42. new hokage

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in but all will have powers and abilities that they don't have in the series that they come from as they may also be OCC. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Author Notes: Thank you for all your votes and comments as I enjoyed hearing what you guys thought of this story. Thank you for sticking with me as I tried my best to complete this story. There will not be any sequel to this story as I am going to be moving onto other stories and working on new projects. Now without further adue..... the last and final chapter of "The Forgotten Child of Destiny"!

Chapter FourtyTwo: new hokage

A month had come and gone in the blink of an eye since the end of the shinobi war. Kaguya had been sealed away once and for all. True peace has been established between the five great nations. It was all thanks to one ninja whom laid in a hospital bed within the leaf. Since defeating Kaguya and sealing her away, Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki remained in a comma-like state. No one knew if the blonde Jinchuriki would ever regain consciousness. Not even Kurama's children could reach their father or their adoptive brother mentally. Thankfully Shuichi's secret that he was actually a demon was only known to a select few. Since the end of the war, Tsunade knew that she couldn't continue on as hokage. Tsunade planned to make the announcement for the next hokage. Most would have picked Kakashi Hatake as the next hokage. But Tsunade was picking someone much younger and more stronger than Kakashi. The hero not only of the leaf but also of the shinobi nations. Naruto's kekkigenkai was much stronger than Kakashi as the copy cat ninja lost his during the war. No one within the leaf knew of Tsunade's choice as Naruto was going to be the youngest hokage in the history of the leaf. The other reason of why he was the most obvious choice was because of his ancestors. He was not only related to the Senju but also to the Otsutsuki.

Akira, Nariko, and Menma were paying their weekly visit to Naruto. They entered the room finding it filled with flowers and get well cards. Naruto was hooked up to an IV drip. It hurt them the most to see Naruto like this. Akira loved Naruto as she never got the chance to tell the blonde her feelings. The two Namikaze-Uzumaki siblings kept hoping that their brother would make it out of the comma.

"Hello ototo (little brother)." stated Menma.

"Hey there nisan (big brother)." added Nariko. The two Namikaze-Uzumaki siblings went over taking a hold of Naruto's hand. Before the two siblings could say anything, Naruto bolted upright waking up suddenly scaring the two siblings.

"Naruto!" they shouted out in concern. "It's all right. You are safe. You're back home within the leaf." the two siblings stated hugging Naruto. The two siblings could feel Naruto relax in their grip.

"I will go and get Lady Tsunade." stated Akira as she left the two siblings to reunite with their brother.

"How long have I been unconscious?" Naruto asked as the two siblings pulled up a chair by his bedside.

"One month. We feared that you would never regain consciousness." answered Nariko.

"Our father asked that I pass a message along to you." Menma stated.

"Go on."

"Naruto....... My son, I am so proud of you and how much you have accomplished. You have done the impossible and brough about true peace. You have united all the nations together to fight against the ones who are trying to destroy the world and our way of life. You protected your family, friends, and teammates. I couldn't have asked for a better son. You have become a full and capable ninja. I appologize for everything that your mother and I have done to you in the past. Even through all of the suffering that you have been through, you rose up to make people acknowledge you and have them see you as a human being. Not the nine tails Jinchuriki. I am very proud of you Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki."

Tears streaked down Naruto's face.

"Nariko...... Menma........ Thank you for having my back during the war. And thank you for giving me a chance to be a part of your life and being my family once again." Naruto stated as he bowed his head. The two Namikaze-Uzumaki siblings hugged their brother.

"But of course. All we have is each other." There was a knock on the door as Akira stood with Lady Tsunade.

"I see that you are finally awake Naruto. Everyone in the leaf has been worried about you." stated Tsunade.

"So tell me what have I missed since I have been unconscious." Naruto stated.

"Later Naruto. There are a lot of people whom want to see you first." The door opened up even more realing Naruto's teammate and captain. The other teams and their captains, the Kitsune family, and everyone that he cared about and fought hard to protect.

"Sorry that I had you all worried." Naruto stated with a soft smile as he bowed his head.

