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Verde sat on the porch to the pack house rubbing his stomach. A small smile touched his lips as the children ran around playing tag in their wolf forms. Of all the packs, Dark Moon West got off relatively lucky all things considered. There hadn't been a deadly fight like Whitebeard or Frost Moon nor any sabotage or destruction like Dark Moon Central or Blackhawk. They were a smaller pack with 6,000 active personnel and their families that mainly worked at the hospital or its various rehabilitation and training centers. Many had been deployed to Blackhawk to help with the fire and were on standby when the black out happened. During the chaos when Whitebeard and Frost moon were attacked, about 600 of their own vanished without a trace.

They'd been going through the proper channels attempting to gain access to records on black listed packs, to get permission to search neutral lands and the lands of other supernaturals but were being denied at every turn. Blackhawk's request for a special investigation to be extended to the other realms was shot down before he even finished his speech at the council office. Even Frost Moon and Whitebeard's requests for war against Lightmeade and Greystone were being denied even though they had sufficient evidence justifying such a move. The alphas were frustrated with the council and growing more impatient by the day. Especially Alpha Ari Silver of Dark Moon Central whose mate was among the missing and whose pack was sheltering thousands of displaced werewolves, many with families, and the alphas from two other packs.

Verde closed his eyes and took some calming breaths as the little one inside began rolling around. He was shocked to discover he was carrying a child after so many failures. His heart ached that his little Uni was gone, unable to enjoy watching her sibling grow inside his stomach but he wouldn't allow himself to wallow in his grief. His firstborn was still alive and he knew his mates would do everything in their power to bring her home. Besides, he needed to focus on the puzzle left behind by his ex.

Zeke's memory should have been wiped clean after his bond was severed. He should not have remembered anything of Verde or Uni. Yet, he did. From the way they looked to the way they smelled. Their favorite colors and clothes that they wore.  Zeke remembered almost everything.  As Verde started going through his things, he learned alot about the man he once loved but now considered a monster.

Zeke had a degree in bioengineering. Not being too medical savvy, Verde didn't understand half of what he read. But what he gathered of what he read, Zeke soon joined a research team combining his skills with the others' skills in genetic engineering - namely gene-splicing and dna manipulation.  The last four years Zeke and his team had been working on creating a super-supernatural. One that possessed all the best traits of the supernatural world and could be controlled with nanytes.

Verde made his way up the steps to the pack house and walked into the meeting room. Beta Wren was sitting to Cisero's right. Alpha Vance, Enforcer Claus, and Punisher Tudors sat opposite the seething alpha. Verde missed what Alpha Vance said but didn't miss Cisero's chilled retort.

"The council's ineptitude wears thin. Do something or I'll take matters into my own hands."

Alpha Vance reeled back. "What are you implying?"

Cisero's eyes turned amber as he stood and approached the liaison. His patience with the council was thin. This alpha represented his mental ideal of the council at the moment: Pompous. Weak. Inept. "I'm telling you Dark Moon West has no need for alliances or nor does it owe any loyalties to cowards."

Verde walked up to his mate so he was standing between his alpha and the liaison. He gently tugged on Cisero's beard and the alpha leaned down so he was eye level with his mate. Verde pecked his lips then lightly stroked his cheek. It was a tough time for all of them but he didn't need his alpha going feral and making snap decisions. Cisero wrapped his arms around his mate's waist and pulled him as close as their growing child would allow. Verde's citrusy scent mixed with the milk and honey scent of their child soothed his wolf giving him back control.

Verde turned in the alpha's embrace and faced Alpha Vance. "Alpha, the council has been twiddling their thumbs. It's been a month and a half since the attacks and you've done nothing and prevented us from doing something. Our child is out there among who knows how many thousands of others."

"A-alpha Verde-" Vance stuttered.

Verde held up his hand silencing the alpha.  "I suggest you do something quick."

Vance arched an eyebrow.  He didn't appreciate this sub's demanding tone.  "Or?"

Verde's eyes flashed as his wolf took over just enough.  Vance took a step back as power radiated off the sub before him.  "Or you'll have a bunch of powerful lone wolves doing what they will."


Beta Colton rubbed his temple in annoyance as Ari paced back and forth in front of his desk. The alpha seemed to grow more agitated the longer their interim liaison spoke. Their original liaisons, Judge Ailyn, Punisher Meridian, and Enforcer German were removed due to Enforcer German's disappearance. Judge Ailyn was beside herself with grief and Punisher Meridian had to sign them out for a leave of absence from the council. The replacement they got was some sniveling, stuffy old shirt, who seemed to fat off power.  In fact, the man thought so highly of himself, he never bothered to visit Ari's pack opting to converse via Skype.

"Alpha Ari, we've discussed this, yes?" the portly balding were asked with a slight British accent, looking at his short nails.

Ari ran a hand through his hair and tried not to snap.  "Well, I need more space and resources. Dark Moon North simply cannot house this many displaced were long-term. We need more land and more aid."

Alpha Rollins looked at him with an air of boredom.  "I'm sorry for your trouble, alpha. But the council can do nothing."

"Then what fucking good are you?!" Ari snarled slamming his fist down on the desk.

Rollins was unruffled.  "Relax, alpha. Perhaps your allies-"

Ari cut him off.  "Dark Moon Central just hired an independent security analyst team to take the security system apart and find the traitor. Whitebeard had half their pack destroyed. Dark Moon West is in the midst of construction of a larger hospital, you know, just in case this shit happens again. Blackhawk is trying to secure resources to ensure their pack doesn't starve for the winter," Ari growled.

"Frost Moon?"

The alpha's eye twitched.  All civility fled from him.  "Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you live under a rock?! What is wrong with you?!  How did you get your fucking position, you fucking half-wit!?  Half their pack was destroyed and their son is dying. What are you fucking imbeciles doing at the council?"

"Alpha! Respect!" Rollins shouted slamming his own fist on his desk.  

Ari's eyes narrowed.  He took a deep breath.  It was pointless.  He looked directly at the monitor with his shoulder's back and head held high.  "I have no respect for cowards. The six allied packs have always been there when you call. Now we need help and you're turning your backs on us in our hour of need. This slight will not go unnoticed."


"Good day." He hit the button on the remote shutting off the camera and the tv. Ari put his palms on the desk and leaned heavily on it with his eyes closed. His wolf was snarling in agitation. He wanted their mate back and he wanted the council to get out of the way.

"Perhaps we should call our allies in Manabudh. Dong'Gul?" Colton replied.

Ari's nails raked down the top of the desk leaving deep gouges.  Why should they have to go across the world for help?  "The council is right here."  He jabbed the top of the desk with his index finger to make his point.  "It is their job to assist us first."

"And if they continue to refuse?" Colton asked standing with his hands in his pockets.  He had a challenging look about him that was unusual for him.    

Ari looked at his friend and beta.  Colton was usually a play by the rules sort of person that seldom questioned the rules or went against authority.  The alpha frowned.

Colton looked his friend in the eyes. "If the council won't help us, then what good is it for us to have them as allies?" 

"Colton, what are you saying?"

The beta shrugged and glanced to the side for a moment.  When he looked back at his friend, his eyes had changed color.  "Maybe it's time we cut ties with the council." 

*Sounds like the alphas have had their fill.  

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