34. Jinchuriki weapons

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC

Author: sorry for the long delay on putting this chapter up. I had to read the manga to take notes for the next several chapters in order to complete this story. Thank you for your patience and understanding as I shall now continue with this story. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Chapter ThirtyFour: Jinchuriki weapons

Zetsu traveled quickly back to Madara whom was truly Obito in disguise.  Obito managed to perform the Edo Tensei to resurrect Madara Uchiha from the grave.  Obito now called himself Tobi as he gave Madara back his weapon and command over the Akatsuki.  Both men had a transplanted Rinnegan and Sharnigan in their eyes.  Zetsu was just using both Madara and Obito to release his mother.  But Naruto was going to be an obstacle as he now had the sage's power.  Zetsu had no idea if the blonde Jinchuriiki had the power to seal his mother once again.  He wasn't going to take any chances.  Naruto had to be dealt with before Kaguya could be resurrected.

"Zetsu....... You are here.  How are things on the front line?" Madara asked as he placed on his battle armor.  

"Not really good.  I don't know how but, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze has the sage of six paths power along with a kekkigenkai that I haven't seen before." replied Zetsu.  Both Obito and Madara looked at Zetsu in shock.  "I suggest that we deal with Naruto first as he has been prophesied to be stop us."  Both Obito and Madara agreed as the three of them made their way to the battle front.

Naruto and the other Jinchuriki stood on alert knowing that the battle wasn't over with.  Soon the sound of clapping filled the area.

"I must applaud you Naruto.  You have managed to kill of most of all the Akatsuki but this will end now and here." stated Tobi.  He was to deal with the remaining Jinchurki and to capture the Biju that they had within them.

"Madara......  But then again I have a feeling that you aren't the real Madara.  Which raises the question.  Just who in the world are you?" Naruto asks,  This question causes Obito to raise his brow behind the mask.  Naruto looked ordinary but his chakra seemed changed as if he had gained more power.  

"I am no one.  I don't want to be anyone.  All I care about is completing the moon's eye plan.  This world is completely worthless.  There is nothing left in it but misery.  You three should understand that since you hold a tailed beast within you.  But I will take those beasts from you now." replied Obito as he performed a summoning jutsu calling forth the Gedo statue.  The Gedo statue opened its mouth calling forth the captured Jinchuriki.  Each one had an implanted Sharnigan and Rinnegan in their eyes.

"Actually  living with a tailed beast isn't all that bad.  You can call yourself no one so that you can start a war.  But even in this world you think of as worthless, no one is falling for your lies.  You can change your mask and take on as many names as you want but, you're still yourself as you are only one guy.  No matter what......  I'm tearing that mask off of your face!" snarled Naruto as he activated his newfound kekkigenkai but not the sage's cloak.  Naruto could feel Kurama smirking in his mind scape.

*You tell him Naruto.* stated Kurama.

"Capture them.  I want those Biju!* Obito commanded.

The Jinchuriki moved to attack Naruto, Gaara, and Killer B.  The three Jinchuriki decided to take the battle elsewhere as they didn't want those whom were fighting with them to be hurt.  Naruto knew that because of their implanted eyes, their powers was going to be stronger.

*Guys you have to be careful.  With the Rinnegan, all of their eye sight is connected.* Naruto stated mentally.

*Naruto.....  How do you know that?* asked Gaara.

*My fight with Pain.  He had the Rinnegan eyes.  These may not be the true Rinnegan as I can sense that the one whom calls himself Madara has what used to be Pain's Rinnegan.  The only way that we can counter is to take out the chakra rods that are in their body.* Naruto replied.

*What about your eyes?* asked Killer B.

*Mine can counter them to some degree but, their powers are stronger because of the two eyes that have been placed in them.* Naruto replied as he could see the captured Jinchuriki go into tailed state.

*Then lets seal these fools.  That way we can remove those rods.* replied Gyuuki as he and Killer B went into full tailed beast mode.  Gaara used his sand to immobilize the Jinchuriki's as Gyuuki made ink clones in the form of Killer B to seal them away this way Naruto could move in to take out the chakra rods.