Two weeks had passed since Naruto had regained consciouness. The village returned back to normal. After a talk with his siblings and Kitsune family, it came to a unanamous decision that the new last name for the Namikaze-Uzumaki family will forever will be Kituzunami. It would bind the three families together the way that it was meant to be. Naruto began to date Akira after learning how much the gril loved him. According to Akira, Mikihisa had to go to the dragon world to become a part of the summons as he had become far to large for the dragon to remain in the human world. Askook Birroth, the dragon king had left Akira a new dragon to take Mikihisa's place.

"According to Askook Birroth, this new dragon will not be any bigger than the one of the dogs that the Inuzuka clan uses."

"That's good to hear. I guess that I worried both you and my family the most since the end of the war. I am sorry for that."

"What matters the most is that everyone is safe and sound. And that a true peace has begun all thanks to you." stated Akira.

"It still feels a bit odd to be hailed as a hero after everything. I heard that obachan (grandma) Tsunade is supposed to make an announcement at the hokage tower. Let's hurry." Naruto stated as he used the Flying Thunder God to bring himself and Akira to the hokage tower.

Everyone was gathered at the base of the hokage tower as Tsunade stood at the top.

"Thank you all for coming. The reason that I have all called you here today is to announce the next hokage. Many of you have come to know him as he is hailed as a hero both of the leaf and the five great nations. I am speaking of none other than Naruto Kituzunami." stated Tsunade. All turned to the blonde Jinchuriki letting out resounding cheers. Akira hugged Naruto kissing him hard on the lips. Naruto stood there in complete shock.

*Congratulations Kit.* replied Kurama mentally.

*Me......?! Hokage!* stated Naruto in shock.

*Think about it Naruto. You are the strongest shinobi around. You are the newfound sage of six paths. You saved both the leaf and all of the great nations. The ancestors that came before you were the hokage. You hold the most powerful Biju within you as you also befriended all the other Biju's and Jinchuriki. There is no better candidate for the hokage than you. You helped bring about peace, ended the war, stopped the Akatsuki, and befriended those whom went through the same suffering that you did. You are the child of prophecy. There is no one more deserving that you to be the new hokage.* stated a familiar voice in the back of his mind. Naruto entered the mindscape to see Hagoromo Otsutsuki along with his parents. Kurama stood there in his human form hugging his father one last time.

"We wanted to bid you one last farewell Naruto." stated his mother. Naruto ran to both Kushina and Minato hugging both of his parents. Both his parents were in tears.

"Thank you........ Both of you. I forgive you for everything. I'm sorry that I couldn't have been a better child. But I understand that all of it wasn't your fault. So, thank you for being the best parents I could have ever asked for."

"No thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life Naruto." Kushina replied as she kissed Naruto on the forehead before she vanished.

"Naruto......." began Minato.

"I know...... Menma gave me your message. I will try my best to make sure that everyone is protected and that the peace that I have managed to achieve never falters." replied Naruto as Minato ruffles Naruto's hair.

"I am proud of you my son. Nine tails..... Look after my son and family for me."

"Of course Lord Fourth." replied Kurama as Minato's body then vanished.

"I leave the world in your capable hands Naruto Kituzunami." stated Hagoromo before he too vanished.

The years passed by as now Naruto was twenty years old as he was happily married to Akira. They were expecting their first child any day now. Akira had a new dragon which looked a lot like a butterfly that Akira named Nabi (Butterfly in Korean).

Nariko was currently dating Sasuke Uchiha. Menma had asked for Hinata Hyuga's hand in marriage. Shinri Korudo was marrying Haku. Rock Lee was pursuing Sakura Haruno but, the girl wasn't sure of what to make of the taijutsu usuer. Ino and Sai were currently dating along with Neji and Tenten. Shikamaru was going to propose to Temari. Shikamaru had become Naruto's advisor. Menma and Sasuke were a part of Naruto's special Anbu guard. Peace still existed within the five great nations. The occasional threat that did pop up or threaten the leaf was swiftly dealt with by Naruto. Naruto looked out of the window within the hokage tower as his face had been carved into the mountain side along with the other hokage whom came before him. A soft smile caressed his face as he knew that new adventures awaited him as he planned to be the best father he could be to his own child. To tell them about the adventures that he had growing up and how he saved the world.

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