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Titan's POV~

The air was cool and thin as we flew overhead. The lights of the city below twinkled and flickered like a thousand souls dancing in the dark. I snorted as I spoke faintly, smiling softly, "The city looks wonderful at night." I admitted to as I turned my gaze up to Goliath, and I felt my eyes soften as I took in his features. Highlighted by the moonlight, his strong, solemn face gave me a sense of calm. I huffed as I flared my wings, drifting closer to him, snorting happily as I watched him.

I found myself feeling safe around Goliath. Safe and secure, for the first time in a long, long time.

Goliath turned his dark eyes to me, and his mouth pulled up into a small smile, "Indeed." He agreed with me, slowing his flight so he was in pace with me, "The city has it's faults, no doubt, but it looks wonderful at night." He said.

I turned my gaze to Goliath and snorted with a small smile, "It is . . ." I sighed heavily, "This world is very different from the one I left behind." I then looked up at him, snorting faintly, "I . . I think I like this." I admitted.

Goliath smiled broadly, "I am glad!" He laughed, "Come, we are not far from home." He said as he glided ahead of me, his tail lashing back and forth to keep himself balanced. I smiled, a low chuckle forming in the back of my throat as I increased my speed and came up beside him again.

When we arrived back at the castle, I landed with a gentle thud, and drew my wings around myself to warm my body against the cool night air. I turned and walked across the terrace, gazing out across the city. I inhaled deeply, smiling to myself as I felt the fresh air clear my lungs and send my body alive with shivers. My long tail swished back and forth, the heavy bludgeon at the end dragging across the stone. I felt the presence of Goliath beside me, as he spoke softly,

"Are you cold?" He asked, "I notice you're shivering." He said with a soft huff.

"Oh." Titan cleared her throat, before she turned to him, "There is a cool breeze but . . . I'm alright." I told him, with a small smile.

I then went stiff as I felt a warm wing drape across my shoulders. I whipped my head around and looked up at Goliath who had wrapped his wing around me, offering warmth. I felt my heart race as I was shielded from the cool wind, before I spoke, "How long until sunrise?" I asked him.

"Still a few hours." He said as he looked into my eyes

"What say you to a little late night reading until dawn?" I asked him, cocking my head.

Goliath nodded with a warm smile, "Follow me." 

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