Chapter 7: Miranda

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Third Person POV 

???: Ms. Lawson, I'm glad you made it. We've had a complication. 
A woman said as Miranda and Shepard approached her. 

Miranda: What happened? Is Oriana all right? 
She asked, worried. 

???: She's fine. listed a man named Niket as your trusted source? He contacted me, warning that your father has sent Eclipse mercenaries to make a sweep. He suggested that the mercs might be watching for you personally. He's offered to escort Oriana's family to the terminal instead. 

Shepard: You didn't mention anything about Niket. 
She said as she looked at Miranda. 

Miranda: He's a friend. He and I go back a long way. 

???: Do you want to bring any of your Illium contacts, Ms. Lawson? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Miranda: No. You and Niket are the only two I trust on this.

Shepard: What information do you have about the mercenaries? 
She asked as she looked at the woman. 

???: I've confirmed that they're Eclipse, and that they're working for an organization Ms. Lawson warned us about. I could try to alert the authorities, but so far, they've done nothing illegal. 

Miranda: You made the right decision. We'll handle this ourselves. 
She said before looking at Shepard. 

Shepard: It's your sister, Miranda. What do you want to do? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Miranda: We'll follow Niket's suggestion. You and I will draw their attention. Have Nikket escort the family to the shuttle. Give him full access to the family's itinerary, just to be safe. 


Shepard: Put us in that cover behind them.

Miranda: Lets hope they really want to take us alive. 
She said as Y/N readied his weapons before hearing pings against the windows. 

???: Hold fire! 
A muffled voice yelled as Shepard landed the vehicle. 

Ghost: Guardian, let them talk. 
It said as Y/N climbed out of the vehicle, looking at a group of the mercenaries. Looking at their yellow armor and aura as a helmetless soldier walked towards them. 

Miranda: Since you're not firing yet, I trust you know who I am. 

Merc Leader: Yeah. They said you'd be in the car. You're the bitch that kidnapped our boss's little girl. 
He said as the three approached him. 

Miranda: Kidnapped? This doesn't involve you. I suggest you take your men and go. 

Merc Leader: Think you got it all lined up, huh? Captain Enyala's already moving in on the kid. She knows about Nikket. He won't be helping you. 

Shepard: What do you mean, Niket won't be helping us? 
She asked as Y/N scanned the mercenaries. 

Merc Leader: Nothing you need to worry about. Nobody's going to get killed unless you do something stupid. You walk away, the girl goes back to her father, and everybody's happy. 

Miranda: Everybody but my sister...and me. 

Shepard: Shouldn't we be talking to Captain Enyala about this? 

Merc Leader: You don't want to talk to the captain. She's not as polite as I am. 
He said, crossing his arms behind his back and turned around before looking back at them. 

Merc Leader: She's the best commando I've ever seen. I've seen her tear people in half with her biotics. And she's getting paid a lot to stop you.  

Miranda: She gets in my way, she'll never have a chance to spend it. 

Shepard: Miranda, you said she was your twin sister. 
She said as Y/N and Shepard looked at her. 

Merc Leader: That what she told you? No, this crazy bitch kidnapped our boss's baby daughter. He's been looking for her more than a decade. 

Miranda: It's complicated, Shepard. We share the same DNA, just not the same birthday. 

Merc Leader: You took a baby from the richest guy in the galaxy lady, I don't know what your damage is, but you're not getting away with it. 

Shepard: You're not getting Miranda's sister. If you push this, it'll go badly for you. 

Merc Leader: Captain Enyala ordered us to give you one chance to walk away. But this whole time we've been talking, my men have been lining up shots. 
He said as he approached Shepard while Y/N slowly reached for his weapons. 


The Merc leader fell to the floor as Miranda shoots at another while Shepard shoots a crane, causing it to drop a container onto a group of mercenaries. 

Ghost: Guardian behind yo-BANG 
It said as Y/N spun around before shooting at another mercenary, his handgun lighting up before blowing the mercenary's head clean off. 

Y/N: That feels... different. 
He thought to himself, staring down at the man's body. His head nowhere to be seen as he stood there, blood running down his face. 

Ghost: Guardian... I don't think it exists anymore. 
It said as Y/N stood there. 

Y/N: I see. 
He said before following Miranda and Shepard into an elevator. 

Shepard: Are you okay? 
She asked as Y/N nodded. 

Ghost: He just needs time to adjust. 
It said as Shepard nods before looking at Miranda. 

???: Team 4, respond. 
A voice called out as the two turned around to see a radio. 

Miranda: Hold on, I can patch us in to give us an idea of what's going on. 
She said before tapping it. 

Miranda: There. 
She said before looking at Shepard. 

Miranda: Shepard, I think I owe you an explanation. Oriana is my twin, genetically. But my father grew her when I was a teenager. She was meant to replace me. I couldn't let my father do to her what he did to me. So I rescued her. She's almost a woman now. 

Shepard: Why didn't you tell me that we were saving a kid? 

