Chapter 2: Information

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Third Person POV 

???: I think we need to discuss about our new guest. For now, we've quaratined it to EDI's AI core. We need better equipment to fight the reapers. will be invaluable asset to Cerberus.
She said as she looked at Shepard and Jacob. 

Jacob: We'll have to disagree with that ma'am. We don't know what this guardian is capable of. Keep him in there till we know more about him Miranda. 

Miranda: Cerberus need info from this guardian to defeat the reapers. I assure the reward is significant. 
She said as Shepard crossed her arms. 

Shepard: I never heard anything about 
She said as she looked at the hologram of Y/N. 

Shepard: I've only heard of protheans. 
She said as she looked at the two. 

Jacob: Who knows what this thing is capable of. Just space it. 
He said to her. 

Miranda: You can try and talk to it but it should be in humanity's benefits, not out of morbid curiosity. 

Jacob: My best suggestion would be to space it. 

Shepard: I'm not deciding one way or the other on who this guardian is. I want to meet it and get some info on what we're dealing with. 

Miranda: And if something happens, there is no guarantee that we can keep it alive. 
She said, placing her hands on the table between them. 

Jacob: Bullets can. 

Miranda: That's not what I-

Shepard: Thank, both of you for your recommendations. I've made my decision. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was sitting down as he leaned against a wall, hearing nothing but the software running as he sat there. 

Y/N: Ghost. 
He said as the ghost formed by him. 

Ghost: Yes, guardian? 

Y/N: Find me more information about this ship, personnel, and who they're working for. 
He orders as the ghost flew to the software before scanning it. 


EDI: Countermeasures activated. 
It said as the ghost looked at him. 

Ghost: There is an AI preventing me from getting in. 

Y/N: Damn it. 
He cursed loudly before hearing the door open, seeing two men with rifles as Shepard walked into the room. 

Shepard: Trying to hack into the ship already. 
She said as she looked at him, her arms crossed as his ghost flew back to him. 

Shepard: Can you understand me? 
She asked as Y/N looked at her before slowly shaking her head. 

Ghost: Commander Shepard. 
It said as she looked at the machine. 

Shepard: So you can. What about you? 
She asked as she looked at the reader. 

Shepard: You're a guardian. Never heard of one called a guardian. 
She said as Y/n remained silent. 

Shepard: So... are you going to tell me anything about this guardian and where they came from? 
She asked as Y/N slowly looked at the ghost. 

Ghost: Y/N here was chosen as one of the many during his time. 
It answered as Shepard looked at him. 

Shepard: Chosen for what? 

Ghost: To fight the protheans. 

Shepard: What. I thought the protheans were the only ones of the last cycle. 
She said as she looked at the Ghost. 

Ghost: They were the ones that last the longest against the reapers. 
It said as Shepard looked at the two. 

Shepard: Why did you fight against the protheans? 

Ghost: Invasion. Killed anyone who opposed them. Become a prothean or die. 
It said as Shepard looked at Y/N and his set of armor. 

Shepard: How long did you and the guardians last against the reapers? 

Ghost: Just as long as the protheans. 

Shepard: Then how come we haven't found any remains of your civilization? 
She asked the two as Y/N clenched his fists in anger. 

Ghost: Our home was taken away long before the reapers arrived. We were nomads of our time. Different stations where we called home. 

Shepard: How did the guardians fall? 

Ghost: Indoctrinated forces. We were sabotaged from within and most of us perished. 
It said as Y/N clenched his fists. 

Shepard: I see you are against the reapers and the survivor of your time. Will you help us? 
She asked as Y/N nodded. 

Ghost: He agrees. 
It said as Shepard nods before walking out of the room, leaving the two alone. 

???: Shepard, are you sure its wise for that "ghost" to remain with the guardian? 

Shepard: That ghost is the only thing we have that is able to communicate with him Edi. 

Edi: I see. I'll prepare additional firewalls for any hacking attempts. 

Shepard: Good idea. 
She said before walking into a kitchen area. 

???: A guardian. One from the last cycle. It's...amazing. 
She heard a voice before turning to Tali standing in a corner. 

Shepard: I thought you'll be in the engine room. 
She said as she looked at Tali. 

Tali: Just wanted to observe the guardian we found back on Mahavid.
She said with hints of excitement. 

Shepard: You sound excited about our guest. 

Tali: Just thinking about all the tech the guardians used in their time. And that armor, I'm curious on how he was able to craft his. 

Shepard: I see. Talk to you later Tali. 

Tali: Bye Shepard. 
She said as Shepard entered an elevator. 

Shepard: A guardian. A soldier with experience against the reapers. This could be interesting. 
She thought to herself before seeing the elevator open, revealing a large room with a map. 

Joker: Commander, where shall we go? 
He asked over the intercom as Shepard overlooked the map in front of her. 

Shepard: Hmm... we need to build our team to fight against the collectors. Let's go recruit Jack. 

Here is chapter 2 of The Forgotten! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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