Chapter 171

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Gin (POV)
Yamato- Gin, I understand what you're saying. I worked with Kakashi and Reo many times when before in the ANBU black ops, so I know the kind of people they are. I know that I'm filling in for Kakashi's team, but Kakashi and I are quite different. I'm sorry but I can't watch over them like he can. I can't laugh and say I'll never let them get hurt. They are no longer ninja in training who need to be shielded from danger. They are shinobi who must surpass Kakashi and Reo and bear the Leaf on their shoulders. We can't afford compassion. If we stop now, we fail. If we don't chase after them now, we'll never catch Orochimaru. With Orochimaru, there's no second chance.
Gin-.......You don't think I know this already? I guess you're right. You are different from from Kakashi and Reo and me as well. These teens are ninja of Leaf Village who I've known for years. This person on my back is my pupil and the person who is like a little brother to me. I'd die before I let any of them get killed. But I can't fault for feeling the way you are now. You haven't known this group for long. Work with much longer and you'll eventually understand. Naruto, you good to keep going?
Naruto- (gets to his feet) Always am. All right let's do it.
He wobbled and almost falls over a couple times.
Kaito- Yo Naruto.
Naruto- It's ok. If I go back to village, then everything we've done would've been for nothing. I'm pretty sure Itsuki would've said the exact same thing if he was awake.
Yamato- Well alright then. If you cause anymore delay, we'll have to leave you behind. You understand that don't you Naruto?
Naruto- You bet!
Gin- I'll still carry Itsuki until he awakens.
Yamato- Then let's move.
With that, we take off out of the crater and back into the forest. As we keep going, Naruto almost smacked into a tree branch but he recovered in time. We keep pressing on until suddenly, Sakura grabs onto a branch with her injured arm and slips.
Naruto- Sakura!
Naruto reaches out for her but misses. Yamato ends up catching her right before she hits the ground. We all stop to check up on her.
Naruto- Sakura.
I notice her breathing has become very heavy and she's grabbing at her arm where four tails struck her. But she isn't the only one. I also notice kaito is doing the same thing except he's holding his side where he got hit by seven tails.
Gin- Let her sit down for a second.
Yamato hesitantly nods and sets her down. Kaito plops down next to her.
Naruto- Hey Sakura, are you alright? Kaito?What are those wounds from?
Gin *mind*- The nine tails chakra must've seeped into her wound and is acting like a poison. And I guess Kaito is feeling the same affects from the seventeen tail's chakra. It's very easy to heal even for skilled medical ninja. Which only makes both Naruto's and Itsuki's apparent immunity to their respective beast chakra even more astonishing.
Sakura- Oh this is are-
Kaito- These are injures we sustained from Orochimaru.
Sakura- But it's okay though. It doesn't really hurt. We'll be fine in a sec.
Naruto- Well alright. Just don't push yourself too hard okay?
???- What he said.
I look over my shoulder to see Itsuki wide awake.
Kaito- Yeah. You guys got it. Welcome back Itsuki.
Yamato- Let's take a little break. Sakura is both team's only medical ninja. If she's not well, it could jeopardize the whole mission.
Sakura- Kaito and I are fine. If we don't hurry, they might get away.
Itsuki- Who might get away?
Gin- (sets Itsuki down) We'll fill you in in a second.
Kaito- What happened to all that talk you said before?
Yamato-........Yes I did say that but we can't afford to be too hasty. After all haste makes waste. I mean, there's a big difference between hurrying and just being reckless.
Naruto- Yeah I agree. Captain Yamato is right. Sakura is too important and I don't think Gin would let you go.
Itsuki- Ok for real though. What the heck is going on?!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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