Miranda: She's not a child, she'll be 19 this year. But...well, it didn't seem relevant at the time, I suppose. There are people who'd use her against me. I'm very protective when it comes to Oriana. I'm sorry I didn't trust you sooner.  You deserved to know. 
She said as Y/N listens silently. 

Shepard: I can understand choosing to go own your way but you stole a child from her father. 

Miranda: If you knew my father, you would understand. I wasn't the first one he made. I was only the first he kept. 
She said as she turned away from him, looking out the elevator window as she crossed her arms. 

Y/N: Why are we not doing anything about the reapers. 
He thought to himself, angrily. 

Miranda: I was brought up with no friends, pushed to meet impossible demands. I wasn't a daughter to him. I was...I don't know what  I was. 
She said before looking at her once more. 

Miranda: Oriana has had a normal life. I made the right decision. 

Shepard: If Eclipse knows where Oriana is, they'll be moving in on her soon. We need to hurry. 

Miranda: Agreed. I'm a bit worried by what the merc said. If they've got to Nikket somehow, this is going to be harder than I'd planned. 
She said as the elevator doors opened. 

Miranda: According the specs I reviewed, we'll need to cut through the cargo processing yard to get to Oriana. 

Shepard: I hope your friend can be trusted. 

Miranda: Absolutely. Niket is one of my oldest friends. I guess you could say he was my only real friend. He's the only person I didn't cut ties with when I left my father. 

Shepard: Is there a chance your father could be using Niket to get to you? 

Miranda: I'm sure he's tried, but Niket's one of the few people who understands what my father is really like. I trusted him with my life when I ran from my father, Shepard. He won't be betray with me now. 

Shepard: Let's go find Niket and Oriana. 
She said as Miranda nodded as Y/N followed them. 

Ghost: Guardian, I sense several enemies by a hazardous container. 
It said as Shepard shot at the container. 

Ghost: Enemies eliminated. 

Shepard: You sure are helpful. 
She comments as Y/N grabbed an enemy by the throat before hearing a snap. 

Y/N: Feeble. 
He comments as the mercenary went limp before dropping him to the floor. 


Shepard: Y/N! 
She yelled out as Y/N slowly turned towards a mercenary, his eyes widen before being gunned by down by the guardian. 

???: Niket has reached the terminal. He'll switch the family over to our transport. 
A voice said as Miranda's eyes widen. 

Miranda: Niket? T-That can't be right. 
She said as the three entered another elevator. 

Shepard: Mira-

Miranda: Maybe the captain knows we're listening in and she's feeding misinforation about Niket making a switch. 
She said as Shepard pressed a button, causing the elevator to go up. 

Miranda: Or maybe it means something else. Niket wouldn't do that. Damn it, why won't this thing go any faster? 
She hissed before an omni tool formed around her arm as the elevator suddenly went faster. 

Shepard: Did Niket know that you took Oriana from your father? 

Miranda: No, he just found out that recently. It was too personal to involve someone else. I never really thought about it, but He'd have to understand why I did it. He knows what I went through. 
She replied as she looked at Shepard. 

Shepard: What makes you so sure that Niket wouldn't turn on you? 

Miranda: He could've turned on me when I ran away. I'm sure my father tried to buy him off. If he didn't do it then, why would he do it now? 
She asked, rubbing her forehead. 

Shepard: We won't know anything until we find Niket. 

Miranda: Then I'll have a word with this Captain Enyala. 
She said as the elevator slowly came to a stop. 

Y/N: Let's get this over with. 

Somewhere Else 

Niket: Listen to me, I've got authorization to change their booking.
He said as an asari held a tablet in her hands. 

Asari: I'm sorry, sir. We're under security lockdown. Until the situation in the cargo terminal is resolved, no passengers can be rebooked. 
She said as she looked at him. 

???: This isn't worth my time, Niket. I get paid regardless of how the girl gets there. 
She said, glaring at him. 

Niket: No! I told that I could handle handle this my way. We're not traumatizing the family any more than-THUD 

???: Niket. 
A voice called out as the group of three turned around to see Shepard, Miranda, and Y/N. Their weapons in their hands as they looked at each other. 

Niket: Miri? 

???: This should be fun. 
The asari said as she stood up, holding a weapon before shooting the other asari. 

Miranda: Niket, you sold me out. 
She said, glaring at him. 

Shepard: How do you want to handle this? 

Miranda: Why, Niket? You were my friend. You helped me get away from my father. 

Niket: Yes, because you wanted to leave. That was your choice. But if I'd known you've stolen a baby-

Miranda: I didn't steal her! I rescued her! 

Niket: From a life of wealth and happiness? You weren't saving her! You were getting back at your father. 

Shepard: How did Miranda's father turn you? 
She asked, still pointing her weapon at him. 

Niket: They told me you'd kidnapped your baby sister all those years ago. They said I could help get her back peacefully. No trauma to the family. I told them you'd never do that. That they could go to hell. Then you finally told me what you'd done. I called them back that night. 

