27. the meaning of Pain

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter TwentySeven: the meaning of Pain

It has only been a couple of days since Naruto had gained the sage of six paths power. Gaara had learned from Shukaku about the sage of six paths prophecy that involved Naruto. Gaara felt that he owed Naruto a debt that he could never return. One for opening up his eyes to the fact that he wasn't the only one who suffered, two for becoming his first and true friend, and three for coming to help Gaara with the Akatsuki. Naruto knew that the Jinchuriki were being targeted by the Akatsuki but even still, Naruto didn't hesitate to come to help Gaara.

"When Naruto awakes please tell him thank you. If he is ever in need of my help tell him don't hesitate to ask." stated the sand Kazekage. The two captains nodded their heads as the shook Gaara's hand before Akira summoned a dragon to bring them back to the leaf village.

This one was a white and golden feathered dragon. The dragon had small tints of blue of the feathers that surrounded its head and on the tail. The dragon had a large golden orb in the middle of its forehead and all white eyes.

"You summoned me Mistress?" asked the dragon in a female voice.

"Yes Nyexna. I need for you to bring us back to the leaf village. You will have to carry Naruto in your claws." replied Akira. Nyexna nodded her head that she understood. The large dragon knelt down allowing the two groups of ninja to climb up on her large back. Nyexna then spread open her large feathered wings to fly back to the leaf village.

Several days had passed since Naruto's fight with the Akatsuki. But the blonde showed no signs of waking up. Naruto's family was worried when Menma told them what happened.

"Menma are you certain that Naruto had gained a kekkigenkai?" asked Kushina.

"I am certain. According to what Kurama had said about the sage six paths prophecy, I think that somehow he had gained the sage's power." replied Menma.

"All we can do now is to wait for Naruto to wake up. We can't even contact our father mentally. I think that the two of them are training within Naruto's mindscape. This way Naruto can learn how to control and fully use the sage's power." stated Shuichi. Minato found himself agreeing with what Shuichi said.

A week had passed by in the blink of an eye as Minato finally stepped down letting Tsunade run the village. Little did they realize that the main boss of the Akatsuki had come to get Naruto. The Akatsuki was only a corpse puppet for the true being whom called himself or was known as Pain. But his true name was Nagato Uzumaki. He had no clue that he was after his own nephew whom held the nine-tailed beast. Pain stood upon a paper bird looking down at the leaf village.

'From here on the world shall know the meaning of pain.' the puppet known as Tendo or the Deva path thought to himself. "All Mighty Push!" yelled out Deva as he released the jutsu upon the leaf. The jutsu slammed down causing the village to shake. The buildings began to crumble as they fell to the ground. As Pain's jutsu laid waste to the village, no one saw that Minato was with Tsunade when the fourth sensed Pain's chakra. Tsunade summoned her slug, Katsuyu to go and protect the villagers as Minato used the Flying Thunder God to get some of the villagers to safety.

After the jutsu destroyed the village, Pain descended upon what was left of the leaf village. Only a small amount of the buildings remained standing. Deva found himself staring face to face with the two Hokage. Five more Pain puppets appeared as they were suddenly summoned behind Deva.

"I have come for the nine-tailed Jinchuriki. Hand him over or I will kill everyone." stated Deva. The minute that Deva mentioned that he was there for Naruto, Minato armed himself with his special kunai.

"I will not allow you to have my son. Tsunade please stay out of this fight. Focus your energy on protecting the villagers." spoke Minato. Tsunade nodded her head as one of the Anbu came and took her away before Pain could attack. Meanwhile...... Deep within Naruto's mindscape, Hagoromo sensed Pain's presence.

"Naruto..... It's time for you to go. The village needs you." stated the sage.

"Are you ready Kurama?" Naruto asked earning a nod from the fox.

"Kurama....... You did well with this host. It's up to you to help Naruto find your brothers and sisters who haven't been taken by the Akatsuki. Teach them how to activate the Biju mode."

"Don't worry...... I will help Naruto achieve the prophecy that you have foretold." replied Kurama. This caused Hagoromo to smile.

"Thank you. Now I can finally rest as I leave you both to achieve the peace that I wanted for the world." Hagoromo stated as his spirits vanished from Naruto's mindscape Naruto awoke with a jolt as he could sense everyone's chakra and presence. He could sense his family both old and new facing the Akatsuki whom had the same chakra signature as him. Naruto pulled out one of his father's kunai. Naruto used his powers to teleport himself to his father's location.

Minato stood before Pain bleeding badly. Menma and Nariko couldn't get a hit on this guy as it seemed like he could read their moves. Even Kurama's family was having a tough time dealing with the summons Pain called upon. The toad summons was helping out as much as they could possible.  Suddenly Naruto appeared out of nowhere as he slammed a Rasengan on top of Asura destroying the mechanical robot.

"Naruto!" shout out his family in shock.

"He's after me. Let me handle this. Please get as many of the villagers to safety." stated Naruto as he stared at the remaining Pains.

"No Naruto...... We won't let you face this man alone!" shouted out Nariko.

"Please go...... I don't want to lose anyone." Naruto stated. His eyes never leaving the remaining Pains before him.

"You know nothing of loss nor of pain. Allow me to show you." stated Deva as he pointed his hand at Minato. "Universal Pull!" Minato found his body being pulled towards Deva. Deva had a chakra rod in his hands as he stabbed Minato with the rod.

"Dad!" shouted out both Menma and Nariko in unison.

"Do you understand pain now? Do you hate me nine tails? Your whole village will die by my hands!"

"Shut up..... Shut up..... Shut up!" Naruto growled out. Naruto then charged at the Pains. *Yohko..... Get my family to safety! Please. I don't want them to get involved with this fight.*

*Don't worry Naruto. I will not let your father die!* replied Yohko as he transformed into his fox form scooping up Naruto's family into his tails before leaving Naruto to deal with the Pains.

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