Chapter 6: The Past

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Third Person POV 

???: Wait. Before you kill me, just tell me who hired you. 
An asari woman said as she looked at Shepard, Garrus, and Miranda. 

Shepard: Who do you think it was? 
She asked as Garrus and Miranda pulled out their weapons. 

Asari Woman: Screw you. 

Shepard: Charming. 

Asari Woman: Kill me, then. I'm not playing your stupid games. 
She said as she turned around, facing a window. 

Asari Woman: Well, you made it this far. Now what? 
She asked as she turned towards Shepard. 

Shepard: You really think I'm here to kill you? 

Asari Woman: Do you have another reason for destroying my tower? Decimating my security?

Shepard: I'm just looking for someone. 

Asari Woman: You expect me to believe that? Is it credits? Is that what you want? Just tell me your price. We can make this problem go away. 

Shepard: All the credits in the world won't make this problem go away, Nassana. 
She said as she crossed her arms. 

Nassana: Who the hell gave you the right to play god? I may not be perfect, but look at you. We both kill people for money. What's the difference? 
She asked before turning around once more. 

Shepard: You kill people because you think they're beneath you; they're in your way. I kill people when they leave no choice. 
She answered as Nassana turned towards her again. 

Nassana: You've got a choice. 
She said as a large thud was heard. 

Nassana: You don't have to do this. I can tell you-what? 
She said with hints of annoyance as her security looked around the room. 

Security 1: I heard something. 
One said as Nassana sighs with annoyance. 

Nassana: Damn it. Check the other entrances! 
She orders as the others scanned the room. 

Nassana: You, stay put. 
She said, glaring at Shepard as a humanoid figure drops behind the security. 

Nassana: When I'm finished dealing with this nuissance, you and I are going to -SNAP 
She said as she turned around to see a humanoid figure in a black suit, feeling a gun at her gut. 


The humanoid slowly placed Nassana onto the table as he clasped his hands together. 

Garrus: Impressive. You certainly know how to make an entrance. 
He said as Shepard slowly walked up to the stranger. 

Shepard: I was hoping to talk to you. 
He said as the humanoid looked at her. 

???: I must apologize, but prayers for the wicked must not be forsaken. 

Shepard: Do you really think she deserves it? 

???: Not for her. For me. The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone. Take you, for instance. All this destruction...chaos. I was curious to see how far you'd go to find me. 
The humanoid said as he ran his hand along the table before facing her. 

???: Well, here I am. 

Shepard: I do want to talk to you but how did you know I was here? 

???: Gunfire and explosions. I prefer to work quietly. If I have to fight through guards, I've made a mistake. I rarely make mistakes. You disrupted my plan but your distance eventually proved valuable. 
He said as he now stood in front of Garrus. 

Shepard: Let's cut to the chase. I need you for a mission. 

???: Indeed? 

Shepard: You're familiar with the collectors? 
She asked as the humanoid turned around and walked towards the large windows. 

???: By reputation. 

Shepard: They're abducting entire human colonies. Freedom's Progress was their handiwork. 
She said as she crossed her arm again. 

???: I see. 

Shepard: We're going after them. 

???: Attacking the collectors would require passing through the Omega 4 relay. No ship has ever returned from doing so. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Shepard: They told it was impossible to get to Ilos, too. 

???: A fair point. You've built a career on performing the impossible. 
He said as he turned back towards the large windows. 

???: This was to be my last job. 
He said before looking at her. 

???: I'm dying. 
He told her before looking at the window. 

???: Low survival odds don't concern me. The abduction of your colonists does. 

Shepard: You're dying? Are you contagious? How long do you have? 

???: We discuss it on your ship. The problem isn't contagious and it won't affect my work. 

Shepard: I hadn't heard that. Is there anything I can do? 

???: Giving me this opportunity is enough. The universe is a dark place. I'm trying to make it brighter before I die. 
He said before turning towards her. 

???: Many innocents died to day. I wasn't fast enough, and they suffered. I must atone for that. I will work you for Shepard. No charge. 
He said before shaking her hand. 

To Y/N 

Y/N: This city is not that bad. 
He said to his ghost as he looked out the window, looking at Ilium as ships flew by. 

Ghost: It's weird isn't it. It brings back memories right? 
It asked as it looked at him, seeing Y/N remain silent. 

Ghost: Oh no... 


Y/N: What a beautiful view. 
He said as he stood on a roof top, overlooking the city as his ghost formed by his side. 

Ghost: You always come up here. 

Y/N: Can you blame me? 

Y/N: The night lights are on. People are out having the times of their lives. 

Ghost: But guardian, you do realize we're at war. 

Y/N: And by war, we're rescuing those from being abandoned by the Protheans. 


???: What are you doing up here? 
A feminine voice called out to him as she sat by him. 

Y/N: Just relaxing up here.
He said as he looked at her, seeing a humanoid figure with purple skin with short silver hair going down to her shoulders. 

???: You're always up here. 
She giggles as she laid her head on his shoulder. 

Y/N: The view is nice. What's a better place to be at? 
He asked as she looked at him, running her fingers along his cheek. 

???: Thank you for bringing me here. 
She said as she ran her hand along his chest plate. 

Y/N: Part of being a guardian. 

Flashback Ends 

Ghost: Guardian, don't think too hard on it. 
It said as Y/N remind silent, seeing his reflection in the glass. 

Ghost: Don't blame yourself what happened guardian. 


???: G-G-Guardian? 
The same girl asked with tears running down her cheeks as Y/N held her in his arms. 

Y/N: I'm right here. 
He said as he looked at her, holding her hand in his as gunshots echo throughout the city streets. 

???: I-I'm scared. 
She stuttered before coughing up blood as his ghost attempted to her. 

Y/N: It's alright. I'm alright here. 
He said as her head slowly leaned onto his chest plate, going motionless as he gripped her hand. 

Ghost: Guardian... she's gone. 
It told him as Y/N continued to hold onto her. 

Ghost: Guardian... 
It said as a tear slowly ran down his cheek. 


Ghost: G-Guardian? W-We have to go. 
It told him as a prothean aimed at him, it's finger on the trigger. 


The prothean crashed into the ground as Y/N held a golden hand gun in hand. A orange aura surrounding him as he slowly stood up, continuing to hold the girl close. 

Ghost: Guardian. The city is lost. We have to get to the rendezvous point. 

Y/N: They'll pay for this. All of them will pay for this. 

Ghost: Guardian? 

Y/N: Those protheans will pay for what they did here. 

Flashback Ends 

???: Hey. 
A voice called out to him as Y/N slowly turned around to see Shepard. 

Shepard: I need you for a mission. 
She said as Y/N walked towards her. 

Y/N: Tell her. 
He tells his ghost as Shepard looked at him. 

Ghost: He said he'll go. 

Y/N: Ask her about the details. 

Ghost: He's curious about the mission details. 

Shepard: We're going to help Miranda look after her sister.

Here is chapter 6 of The Forgotten! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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