25. Sasori and Deidara

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter TwentyFive: Sasori and Deidara

The clay birds that the blonde Akatsuki tossed up flew over towards Naruto and Menma. Deidara knew that the nine tails Jinchuriki possessed a greater threat. No one noticed that Deidara had created another clay creature to deliver a message to his partner. The clay birds hit both Uzumaki-Namikaze boys in an explosion causing Deidara to laugh out loud.

'That should do it.' Deidara thought to himself as he knew that he didn't have enough explosive clay to deal with the nine tails and his friends. When the smoke cleared it revealed both Menma and Naruto was surrounded by glowing chakra while Mico Ignis wasn't harmed from the explosion. This caused Deidara to curse violently. 'Damn..... I won't be able to hold them off for long in order for Sasori to help me out.' Deidara thought to himself. But the mad bomber would try to hold out as long as he could as he stuffed his hands into the clay pouch.

"Naruto..... His jutsu is earth based. Let Kakashi-sensei (teacher) and I take care of him. Our lightning is stronger than his earth." Sasuke stated over the headset. 

"You bot can take care of Gaara and help him recover." added Kakashi. 

"Unless his partner shows up. Kurama and I heard him mention a name. It seems that the Akatsuki fight in pairs." stated Naruto.

"Naruto, you and Menma handle his partner." stated Simba. Both Naruto and Menma nodded their heads that the understood as Naruto directed Mico to land. Kakashi asked Miki to take them closer to Deidara. Miki chirped in reply as he flew a bit closer to the mad bomber. Deidara noticed that the nine tails switched places with two Sharingan users. This caused Deidara to curse out loud.

Meanwhile beyond the sand village Deidara's partner Sasori was waiting.

"He's late!" he snapped. Sasori noticed one of Deidara's clay creations come running up to the puppet master. This clay creation was in the form of a nine-tailed fox. This caused Sasori to curse out loud as he climbed onto the foxes back. "Well hurry up. I don't have all day." he growled at the clay fox. The clay fox turned back around towards the sand village. 'Damn it Deidara. I didn't want to enter this retched village.' Sasori thought to himself. But somehow the nine tails Jinchuriki was in the sand village. 'Hopefully Deidara can hold off from doing anything stupid or I will kill him myself.'

At that moment, Deidara was in for the fight of his life. The two Sharingan users kept their trained eyes on the bomber as both clay creatures flew at the two as everyone could see explosions go off with sparks of lightning. Naruto could sense that Kakashi was close to exhausting his chakra.

"Kakashi-senpai (upper classman) withdraw. You are going to exhaust your chakra." stated Simba. Kakashi nodded his head as he placed his headband back over his Sharingan as he leapt off of Miki to be caught by sand. Naruto sighed in relief when he saw the red headed Kazekage standing as he directed the sand down to the ground. 

*Your teammates filled me into what's going on. Do you think that Sasuke can handle that Akastuski?* Gaara asked mentally. They all watched as the glowing purple in the form of a skeleton arose from around Sasuke's body. Something within Naruto recognized this jutsu that Sasuke was using. It was like he was hearing a tiny voice in the back of his head. The Susanoo was armed with a thunder sword as Sasuke swung destroying the clay bird that Deidara was flying on. The bomber didn't have enough time to create a new creation as Gaara's sand caught the Akastuski in a tight coffin not allowing Deidara to use his hands.

*I think that the young Uchiha can handle himself.* replied Kurama. As the Susanoo disappeared, Naruto that Sasuke's eyes was different. The same tiny voice popped into the head a bit louder this time. Naruto grabbed his head as he could feel his eyes get a bit blurry.

"Naruto...... Your eyes are bleeding." stated Akira.

Naruto couldn't hear anything else after that as he felt like he was being pulled into his mindscape but it felt different as it looked different. Naruto found himself standing in the middle of a temple as he could see a man before him with spikey grey hair.

"At last the child of prophecy appears. Welcome Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." spoke the man as he turned to face Naruto. Naruto recognized the man from visions that Kurama had shown him of his past.

"You're the sage of six paths. Hagoromo Otsutsuki." stated Naruto in shock. 

"I see Kurama has told you about me. Out of all the Biju, he took my death the hardest. He also was protective over his younger siblings and kept them in line."

"Why was I brought here?" Naruto asked.

"Did Kurama tell you of the prophecy that I had foretold to the prophecy that I had told to the Biju?"

"He mentioned it recently. That a human would come along and unite the Biju in a common goal to save the world. That this human would be blessed with your powers. Kurama believes that I may be the one that you are talking about."

"You are Naruto. One of the Akatsuki whom you will be fighting will have a pale imitation of the Rinnegan eyes and my powers. I called you here to give you the powers and abilities that I have including the combination of the Rinnegan and Sharingan. The mataba beads. You have to stop the Akatsuki from freeing Princess Kagura of the moon. If by some chance of fate that she is freed, I am giving you to power to seal her away once and for all." stated Hagoromo. Naruto nodded his head that he understood as the mataba beads floated over towards Naruto as they wrapped around the Jinchuriki's neck like a necklace. Hagoromo went over towards Naruto as he stretched out his hand touching Naruto in the chest. "I, Hagoromo Otsutsuki recognize Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze as my true descendant and the only one person to be granted the powers belonging to the sage of six paths. I grant Naruto all of my powers and abilities to bring about peace to this wretched world." spoke Hagoromo. Naruto could feel the sage's power flowing into him as he screamed out in pain. Naruto's eyes changed into a combination of the Rinnegan and Sharingan (the Juubi eyes).

Meanwhile, Naruto laid panting and screaming out in pain. Gaara and Shukaku managed to get in touch with Kurama but he couldn't tell the two of them what was wrong with Naruto.

*It feels like someone has cut my ling with him.* stated Kurama. But it seemed that they now had an even bigger problem. Deidara's partner Sasori had shown up. He used Deidara's last clay creation to free the bomber from Gaara's hold before the two of them went after to attack both Gaara and Naruto.

"I told you that you should have prepared better Deidara." growled Sasori.

"What can I say Sasori my man? I didn't plan on the one tail giving me this much trouble and that the nine tails would be here." replied Deidara.

"Well let's go and claim our prizes. That Uchiha brat is running low on chakra and the rest are just in the way." 

"You are always such a party pooper Sasori. I told you that art is an explosion!" Deidara cried out as he unleashed a lot of clay spiders to land on the ninja.

"Art is supposed to be immortal and last forever." snapped Sasori as he unleashed a ton of senbon's that was laced with his special poison through his hands.

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