A Visit During the Day

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Roe's POV-

After me and the girls finished the day we walked to where we lived, it was an old neighborhood that barely anyone lived in and so it is peaceful to walk around. We live close to eachother and I was the how lived on the farthest away from them for some reason, but that's about 4 blocks from them so it isn't that bad.
As I reached home I went to the back where my older sister and I build a small stable from animals but now it's used for other reasons...
As I got door to the stable I took a deep breath so I could pull off my best smiled, as I opened the door I saw my sister in the stables "Hi Brietta" I said as I came close to her, she was looking into a mirror that she would some times look at so she don't forget what she looks like.
"Hello Roe, how was school?" she asked and looked up at me from the ground "It was fine... me and the girls fought off a Akumatized person named Nino, I have friends" I said calmly as I let my Kwami named Melody out of my bag so she can fly around. "That's cool, and hello Melody" she said smiling at the little rabbit Kwami "Hiya Beretta" she said and rupped her cheek against Beretta "You girls go inside, I don't want you to keep you away from your homework" she said and I groaned and walked away not wanting to do homework.
Then the door bell rang, I went to answer it as Melody hid in the pocket of my jacket. When I opened the door I saw "Adrien?" I asked way to confused for my own good "Hi Roe, may I come in?" he asked politely so I let him in. "So what brings you to the small part of Paris?" I asked closing the door behind him "Well I went to take a walk and not model for my dad's fashion and we'll I saw you walk to this house and wanted to see you" he said sweetly "Awe that's sweet of you, and YOU MODEL?" I asked almost in a yell and he chucked softly and scratched the back of his head "YEP, my dad makes clothes and I more or less do as he says... it sucks sometimes" he said looking down at the floor.
"Why's that?" I asked pulling him and me a chair to sit in "Well for most of life my dad as been cold to me... and now that my mom is gone he's distant and more cold towards me, he didn't let me go to the first day of school so I ran for it, he makes me stay in my room even those there is something wrong going on outside, and I feel like he's been hiding something from me" he says putting his hands in his hair and his elbows on his knees.
I patted his back feeling sorry for him and so I took his and and lead him upstairs "Where are you taking me" he asked tiling his head "I'm about to cheer you up" I said and got to my room.

(* Just pretend the curtains are closed and lead to a balcony)

"Why in the world do we have to walk DOWN stairs when we just went up?" he asked "Well the people who built this place they wanted to try something diffrent with the place so they did this" I explained and he 'oh.' He looked around and said "Nice room" "Thank you" I said and walked towards the curtains and said "Ready for the light?" and he nodded. So I looked back at him and opened the curtain and opened the window up to show most of this part of Paris but more pasificly Amy's Garden that was filed with all types of flowers but mostly roses. "Wow" he said astonished and walked towards the window and looked outside with me.
"This place is beautiful, but... why do you guys have a stable here?" he asked pointing at it and I looked away and said "I'll answer that another time, but maybe you'd like to meet my little brother" and he nodded as I lead him to my brothers room.
The room was mostly white with light shades of blue in the wall, there were 3 windows, a drawer, a TV with a few games, an IV next to the bed, a stuffed bear and other animals, and desk with paper both printed homework and drawings.
I walked towards my brother that has brown hair, blue eyes that remind me of glass, pale skin like mine, and a baggy white shirt was all I could see him wear since the covers were over him as he read a book.
I patted his head and asked "How have you feel'n Isaac?" "I'm okay... just light headed" he said while patting where the IV's nestle was entering into his blood stream. "Who's that?" he asked pointing at Adrien "That's my pal Adrien Agreste" I said and Icaac's eyes widened as Adrien walked over to him "What happened to you" he asked "Car Crash... it wasn't pretty" Isaac said looking down and I patted his head softly "Anyways how long have you been up kiddo?" I asked in a whisper "A few hours" "Isaac, please get some sleep tonight" I said kissing his forehead lightly, he went to lay down and sleep so Adrien and I stepped out.

"Where are your guys family and you sister?" he asked "Our parent are... over sea's. My dad runs a circus in America, mom is well... I honestly don't know, and my older sister... WELL not in the mood to talk to people but she was a theater kid and is now a horse trainer" I said trying to make a good excuse "Alright... can I stay for the night?" he asked and I nodded "Just call you dad to let him know alright" I said and went to let him call.

This is going to be intresting...

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