Chapter 198

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Itsuki (POV)
I'm still doing the exact same thing I've been doing as a storm roll in.
Itsuki *mind*- What the hell am I doing wrong? Gin had such high hopes and look what I've got to show for it.
Reo- What should we do? Should we stop the training?
Gin- That's entirely up to him.
One drop turns into to two. Two turns into many more and the storm let's it's rain pour. The pouring rain brings me to a quick flashback of that day and the realization of how far Akari keeps on moving.
Itsuki *mind*- Stop.........Stop moving.........Wait for me......Wait for me god damn it..........I said stop!!!!
Unbeknownst to me my Mangekyō Sharingan comes forth and all of a sudden, the rain ceases to fall. All of the water droplets are frozen in time. Not even moving in the slightest.
Gin- Itsuki what the hell did you just do?!!!
Itsuki- I don't know!! You tell me!! This is weird!!
I take my eyes off the rain to look at Gin and the rain resumes. Gin rushes over to me and looks into my eyes.
Gin- Your Mangekyō Sharingan is out.
Itsuki- It is? I honestly didn't even notice.
Gin smiles from ear to ear.
Gin- Little bro, I think we just found another eye ability for you. Which one of your eyes is hurting?
Itsuki- Well my right eye is kinda irritated now. I guess I know which eye this ability came from.
Gin- Yeah guess so. Well add that to the training. Well do this. When you make your mass of shadow clones, half of them will focus on your jutsu while the other half works with me in training that eye of yours. Sound like a plan?
Itsuki- Yeah I guess. Even more work to pile on me when I can't even get the first thing right.
Gin- Hey now, it's only been one full day. Plus you're using about 200 clones. You achieved what the average ninja would take 4,800 hours to do. But I guess that's still not enough for you.
Itsuki- I wouldn't say it's impossible but holy shit. I'm starting to believe it's just that. Impossible. Every time the the flames touch a single spark of lightning, it explodes in my face. Gin- Ok but who said it all had to be in one hand?
Itsuki- I..........,..You know what? You might just be on to something there. If caught do it all in my right hand and arm, I'll just use my left to assist until I can finally get done with just one hand. Thank big bro.
Gin- You're welcome
Akatsuki hideout
Kyoko (POV)
My spectral form as well as the others are overseeing the extraction process of Two Tails.
Hidan (spectral)- You went through the trouble of calling us back here just to seal the Two Tails?
Kyoko (spectral)- Yes I did Hidan.
Pain (spectral)- It will take three days. Prepare yourselves.
Hidan (spectral)- Three days?! Awh man. It's raining where we are.
Kakuzu (spectral)- Hidan, shut up.
Hidan (spectral)- But I was this close from slaughtering all of those Leaf morons. I was just about to prove to those heathens the night of the way of Jashin!
Pain (spectral)- The Leaf aren't heathens. They value their ancestors and follow their Will Of Fire. In fact, one could say their motives for fighting is just as valid as yours.
Hidan (spectral)- Huh? How dare you. Are you trying to insult me?
Pain (spectral)- No. I did not intend to ridicule the reasons for why you do battle. After all, you and I are birds of the feather. It doesn't matter what you use to justify war. Religion, philosophy, resources, land, revenge, love, even a win. No matter how trivial of a motive, they're all worthy causes for war. There will always be war. The reason can be found later. Human instinct seeks conflict.
Hidan (spectral)- Nobody wants to hear your long winded lecture. Listen, I got my own way of doing things. I got my own set of goals. I don't intend to devote my all to this organization alright?
Kyoko (spectral)- So long as your affiliated with the Akatsuki, you will accomplish it's goals and pull your weight. Once they have been achieved, all wishes will be swiftly granted as well.
Hidan (spectral)- You can act all cool if you want, but it won't change he fact that all the Alatsuki wants is to make money. You're the same as Kakuzu. And fighting for money is the motivation of hate most.
Kyoko (spectral)- You're right. Our immediate ambition is indeed financial. But the Akatsuki's true goal lies elsewhere. It is one that ultimately cost a great deal of money to fulfill.
Hidan (spectral)- After Tobi, I'm the second newest member of the team. I haven't heard anything about this true goal from you or from you. You two just plan stuff behind my back.
Kyoko (spectral)- Ha. What's the matter Hidan? Sulking like a child are we? Well it is about time that we told you. The Akatsuki's ultimate objective will be accomplished in stages. There are three stepping in total. The first being money. The second is to use that money to assemble the first mercenary shinobi army the world has ever seen.
Hidan (spectral)- Oh come on. That's just like what the shinobi villages are already doing. You complete a mission and you get a payment.  What? You two wanna become the ruler of some tiny village that doesn't have a host nation to support it? It's that what we're all doing here? How stupid.
Pain (spectral)- Hmph. A village supported by a host nation. You have it backwards.
Hidan (spectral)- What?
Pain (spectral)- I'll explain it to you sequentially. For a nation that possesses a powerful ninja village, shinobi business plays a key role in their profit structure. Such villages earn great revenues participating in conflicts in and beyond their nation's borders. They support that nation's economy. Not the other way around. In other words, in order for that nation to have steady revenue, war becomes a necessary evil. However, the current era see's only smaller conflicts. There are no more great wars like in the past. The villages have downsized to save money and many shinobi have lost their jobs. Shinobi exist to fight. Risk their lives for the sake of their land and yet this is how they're rewarded. The five great nations are still fine. Those lands and their ninja villages are vast and trusted. They're stable receiving plenty of missions from other lands. But not so for the smaller nations. It takes an enormous amount of money to maintain a ninja village. Those costs remain the same in times of war or peace. That being said, if the village downsizes too dramatically, they won't be able to protect themselves from a simple conflict. That's where we Akatsuki come in. We will not align ourselves to any nation and only mobilize the necessary number of shinobi at the appropriate time. The organization that will accept money for contracts of war from both small nations and ninja villages alike. At first we'll take on all sorts of conflicts for little profit. Exclusively cornering the entire war market. Then we will use the tailed beasts to cause new wars altogether and eventually, we'll gain a complete monopoly. We will control all war. In the wake of this, ninja villages of the five great nations will collapse. They'll have no choice but to use the Akatsuki. Then and only then we will achieve our ultimate goal which lies just ahead.
Kyoko (spectral)- Its the third and final step. World domination.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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