"I don't think so." stated Obito as he snapped his fingers causing some of the Jinchuriki to go into full Biju mode.  This knocked back both Gaara and Killer B as Obito took a chance to strike at Naruto knowing that he was the biggest threat.  But Obito was stopped by Guy and Kakashi whom came to help Naruto out.  Not like the blonde needed it.

Obito let out a low snarl as he wasn't happy to see his former teammate and rival.  Before Obito could deal with the two jonin captains, the five tailed whale horse tries to attack Obito. Obito manages to stop the five tails by using the Gedo statue to spit out chakra chains that wrapped around the five tails neck.

'It seems that he doesn't have full control over them.' Naruto thought to himself.  Naruto could see the rest of the Jinchuriki go into full Biju mode.  When Naruto tries to go into sage cloaked form,  a Biju bomb knocked him away and straight into the four tails mouth.

"Naruto!" both Killer B and Gaara yell out as the Biju snapped his mouth closed with Naruto inside.  Naruto took the opportunity to speak with the four tails before the Biju could swallow him.  Naruto pulled himself into Son Goku's mindscape where he finds himself in front of the great beast. 

"So you have come to turn me into your weapon.  You probably the same as the rest of the humans. Ignorant and self riotous." 

"Sorry Son Goku but I am not here to use you as a weapon. I can't even stand the thought that you are all being controlled by someone who doesn't even care who he is." stated Naruto.

"You know my name?" Son Goku asked.

"Yes.....  Kurama and the sage of six paths told me each one of your names."

"Then tell me brat......  What would you do with us?" asked Son Goku.

"My name isn't brat.  It's Naruto......  And I would like us to be friends." replied Naruto.  This caused the four tailed ape to laugh.

"A human like you wanting to be friends with the tailed beasts!  That's funny!" roared out Son Goku.

"Are you making fun of my Kit...... Son?  If he can befriend Shukaku, Gyuuki, Matabi, Chomei, and myself......  What says that he can't befriend the rest of you?" asked a dark voice.  Son Goku went stiff at the sound of the voice as he saw at the sound of the voice as he saw Kurama in his human form standing next to Naruto.


"Give Naruto a chance.  If our father can entrust him with his power, then why shouldn't we?" asked Kurama.  Son Goku looked at Naruto as something about the blonde human made the great beast want to trust him.

"Tell you what.......  Actions speak louder than words.  Free me of these chains that control me."  Naruto smiled as he put out his fist.  Son Goku replied by hitting Naruto fist with his own.

Naruto open his eyes as he had a hard task before him.  First thing he had to do was to get out of Son's mouth.  Naruto put his fingers into a cross position creating too many clone that forced Son to spit the blonde out.

*Keep the other Biju's off of me.* Naruto told Gaara and Killer B.

*On it!* replied Killer B as he used Gyuuki's tentacles to keep the other Biju busy.  Gaara went into full Biju mode as he used his sand to bind the others.

*Let's go Kurama!* stated Naruto as he flared up his chakra to go into Biju mode. "Let's go guys!" he commanded his clones. The clones split up as ten clones moved attacking each Biju to remove as many chakra rods as they could. Then armed with Rasengans, Naruto and his clones destroyed the chakra rods. Before Obito could pull them back into the Gedo statue, Naruto enters the mindscape to meet the other Jinchuriki and Biju that he hasn't befriended yet.

"Kurama... your host is really special. He's willing to fight to help free us. He's definitely earned my trust." stated Son Goku.

"So this is the one that father prophesied. I can see why as he resembles the great sage." stated Saiken.

"Brothers and sisters give some of your chakra to Naruto this way he can stop Madara and this masked man. Give him the power to stop Juubi and to help fully free you from captivity." stated Kurama. The other Biju agreed as they all laid their hand onto one another all giving Naruto some of their chakra. Naruto leaves the mind scape as his Kyuubi mode leaves him in order to save his chakra. Obito whom has been watching Naruto as anything but a pawn. A pawn which will lead to greater thing as Naruto had no other purpose but to amuse him.  But as he looked at Naruto, he could sense this strange feeling that seemed to give Naruto the strength to continue to fight regardless of the odds.

'This war will make all pasts, all future, all existences completely irrelevant.' Obito thought to himself.


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