Effle Tower

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Roe's POV-

"Melody... ears out" I whispered as she went into my neckles and made me transform.

(* How the transformation goes.
Melody goes into her neckles while Roe is in a ball. She then pops out her legs and the transform. Next she pops out her arms one at a time as magic transform then. Then she makes her eye half light as she waves her hand across them making the mask, and she then brushed her bangs up and making her ears. Next she spins fast with one leg up and her outfit shows, then she pull a Bobby Pin out of her hair and points in out making the cane.
Last she poses with one leg behind the other as she holds her cane and tilts het head smiling)

As soon as I was done with that I ran towards the window, opened it and jumped off the balcony. I pointed my cane and pushed a small button to let the end of it pop out and fling towards something to grab hold off. I tugged on the cane and held on as it swing me across Paris.
I couldn't help but laugh in happiness since I barely do this type of thing aka acrobatics. Soon enough I got to the Effle Tower and saw Chat Noir looking at the setting sun.

I landed and walked over to him and covered his eyes "Guess who?" I asked, he got up and said "Phantom R, it's good to see you" he said and took my hand. "I'm glad you came but might I ask, why did you come earily?" and he looked away weirdly "Well... I didn't want to be late so I came earily" he said and smiled at me.
"Well I'm glad your here, now ask any questions your like for me to answer, unless it's identity related" I said and stood there.

Chat Noir's POV-

'Okay this is happening' I thought. "Who are you guys?" I asked and she said "We are the Forgotten Miraculous we were not known for many years but now we are known, but not remembered" she said "What do you mean my remembered?" I tilted my head and she said "That is a story for another time."
"What can you do for your special move?"

"When I say 'Hare Up' loudly I will be able to go faster than I already am and even make a fire if I wanted just by running, Fangs will let her instances kick in and no matter what she'll find a way out of a dark situations, and Hawk will be able to fly and making the villain confuses on where she is" she said and left it at that. "Wow... Hey Phantom R. if it's not much trouble can you swing by Roe's house and give her some good words about me?" I asked and smiled. She looked shocked before smiling goofily and said laughed "You don't need my word I bet she already looked at you with greatness" and I blushed and she looked at the moon.
"It is getting late... let us go our separate ways" she said before disappearing. I stood them in awe before smiling and going home.

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