Chapter 130

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Kyoko (POV)
Zetsu (spectral)- More intruders.
Pain (spectral)- You didn't cover your tracks very well, did you Deidara?
Deidara- Well, as I said? The Jinchūriki host proved more powerful than we thought.
Sasori- You're a bumbler and a fool. Your methods are too crude for any sort of secretive operation.
Deidara- Crude?! Hah! Those clumsy traps of yours were hardly subtle, my friend. Hmm.
Sasori- Why you-
Kyoko (spectral)- Shut up both of you. Focus on the Jutsu at hand.
Pain (spectral)- Now, who to send this time.
Hidan (spectral)- This time, it must be me.
Zetsu (spectral)- This time a leaf shinobi should go. Which leaves Kyoko and Itachi.
Itachi looks at me and nods.
Pain (spectral)- Very well. It's decided then.
Itsuki (POV)
We take to the ground and start proceeding on foot.
Kakashi- Everybody stop!
We come to an immediate halt and stare at the person who stands before us.

Sakura- Who's that?
I immediately activate my Sharingan out of instinct.
Itsuki- You.........
Itachi- It's been quite awhile hasn't it Itsuki?
Kakashi *mind*- So soon?
Reo *mind*- Damn.
Chiyo *mind*- Those eyes. Both he and the boy have the same eyes. Could it be?
Naruto- I know you.
Kaito- Itsuki don't tell me.....
Itachi- Your sister says hi Itsuki.
Itsuki- Oh does she now? How sweet of her to do Itachi.
Sakura *mind*- That's, that's him!
Kaito *mind*- So that's Itachi.
Itachi- Would you look at you. You've grown up a bit I see and your Sharingan has gotten stronger. Let's hope you're a bit more of a challenge than what your friend or Sasuke put up some years ago.
Itsuki- Oh you don't have to worry about that. Your ass is mine you hear me?
Indigo: Pause.
Chiyo- So that's the one. The child who wiped out his entire clan. All but one I see.
Itsuki- Make that two. He didn't kill his brother and he wasn't alone that night. My older sister helped him with the slaughter.
Itachi- And Naruto, it's been awhile. Why so quiet?
Naruto- I wasn't enough for you huh? You had to go after Gaara as well. I'll destroy ever last one of you.
Itachi starts moving his finger.
Kakashi- Everyone whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes.
Reo- Itachi's Genjutsu is a visual jutsu which means, avoid eye contact with him and his Jutsu can't take effect.
Itsuki- Oh trust me, that I know.
Kaito- So then, how are we supposed to fight this dude?
Kakashi- That's the tricky part. You'll have to anticipate his moves by watching his feet, his body.
Sakura- But that's like fighting with one arm tied behind your back.
Chiyo- The Uchiha clan eh? It's been a long time since Ivan gone up against the Sharingan. I've been around, and I know there's more than one way to fight a visual Jutsu like that.
Naruto- Yeah? Like what then?
Chiyo- If one against one, abandon the field. If two against one, take the rear and he'll yield.
Naruto- What's that mean?
Chiyo- Well the first part of it is pretty self explanatory, isn't it? The Sharingan can never be beaten in single combat. But if you outnumber the Sharingan user, if the battle is two against one, then even if one of you was caught in his Genjutsu, the other the other is free to strike from the rear, breaking the Genjutsu's spell. Even if your attack from the rear should fail somehow, you're still free to strike your comrade yourself and break the Genjutsu that way. So while one of us fights him face to face as a distraction, the rest of us will mount a series of attacks from the rear, where his Sharingan can't reach.
Sakura- Good plan.
Naruto- I guess you learn a lot of this stuff if you live long enough. Let's go. I'll take the rear.
Kakashi- Wait.
Naruto- Ok sensei. We're waiting but what are we waiting for?
Chiyo- Do you have a problem with my way of fighting the Sharingan? Are suggesting my methods won't work?
Reo- No. They work fine against ordinary Genjutsu, but what we're dealing with here is something a hell of a lot more complicated.
Chiyo- Meaning what?
Reo- He uses Mangekyō Sharingan. It's far more powerful than any other visual Jutsu. It only takes a second, but if he hits you with that Jutsu, it'll be the longest second you've ever lived.
Kakashi- Time itself gets warped. What seems like a second in the real world could be hours or days to someone trapped in his Jutsu. Both Reo and I know. We wandered around in it for three days and lost consciousness for more than a week. It's not a Genjutsu that can be broken just like that.
Chiyo- That does sound tricky. What a troublesome fellow this is.
Itsuki- Understatement of the year.
Itachi- Well dome Kakashi and Reo. I see your sojourn in my Tsukuyomi wasn't wasted.
Kakashi- Oh believe me, I learned something else as well. There's a price to pay for using that Sharingan. It exhausted you didn't it. You had to quit before the battle was over.
Reo- So in addition to using up a ton of your chakra-
Itsuki- It effects they vision in your eyes doesn't it Itachi. The more of it's use, the more sight you lose until you're permanently blind. Isn't that right Itachi?
Itachi- Well someone's been studying. Gin has taught you well.
Itsuki- Hmph. So tell me Itachi, (gets in battle stance) how much damage has your eyes already suffered hmmm? I guess we're about to find out.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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