Miranda: Why didn't you call me, Niket? We've been through a lot. You could've at least let me explain. 

Niket: I deserved to know that you'd stolen your sister, Miri. I deserved to know you were with Cerebrus. But I had to hear it from your father first. 

Shepard: How much did he pay you. 

Niket: A great deal. 

Y/N: Of course. 
He thought to himself as he glared the two, rubbing his finger against the trigger. 

Miranda: Damn it, Niket! You were the only one I trusted from that life. 

Niket: He knew you felt that way. That's why he bought me. 

Miranda: So you just took his money. 

Niket: Don't get holy with my, Miri. You took his money for years. 

Shepard: And what about you, Enyala? I knew Eclipse was willing to get their hands dirty but kidnapping a kid? 

Enyala: I'm not stealing her. I'm rescuing her. Come on, Niket. Let's finish this bitch off and get out of here. 

Miranda: Take your best shot. 

Enyala: I was just waiting for you to finish getting dressed. Or does Cereberus really let you whore around in that outfit? 

Shepard: If Niket knows about Oriana, then your father does too. Relocating her won't work. 

Y/N: Should just kill him and the captain. 
He growled to himself.

Niket: Miranda's father has no information about Oriana. 
He said as Miranda slowly lowered her gun. 

Niket: I knew you had spy programs in your father's system, Miri, so I kept it private. I'm the only one who knows. 

Miranda: Which means that you're the only loose end. This isn't how I wanted it to end, Niket. I'm going to miss you... 
She said before raising her gun once more. 

Shepard: Miranda, wait! You don't want to do this. 
She said, grabbing onto her arm. 

Miranda: This has to end here, Shepard. My father will keep trying to find Oriana. 

Shepard: Maybe Nicket can your father. Just say you got here first. 
She said as she looked at her while Y/N kept his gun trained on the two. 

Niket: I'll...I'll tell him that you hid her. That I don't know where she is. 

Miranda: Then I don't ever want to s-BANG 

Enyala: Do-BANG
She said before half of her head suddenly disappeared and collapsing onto the ground. 

Shepard: Let's head back. 


Miranda: I can't believe Niket sold me out. I didn't even see it coming. 
She said as she faced a wall, looking down as the two looked at her. 

Shepard: Even with all your upgrades, you're human just like the rest of us. 

Miranda: But I let it get personal...and I screwed up. Why didn't you let me kill him? I could have handled that. But watching him get gunned down by that asari bitch... 

Shepard: You still cared for him, even if he betrayed you. 

Miranda: You're right. And my father knew it. He used that against me. It has always been like this. My father gave me anything I ever wanted, but there was always a hook, angle for his long-term plan. I threw away everything he ever gave me when I ran. Except Niket. Weakness on my part. 
She said as she looked at Shepard. 

Shepard: You can't toss aside everything you care about just to be safe. 

Miranda: It's okay, Shepard. My father hurt me but didn't break me. As much as he tried to turn me into exactly what he wanted... I'm my own person. 

Shepard: You still have Oriana. 

Miranda: My father didn't give her to me. I rescued her. 
She replied. 

Miranda: But yes. You're right. I still have something. Thank you. 

Time-Skip, back to Normandy 

Tali's POV 

"These weapons are crafted to perfection." 
I said with awe, running my hands over the guardian's weapons. 

"Did he craft these himself?" 
I asked myself as I scanned through them. 

"These are not like anything I've ever seen amongst the alliance."
I thought to myself before feeling a hand grab me from behind. 

I yelled before seeing him. His blue visor and white helmet. 

"O-Oh, sorry." 
I said as I looked at him with a bit of worry, still feeling his grip on my shoulder. 

"I-I-I was just inspecting your weapons." 
I said to him as I saw his "Ghost" behind him, saying something foreign to me before feeling his grip loosen up. 

"What's your name? I'm Tali." 
I asked as he  looked at his weapon. 

Y/N: Tali? 
I heard him speak, brokenly as he looked at me. 

"Yes, my name is Tali." 
I said as I looked at him, smiling under my helmet as I looked at him. Seeing his figure as his cape wrapped around his neck and runs down his back. His unique armor as his ghost stayed by his side. 

Ghost: Tali, would you mind giving us sometime to ourselves. Guardian here wants some sleep to clear his head. 
It said as I slowly nodded. 

"Okay. I'll be in Engineering if you want to talk sometime." 
I said before walking out of the room, hearing him murmur something in a foreign language. 

"I wonder why he keeps that helmet on. Does he suffer from an affliction?" 

To Y/N 

Ghost: Guardian, you've just spoke your first word in their language. 
It said as Y/N looked at it. 

Y/N: Yes? 

Ghost: Have you been learning? 

Y/N: If I can't get them to prepare to stop the reapers then I might as well have die on that battlefield. 
He growled as he clenched his fists. 

Ghost: Guardian, don't be so har-

Y/N: If I can't do my last job then I have failed the others and our people. To help them prepare, I must learn of this time's language and culture. Now get me everything you can learn about those aboard and anything that will help. 

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