Chapter 3: Jack

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Third Person POV 

Shepard walked out of a docking bay as Miranda and Garrus while two guards stood in front of them, holding rifles in hand. 

???: Welcome to the Purgatory, Shepard. Your package is being prepped and you can claim it shortly. As this is a high security vessel, you'll need to relinquish your weapon before we proceed. 

Shepard: I can't do that. 
She replies as another guard walked from behind the two guards. 

???: Everyone stand down. Commander, I'm Warden Kuril, and this is my ship. Your weapons will be returned on the way out. You must realize this is just a standard procedure. 
The guard said as the three remained silent. 

Shepard: It's my standard procedure to keep my gun. 
She replies as the warden glared at her. 

Warden Kuril: Let them proceed. Our facility is more than secure enough to handle three armed guests. We're bringing Jack out of cryo. As soon as the funds clear, you can be on your way. If you'll follow me to Out-processing for the pick-up Commander. 

Shepard: Let's go. 
She said as they followed the Warden Kuril through a door. 

Warden Kuril: Cellblock two. 
He said as the three looked at the right. 

Warden Kuril: As you can see, we keep tight control over the population. 
He said as a machine grabbed a cell before placing on their left. 

Warden Kuril: Each prisoners' cell is a self-contained, modular unit. I've blown a few out of the airlock as an example. The ship is made up of 30 cell blocks identical to this one. We house thousands of criminals. 
He said as he continued to walk down the hall way. 

Warden Kuril: We can put the whole place in lockdown on a moment's notice. 
He said as he turned towards them. 

Warden Kuril: Nothing goes wrong here. 

Shepard: Maintaining a population this size in space can't be cheap. 
She said, crossing her arms. 

Warden Kuril: We can cut corners that governments can't. And each prisoner brings in a fee from his home world. These individuals are violent, and their home planet pays well to keep them here. 

Shepard: What happens if the home world doesn't want to pay? 

Warden Kuril: We explain that we can't maintain the prisoner without their help. So we'll be forced to release him back onto his home world. At an unspecified place and time. 

Miranda: So it's an extortion racket. 

Warden Kuril: You don't have to agree with my methods but don't question my motives. These are despicable people and I am keeping them locked up. 

Shepard: How did you end up running this ship? 

 Warden Kuril: I was in law enforcement on Palaven, and got sick of seeing criminals escape out into the galaxy to carry on with their crimes. Bounty hunters aren't dependable. Eventually I hit upon this idea. Keep the criminals in space and the galaxy is a safer place. 

Shepard: You do this because you think it's necessary? 

Warden Kuril: Everyday I see the worst sapient life has to offer. Governments are soft, unwilling to make the hard choices. Someone had to stand up and make the galaxy safe. 

Shepard: Can you tell me about Jack? 

Warden Kuril: Cerebrus hasn't told you? Jack is the meanest handful of violence and hate I've ever encountered. Dangerous, crazy, and very powerful. You'll see soon enough. 

Shepard: Let's get on with this. 
She said as Warden Kuril turned around and walked down the hall. 

Garrus: Have there been escape attempts? 

Warden Kuril: We're in space. They have nowhere to go and they know it. But still, we exercise extreme caution. These are dangerous individuals. 
He said as Shepard and Garrus looked to the side, seeing a a forcefield separating two prisoners. 

Warden Kuril: We have many ways to control the population. 
He said as another door opened. 

Warden Kuril: I'm going to confirm that the funds from Cerberus cleared. Outprocessing is straight down this hallway. 
He said as he looked at Shepard. 

Warden Kuril: Just keep going past the interrogation rooms and the supermax wing. 
He said before walking away from them. 

Warden Kuril: I'll catch up with you...Shepard. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was standing in a room as he looked out the window, staring into the dark void as his ghost formed beside him. 

Ghost: Guardian... 
It said as Y/N continued to stare out into space. 

Ghost: Don't you think it will be a good idea to learn about the language and the culture of this time period. 
It said as Y/N looked at his ghost. 

Y/N: Show me. 
He said as the ghost formed a hologram by him. 

Y/N slowly turned towards the ghost as he scanned the hologram. 

Y/N: Asari... Salarians... Turians... Krogan... Quarians... Humans. 
He said as he skimmed through the hologram. 

Y/N: Citadel. Commander Shepard, confirmed killed in action. What else do you have. 

Ghost: I have data on the separate species of this time.
It said as it formed another hologram. 

Y/N: Hmm... Turians. Known for their militaristic culture and holds the strongest military. First Contact War with the humans... Come from the planet known as Palaven. 
He thought to himself as a door to the room slowly opened. 

Y/N turned towards the door, holding his gun in hand as Tali stood there with her hands up. 

Tali: Oh... I didn't know you were in here. 
She said as Y/N looked at her through his helmet, still holding his gun in hand. 

Ghost: She said she didn't know you were in here. 
It told him as Y/N looked at his ghost before slowly lowering his gun and turned towards his ghost, reading the hologram once more. 

Tali: You know...I'm shocked that...a guardian is alive. 
She said as she slowly approached him. 

Ghost: Guardian, this one is a quarian. This one is known as Tali'Zorah nar Rayya. 
It told him as Y/N looked at her. 

Tali: I've never seen this type of tech before. 
She said as she looked at the Ghost. 

Ghost: I'm a Ghost. 

Tali: A ghost? What do you do?

Ghost: I help the guardian navigate through space and help him way I can. 
It told her as Tali looked at the guardian, seeing him look at the hologram. 

Tali: Your people certainly would have amazing technology. 
She said as Y/N remained silent, reading the hologram as she looked down. 

Ghost: Hmm... that isn't right. A machine called the Geth... sounds like the Vex all those years ago guardian. 

Tali: Vex? What is a vex? 
She asked as she looked at the Ghost. 

Ghost: An A.I that turned an entire planet into machine and eradicated all life on the planet. An A.I the guardians worked to destroy and leave no trace. 
It told her as Tali looked at Y/N. 

Tali: Just like us. 
She said as Y/N walked out of the room to see Shepard with a bald woman. 

Shepard: Y/N.
She said as the woman turned towards him. 

???: Hmm... you're not part of Cereberus. 
She said as Y/N walked past them before walking into another room. 

???: Silent type huh. 
she said as she looked at Shepard. 

To Y/N 

Y/N leaned against the wall as he crossed his arms, closing his eyes. 

Y/N: Why did you tell Tali about the Vex. 
He asked as the ghost formed in front of him. 

Ghost: She sounded... curious. 
It answered as Y/N opened his eyes to look at it. 

Y/N: Just reading from the quarians history, I'm surprised she has some interest in the Vex. 
He scoffs. 

Ghost: You sound as if you didn't want her to find out about the Vex. 

Y/N: I'm a guardian in an unknown world and time period. I'm the last of the guardians. I don't need another creating the Vex again or...
He said as the Ghost looked at him. 

Ghost: You're thinking about that time again Guardian... 
It sad as Y/N shook his head before hovering in front of him. 

Ghost: The time where Rasputin was turned and targeted us. Then A-
It said before Y/n grabbed his ghost. 

Y/N: Just shut up and deactivate. 

To Shepard 

Shepard walked up to a man sitting in a chair before slowly turning around to face her. 

???: Commander. What can I do for you. 

Shepard: Set course for Ilium. 

Here is chapter 3 of The Forgotten! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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