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The air was thick with tension as the gathered powerful supernaturals sat around the table waiting.  No one wanted to be the first to speak.  The silence, no matter how strained, was preferable to the discussion about to be had.  Finally, a throat cleared bringing all eyes to the end of the table.

"You're behind with your payment, Alpha," a gruff voice spoke.

The addressed alpha clenched his fist and grit his teeth.  He needed no reminders.  "I know this. We can't be blamed for having difficulty uncovering the treasure. It's been buried for several millennium and there are hundreds of thousands of pieces to procure."

A heavy sigh. "Alpha, please. Spare me the excuses. A deal's a deal. We held up our end of the bargain."

He scoffed. "Hardly."

A new voice spoke tinged with amusement.  "Oh?"

Another alpha spoke in defense of his comrade.  There was plenty of blame to go around and not just on their side.  His pride as a werewolf refused to let them take the fall single-handedly.  "The modified were-soldiers were seized and those that weren't have fled to the north. Not to mention, several got lose and killed humans and supernaturals. In addition, the creature that was supposed to wipe out Blackhawk only destroyed its crops and left all the structures intact, and you failed to obtain the cursed prophesied child."

"We can't be held responsible for interference by Dark Moon and its allies!" Another voice protested across from the first alpha.

The first alpha slammed his fist on the table as his eyes flashed a dangerous golden amber.  "You were supposed to cripple Dark Moon and its allies so they wouldn't pose a threat! They're the main obstacle that needed to be dealt with!"

There was a heavy sigh drawing all their attention to the ageless being at the head of the table.

"It appears there have been failures on both sides."

The alphas grunted.

"Might I suggest we find ways to salvage it on both ends. By now the packs and their allies are rebuilding and preparing to launch full scale attacks in retaliation."

A rigid looking female to the right of the ageless being half nodded.  "Our cohorts in the councils have successfully shut down all of their requests."

"That will only work for so long before they go against the councils," the second alpha rubbed his forehead.  "De La Vega and Barbosa aren't ones to let things slide for too long. Especially since we're talking about one's child being taken."

There was a momentary pause as the information sank in.

The ageless being spoke.  "Notify our operatives across the realms. Inform them to report any activity the packs or their allies make. Especially Manabudh since they have the second largest collection of allied packs. That should keep us one step ahead of them."

"Wise idea, sir."

The first alpha spoke.  "We will continue the recovery efforts."

The gruff voice conceded.  It wasn't in their nature to walk away empty handed but they had no choice.  This time.  "We will cover our tracks. See if we can't recover the missing altered."

"Very well," the ageless one replied.  "We will convene again at the next full moon."


Uni yawned and curled up in Rico's lap pressing as close as she could to his warm body. Of all the were around them, Rico smelled the most like home. Perhaps it was the close bond that had quickly developed between her parents and Rico. Or maybe it was the fact they were always together. Whatever it was, her wolf trusted him above all others to keep them safe.


Chestnut brown eyes looked down at her. "Yes, cutie?"

"Can you tell me a story?"

He wrapped his arms around her and made himself more comfortable. "Hmm. Let me think."

"Don't you know any stories? Papa Cisero told me lots."

His chest vibrated as he chuckled.  Uni was so articulate and insightful for one her age.  "I know many but which one to tell, hmmm?"

She blinked expectantly.

"I know." His eyes lit up. "The world was once one. All the creatures of the land lived and played together without a care in the world. They were happy and loving." His voice grew serious. "Then a great war broke out involving almost all the races we know of. It raged on and on for decades, the reason behind the fighting long forgotten. There was so much life lost that the creator gods and goddesses and the death gods and goddesses cried for the other gods to do something, so that the supernatural races might be preserved."

Uni gasped. "Oh no!"

Rico nodded. "That's right. It was a sad time. The gods and goddesses decided to separate the lands into six realms. Orbis Yun became where the creator gods and goddesses and angels live among the clouds so they could watch over us all. Orbis Batu where the dragons, djinn, golem, and gargoyles live safely hidden in stone fortresses. Orbis Manabudh where the orcs, dokkalfar, goblins, and giants and such live. Orbis Dong'Gul where the dwarves, echidna, and dvergr live in caves deep in the earth and mine precious stones. Orbis Holle is home to the demons, hellhounds, and death gods and goddesses."

