn't going to let Gaara and Shukaku fight alone against the Akatsuki alone.    Naruto barged into the hokage's office surprising both Tsunade and his father. 

"Gaara and Shukaku are in trouble." he stated.  Both hokage's knew of Naruto's abilities to mentally connect and talk with the Biju and their Jinchuriki hosts. 

"Naruto...... quickly gather your team.  Minato summon Team Seven. " stated Tsunade.  Both father and son took off using the Flying Thunder God as both knew that was the essence. 

*Hang in there Gaara.  Help is on the way!* Naruto told his friend mentally.

The two teams gathered as Tsunade filled them all in to what's going.

"This will be a A-Ranked mission as you will all have to get there a quickly as possible."

"Not a problem Lady Tsunade.  I have a dragon that can get us there quickly." stated Akira. 

"Kakashi and Simba you are both in charge.  Naruto you will have to be careful as there Akatsuki are after you and Kurama as well.  Good luck to you all."  The two teams left the tower quickly heading to the gate.  Once they were beyond the gate.  Akira performed a summoning jutsu. 

From the smoke arose a red dragon with spikes surrounding his head and down his spine.  His belly looked like it was glowing with fire as he looked at his master through burning yellow eyes.  His large red wings with orange fabric was open wide. 

"You called for me Mistress?" asked the red dragon. 

"Yes......  Mico Ignis (flash fire).  We need for you to bring us quickly to Sunagakure (sand village).  We have a friend whom is need of our aid." replied Akira.  Mico Ignis bowed down allowing the two groups to climb onto his back before he spread open his wings taking off quickly into the night.

The red dragon matched his name..  Where it takes a ninja three days to travel by foot to the sand village, Mico Ignis did it in span of two hours.  Both teams could see Gaara flying in the sky with held of his sand as he fought against a man with long blonde hair who was flying on a bird made of clay.  The man wore a black cloak with red clouds on it.  When he saw the red dragon, he grinned wildly before unleashing his largest bomb possible.  Akira reacted quickly leaping on top of Mico Ignis's head performing a summoning jutsu.  A large desert lung dragon appeared as he was as large as Kurama.

"Amidamaru....... help protect the village!" she yelled out at the white and sand colored dragon.  Both Gaara and Amidamaru  used their powers to control the sand to raise a protective barrier of sand over the sand village.  Mico Ignis landed allowing some of the team members off.  Naruto and Menma remained on the back of Mico Ignis while Kakashi and Sasuke climbed onto the back of Miki.  Both had their Sharingan's activated as everyone wore their wireless headsets. 

"Miki....  Amidamaru...... Mico......  Do whatever you can to help out." Akira told the three dragons. 

"Hai (yes) Mistress!" replied Amidamaru and Mico Ignis.  Miki gave a chirped reply as both Miki and Mico spread open their wings. 

Amidamaru noticed that Gaara's sand was starting to falter as he did have enough power to keep the sand from crushing the village and move it out to the desert.  Amidamaru flew over to Gaara catching the young kazekage in his claws.

"Leave me to handle the desert sands.  I will not allow it to crush the village." stated Amidamaru.  Gaara looked over to see Menma and Naruto on one dragon while Sasuke and Kakashi were on another.  Naruto leapt over to Gaara's side smiling softly as he patted the kazekage on the back.


"Naruto you came.  Thank you."

"Of course.  You are my friend as I won't allow the Akatsuki to take Shukaku or Kurama.  Let alone to harm you in any way." stated Naruto.  Gaara smiled softly before he collapsed in Amidamaru's claws.  The sand had finally dumped outside of the village.  The blonde Akatsuki looked a bit upset as he never expected for backup to show up.  Let alone the nine tails Jinchuriki. 

"Sasori my man isn't going to be happy with how late I am." the blonde muttered to himself.  But Naruto's keen senses allowed him to hear what the blonde was saying. 

*So they work in teams.  Be careful Kit.  We don't know if his partner is close by let alone his powers.  We don't know how they get us Biju out of our hosts.* Kurama told his host.  Amidamaru brought Gaara over to the other group as Naruto leapt back over to where Menma was.

"Is Gaara alright?" Menma asked.

"He is just exhausted.  Both Shukaku and Gaara must have a tough fight with this guy so be on your guard." Naruto replied.  Both Menma and Naruto activated their sage mode as they glared at the blonde Akatsuki. 

"What to do......  What to do?  I can't return  without the one tail.  But I may get an added bonus if I bring in the nine tails.  I guess if I am to go out it may as well be with a bang!" he shouted out as he threw up into the air several clay birds directing them to attack to the two groups.

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