Chapter 126

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Itsuki (POV)
It's now sunset and we're all stuck in a cave due to a unexpected sand storm.
Naruto- We got this close to our target and we're just sitting here. I can't stand this waiting!
I feel the same way as him as I haven't stopped punching holes into the cave walls. My knuckles are bleeding but I don't give a damn
Kakashi- Naruto, Itsuki, for the last time, relax. There's nothing we can do.
Sakura- Just be patient you guys.
Kaito- Look at Temari. Can't you tell she's the one worried the most?
Temari- The cardinal rule of traveling in the desert. If you hit a sandstorm, you stay put. You lose all your sense of direction in a storm like that. I've heard of many people who ended up lost in the desert and dying of thirst. Don't worry. The sandstorms we get this time of year usually don't last very long.
Itsuki-.......You better be right about this.
Timeskip to the next morning
We're approaching the outer gate in a mad dash. We approach some sand ninja guards
SNG- We've been expecting you. Lady Temari, you were with them? Please this way.
They lead us through the city and give us a briefing of what's gone down.
Temari- What?! You say they've got Kankuro as well?
SNG- Yes. When an enemy took Lord Kazekage, Kankuro went after them by himself. He was poisoned and we haven't been able to find anything to counteract it. He won't last much longer.
Temari-.......Damn it.
Sakura- Don't give up yet Temari.
Kaito- Yeah there's still hope. Sakura was trained under Lady Tsunade for the past two and a half years in medical and strength.
Sakura- Yes. Let me take a look at him.
We make to the Sand hospital and enter Kankuro's room.
Itsuki- Kankuro!
Suddenly some old lady comes charging at Kakashi.

Old lady- Damn you!!! Get ready to defend yourself or die!! Revenge at last!!
Naruto and I bolt into action as I get in the way and block her fist while Naruto creates a Shadow Clone. She takes it out with a kick and I go for a right punch but she grabs it. Kaito comes out of nowhere and swings his sword. She leaps back to avoid it and we're all in a stand off.
Naruto- What do you think you're doing attacking Kakashi sensei like that you wrinkly old prune?
Old lady- I haven't forgotten what you did. I've waited for this day White Fang of the Leaf. The day I wreak vengeance on you for what you did to my son.
Kakashi- No no no. You see I'm not-
Old lady- That's enough talk.
Thankfully an older gentleman gets in the way and stops her.

Old man- Take a closer look at the man sis.
Old lady- Huh?
Old man- It's true there's a resemblance. But this one is not the White Fang.
Kakashi- (nervous laughter) Uh hello.
Old man- Besides as your know, the White Fang of the Leaf died long ago. Remember? When you heard the news, you wept in frustration because it meant that you would never have your vengeance. Isn't that so sis?
Old lady- Oh well never mind.
She begins laughing like it's a joke leaving my squad and Naruto's squad dumbfounded.
The atmosphere is broken by Kankuro hollering in pain.

Sakura- Here let me take a look at him.
Temari- Yes please.
She rushes to his side, puts her hair up and gets to work.
Sakura- Listen, it might help if you all clear out and give us some room.
Itsuki- Will do.
Naruto- You got it Sakura.
Kaito- Peace.
We leave the room and sit on a bench outside the room and watch Sakura go to work.
Naruto- Hey Kakashi sensei, who the heck is this White Fang of the Leaf guy that made that made this old lady so angry?
Kakashi- Uh that's a tricky one.
Reo- You sure you want to tell the kid Kakashi?
Kakashi- Uh.....yeah. Well Naruto.....lets see. How should I put this? He was, well in a word...he was my father.
Old lady-...Y-You there. You're the son of the White Fang?
Kakashi- Yeah.
Old man- So that's it. That explains why you look like him.
Minutes pass by and I get more anxious about Kankuro because he's my friend.
Sakura- I've extracted most of the poison. I believe that ought to put him out of any immediate danger.
With that news we all enter the room.
Naruto- Way to go Sakura.
Itsuki- Thank you Sakura.
Sakura- Don't thank me yet. He's not completely out of the woods. Now then, I have to quickly put together an antidote for the traces of toxin still in his body.
Baki- I see. Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
First I'll need a list of all the medicinal herbs you have in this village and we should change these bandages for new ones. I'll need a n IV drip set up stat. Oh and be sure to set aside a small amount of the toxin I extracted. I'll be needing it later.
I look on with a smirk on my face.
Itsuki *mind*- Tsunade, you trained your student well.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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