The little one frowned. "Is that where Martem lives?"

"Martem is from Holle but he lives with his mates in Orbis Luna."

Uni played with one of her curls, a slight frown on her face.  "What about the mer people?  Don't they live in water?"

Rico chuckled. "You're so smart. We only ever talk about the six realms but there are actually seven."

Uni's eyes widened in awe.

"The seventh realm doesn't really have a name because it's sooooo big." He opened his arms wide. "It's as big as the ocean." A frown crossed his face. "Actually, it's seven  oceans."

Uni covered her giggle.

He smiled and smoothed down her strangely colored curls. "The ocean is home to the mer, the lia, shark people, selkies and so on."

She sat up and turned so she was facing him.  Her sleepiness was temporarily forgotten.  "How do we get to those places?  Do we fly like the dragons?"

Rico hummed to himself. "Well, many people think the realms are separated from each other or stacked on top of each other but they aren't really."

"What do you mean?  Can we walk there?"

"You know how we can go from Dark Moon to Blackhawk, to Frost Moon and so on?"

She nodded. They hopped in Papa's truck and drove off. She usually fell asleep but by the time she woke up, they were there.

"It's just like that. You might have to cross mountains or rivers in a car or take a plane, but they aren't hard to get to." He chuckled as Uni yawned. It was getting late, after all, and soon they'd have to get up to resume their work in the swamps. He kissed the top of her head and nuzzled her as he rocked them softly. "Go to sleep, little one. Tomorrow I'll tell you all about the supernaturals of each realm."

She smiled sleepily. "Really?"

Rico smiled. "Really really." He waited until her eyes closed before he stopped rocking.  He enjoyed teaching her different things. She was naturally curious and asked a lot of questions. Not to mention it helped keep his mind off their situation. 

Sighing heavily and looking out the window he let his mind wander.  By the sliver of moon that peeked from behind the clouds now and again, he guessed another two weeks had passed since they were kidnapped making it almost two months.

His chest constricted and he felt tears stinging his eyes. How he desperately wanted his mate. His dom. His alpha. As the only pack co-alpha, he took it upon himself to try to keep everyone's spirits lifted. He wouldn't give in like he did when he was just a sixteen year old pup.  At times it was hard to keep up a happy front.  He wished he could feel his Ari's arms around him.  Hear his voice telling him to be strong and it would be okay.

"Still nursing that little welp?"

He rolled his eyes so hard he thought they'd be stuck.  Of all the were to be held captive with it had to be one that was not only pessimistic and cynical but delusional as well.  Day in and day out she complained about their situation and bragged about her ex-mate.  Rico was glad for their work in the muck.  It masked Uni's scent and the scent of her parents.  He had no idea if this female would try to harm a child or not but he wouldn't take any chances.

"Yes, I am.  I told you before, I won't be able to look my mate in the eyes if I let something happen to her," Rico retorted.

She snorted and tossed her hair over her shoulder.  "Should just dump her off on some omega over there.  Why put yourself out?"

As if the omegas weren't having a hard time managing as well.  He shrugged.  "What's it to you?"

She sucked her teeth and covered herself with the small blanket she had.  "Nothing at all."  Her nose wrinkled as she eyed Uni.  "Kids are gross."

"What if your mate wants kids?"

A yawn escaped her chapped lips.  "All kids do is whine, cry, eat, sleep and poop.  Who would want such a dirty thing?"

Rico shook his head and hugged Uni tighter.  If only she knew.  Not only was Uni her ex-mate's child but, according to Uni, another child would soon be on the way.  A smile touched his lips.  "Stupid woman.  That's why the goddess cursed you," he mumbled in Uni's hair soft enough for neither to hear.  Soon his eyes shut and he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

*Rico's still holding on.  Who are these mysterious people meeting in secret?

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