Chapter 170

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Gin (POV)
Naruto- Destroying the village?! Come on! That's old news!
Gin- I mean the current village.
Sakura- Wait. That means m'lady.
Yamato- Afraid so.
Kaito- No way. Something just isn't adding up here. So Sai and Eliane have some leader and he really hated the Third Hokage and still hates the Uchiha Clan. But what does that have to do with him destroying the Leaf and killing Lady Fifth?
Sakura- Lady Tsunade was the third's favorite pupil.
Gin- It ain't just Tsunade. She hand picked the the entirety of the current Leaf hierarchy. They embody the old man's philosophy.
Yamato- And I bet Danzo isn't too pleased about that. Even so, the vast majority of people in the village support the current regime. So it's be quite difficult to change things.
Sakura- The only way to shake the current regime would be to create some kind of earth shattering crisis in the village.
Kaito- Like when Orochimaru tried to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village with the Sand shinobi.
Naruto- Destroy the Leaf Village?
Gin- Danzo could be conspiring with Orochimaru to mount a fresh attack on the Leaf. If they are to succeed, Tsunade will certainly be kicked out of her spot as Hokage.
Naruto- You mean you tell me they want to destroy the village just for that?!
Sakura- That's not the only reason. After the current regime falls, he'd rebuild the village in his image and vision. He'd take center stage as the new Hokage.
Yamato- The reason Danzo is probably making his move now-
Gin- Three years. It's been three years since the invasion and Danzo thinks that's enough time for Orochimaru to have regained his strength.
Yamato- That could be apart of it but Danzo also knows Orochimaru's position is more precarious than before. After all, he failed the last time. He's betting Orochimaru will be willing to collaborate with him. Perhaps-
Kaito- When he attacks, he'll get support from the inside.
Yamato- Exactly.
Naruto- Wait a minute. You mean that Sai's and Eliane's top secret mission.......
Sakura- Maybe to join Orochimaru's ranks and become the conduits between him and Danzo. Danzo knew the odds were good that we'd eventually encounter Orochimaru and that's why he put Sai and Orochimaru on our teams.
Naruto- No way.
Gin- Depending on what might happen next, I'm afraid we might have to do a little something about Sai and Eliane.
Sakura- You don't mean......
Itsuki: He means fuckin up their shit! Get em big bro!!
Indigo: WTF?!! Get out of here!!
Itsuki: I'll take my third. All tied up again!
I activate my Sharingan to prove my point and Yamato nods in agreement.
Kaito- Oh. He serious serious.
Eliane (POV)
Sai, Orochimaru, Kabuto and I have been traveling through the forest in silence for awhile now. That is until Kabuto breaks the silence.
Kabuto- Lord Orochimaru.
Orochimaru- I know. It seems we're being followed.
Kabuto- He might merely be pursuing us. Or it might be a trap. How do we proceed?
Kabuto slowly reaches for his pockets in his shorts.
Orochimaru- Either way you lookin at it, it seems that this situation calls for a corpse or two. Am I right Kabuto?
Kabuto chuckles and turns to us with a kunai drawn.
Eliane- The hell?
Gin (POV)
Sakura- But we can't. Just like that?
Yamato- My clone is still following them. But we have no idea what might happen. We have to get on their trail right away.
Sakura- But-
Kaito- No buts. We gotta move.
Naruto- All right. Now you're talking. Let's get going.
Suddenly Naruto starts to sway and he falls face first into the dirt.

Itsuki: From the way this picture is and the face he's making, looks like he's taking backshots. Heyooooooo!!!!!!
Indigo: Itsuki what the actual fuck?!!!
Itsuki: Four bitch! I take the lead!! Sorry not sorry!!!!
Sakura quickly goes to his side and cradles his head in her arms.
Sakura- Naruto are you ok?
He continues to grunt, wheeze, and breathe hard from internal pain.
Gin *mind*- He hasn't fully recovered it would seem.
Sakura- Captain Yamato?
Yamato- Sakura there is no time.
Sakura- Look I know we need to catch to them as soon as possible he''s just, in Naruto's condition, he shouldn't.......
Yamato- Then we'll have to leave him behind. As well as Itsuki. They're liabilities now. Although they probably have enough strength to make it back to the village.
Sakura- Kakashi sensei would never talk like that!
Kaito- And not Reo sensei either! Master Gin, say something!
Gin- Now that Yamato is were I draw the line.
Naruto regains consciences.
Naruto- No....guys. I'm ok.......Let's go. I'll be alright. I can keep up with y'all.
Gin- Alright but Yamato, what you said still isn't okay in the slightest. Remember these words said by Kakashi and Reo themselves. Those who break the rules are scum, that is true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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