26. rebirth of the sage of six paths

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter TwentySix: rebirth of the sage of six paths

Time seemed to slow down as the poisonous senbons rained down at the group of ninja that were fighting against the Akatsuki and protecting whom their targets was. Gaara tried to use his sand to protect everyone as the dragons summoned by Akira moved to help protect the group but were destroyed by Sasori's attack. The sand kazekage was still a bit weak and couldn't summon the sand quick enough. Suddenly black orbs shot out forming into a protective shield. Everyone turned to see Naruto on his feet but he looked different. Naruto was glowing like he did while in Biju form but his clothing was different.

He wore an open golden yellow jacket and golden beads around his neck. He had what looked like a black one-piece suit. His once blue eyes were now a light purple color with lots of circles and several dots (Juubi eyes). Shukaku gasped wildly in the back of Gaara's mind.

*He's the one that father foretold. He's the new sage of six paths.* Shukaku stated mentally. Kurama smirked to himself as he knew that Naruto was special.

"Everyone get back and let me handle this." Naruto stated as he stared at the two Akatsuki members. Both Deidara and Sasori couldn't help but to notice that Naruto's eyes looked like their leaders. Naruto walked over to Gaara placing a hand onto his shoulder. The sand kazekage could feel Naruto's powers flow into his body. It was enough power so that he didn't feel visibly weakened. He did the same for Kakashi, Sasuke, and Akira. "Akira do you have a dragon that is strong enough to protect everyone?" asked Naruto. Akira nodded her head as she performed the summoning jutsu calling upon a large metal dragon.

The metal dragon was completely covered in metal scales as you could only see small bits of his pale flesh as it stared out at the group through small white eyes.

"Metallica can you use your metal body to protect us and the villagers?" asked Akira.

"Of course, mistress." replied Metallica as he spread open his large metal wings and body nearly covering the whole sand village. Naruto stepped out from behind Metallica as the black orbs retracted back circling around his body. Two of them formed into long rods that Naruto could use to fight with. He put one of the rods into one of his hand performing a one-handed summoning. He poured his chakra into summoning the nine-tailed fox in the flesh. Kurama let out a mighty roar blasting the two Akatsuki members back away from the group.

"Let's go Kit. I want to teach these guys that they are fools for trying to use us for world domination." Naruto nodded his head as he leapt up onto Kurama's head.

Deidara and Sasori were going over their options. Fight the nine tails and hopefully win or retreat and try again later. There was no way that they would be able to return and face their leader without the one tail or even the nine tail Jinchuriki.

"Well..... I always wanted to go out in a bang!" Deidara stated.

"For once we actually agree on something. I will hold off the nine tails as long as possible. Do you have enough explosive clay to pull it off?" asked Sasori as he ripped off his cloak to reveal a young mechanical puppet in the form of his original body.

"Two more. My ace if the C-4 fails." replied Deidara. Sasori nodded his head as he called upon his strongest puppet, the third kazekage.

*Well that solves the mystery of what happened to the third kazekage. This kid was once a well-known puppet master Sasori of the red sand as he specializes in a particular poison that kills. How the mighty have fallen.* Shukaku stated mentally. With Naruto's newfound eyes, he could see that even though Sasori had turned himself into a puppet. His main body and the source of his power laid in a circular tube in his chest. The third kazekage puppet opened his mouth unleashing metal sand.

"Sorry nine tails but we can't allow you to stop us. Iron Sand: World Method!" snapped out Sasori as the metal sand took on different shapes heading straight for Naruto and Kurama.

*Kurama...... Biju Bomb!* Naruto called out.

*On it!* replied the fox. Naruto directed the black orbs to collide with Sasori's attack. "Biju Bomb!" snapped out Kurama unleashing a powerful blast from his muzzle. The Biju Bomb destroyed the iron sand and Sasori's puppet.

"Red Secret Technique: Performance of a hundred puppets!" snapped out Sasori as he summoned one hundred puppets. Naruto disappeared from on top of Kurama's had as each puppet was instantly destroyed faster than anyone can realize what's going on. "Deidara!" yelled out Sasori.

"C-4 Explosion!" snapped out Deidara as he unleashed a clay creature that exploded above Kurama's head. Nobody saw Naruto dispel Kurama's summon or that his rods had transformed into sharp objects that pierced the main part to Sasori's puppet body. Deidara was laughing out loud. "That should do it! There's no way that you lived through that!" crackled Deidara.

"Chidori: Sharp Spear!" stated a calm voice as a lightning attack pierced Deidara's chest exactly where his ace laid. "Sorry..... I'm not that easy to kill." stated Naruto causing Deidara to cough up blood.

"How......?" Deidara asked as Naruto removed the lightning spear from Deidara's chest.

"Sorry..... A ninja never reveals his secrets." Naruto replied as Deidara's body fell to the ground. Naruto walked back up to the group to see Akira's summoned dragon disappear once everyone was safe and the two Akatsuki were killed. Naruto's body and eyes returned back to normal. His body swayed from side to side as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"Naruto!" everyone shouted in concern before he blacked out. Gaara's sand caught the blonde before he hit the ground. The group could see that the two Akatsuki members were barely alive. Gaara allowed his sand to stretch over the two.

"Imperial Desert Funeral!" Gaara snarled as the two Akatsuki was crushed instantly and buried deep beneath the sand village. Everyone seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile deep within Naruto's consciousness, the young blonde stood before Kurama who was in his human form.

"Naruto..... What's going on? Why are you here?" asked Kurama.

"I called for him to come. You and I are going to help train him how to use my powers." stated a familiar voice. Kurama turned his head to see his father, his creator walking up to him.

"So, I was right. Naruto is the one." Kurama stated in shock at seeing his father again after so long.

"Yes. Naruto has overcome many hardships thanks to you and your kids. He's managed to befriend both you and Shukaku as well as the sand's Jinchurki. He needs to learn how to use my powers if he is to truly to stop the one who is behind this all and prevent Princess Kagura from being released." stated Hagoromo.

"Well then let's get started." Naruto stated as he clapped his hands together to make a training area where they could work in. Both Hagoromo and Kurama nodded their heads as they entered the training area to begin to train Naruto on how to use the sage's powers that had been given to him.

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