Chapter 199

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Itsuki (POV)
The storm passes and my new plan is all but underway and I'm making more progress. By having my right hand control the lightning, I produce he scorch style chakra in my other hand. By applying the scorch style chakra to the lightning, I grip my right arm with my other arm. With both chakras under control, they can finally mix without it blowing up in my face.
Gin- Ah I see. Well done Itsuki.
Itsuki- Yeah. I realized that I couldn't do both I I tried generating it from one point alone. That point being my hand. Since I was able to produce the fire in my left and the lightning in my right in the last step, why use both points to create the final product. All I had to do was hold my right arm with my scorch style infused other arm.
Gin- Just like I'd expect from a ninja like you Itsuki. That's my little brother.
A ninja appears from the Leaf Village and it catches our eye. He speaks with Reo and his face goes from smiling to sorrow.
Itsuki- What's going on?
Reo gets up and looks at us seriously.
Reo- Gin, we have to call off the training and return to the village immediately.
Gin- What happened?
He walks closer to us and looks at the ground in sadness.
Reo- Captain Asuma Sarutobi, son of the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi...........has been killed in action.
Play music
The bell echoes throughout the village. Shikamaru lost his mentor. Kurenai sensei just lost her would be husband and father to her child. Choji and Ino lost their sensei, Kakashi, Reo, and Gin lost a great friend. Kurenai places the flowers on Asuma's gravestone. Every single one of us watching in woe. Konohamaru weeps beside me.
Konohamaru- (crying) Uncle Asuma.
Shikamaru is only one that's not here. Probably taking it hard the most besides Kurenai sensei. Seems like whenever something good comes about, tragedy is quick to close in and steal that happiness away. How cruel.
Shikamaru (POV)
Morning goes from day, to dusk, to night. I've been stuck in this same position looking up at the sky all day. His death replaying in my head over and over again. My thoughts get cut thanks to my dad speaking to me.
Shikaku- Shikamaru, come spend some time with your old man.
I agree and we go into a room to play Shogi. We play but I'm hardly concentrating on the game.
Shikaku- Your game is a little off tonight. You're not gonna win like that.
Shikamaru- Whatever dad.
Shikaku- The Akatsuki. They're strong aren't they?
Shikamaru- Yeah.
Shikaku- So, what's your plan?
I don't answer.
Shikaku- If someone like Asuna couldn't handle em, what shot do you think you'd have?
Again, I don't answer.
Shikaku- Sarutobi was a hell of a guy.
Shikamaru- I know.
Shikaku- Not so hot at Shogi though.
I don't answer and the game continues,
Shikaku- You sure you know what you're doing?
Shikamaru- Look, you play your way and I'll play mine.
Shikaku- No son. I'm not talking about Shogi.
Shikaku- Well you wouldn't do anything stupid suppose. I'm lucky in that respect. Who wants to go to their own son's funeral? You've done well for yourself. I'm very proud to be your father. You're as sharp as they come with great talent. Someone the Leaf can depend on in the future. But now, Asuma is dead.
I smack the game and throw the table out of the way.
Shikamaru- Just what are you getting at here?
Shikaku- Only the truth.
I stand up and glare at my father.
Shikamaru- Will you shut your mouth?! All this talking is making me sick! Say what you want! I'm still nothing but a useless coward!
Shikaku- You're wrong.
Shikamaru- What do you want from me?!
My dad gets up and we look at each other eye.
Shikaku- Let it out boy.
I'm taken aback.
Shikaku- All of the anger. All of the sadness. And the the fear. Everything brewing inside of you. You've got to let it go.
I grit my teeth and bawl up my fists as I hold the tears back.
Shikaku- It all starts from there.....son.
He leaves and at this point, I can't hold in anymore and I'm left alone to breakdown.
Stop music
Still wallowing in sadness, I start to pick up the Shogi pieces that scattered when I threw the game. That is until two particular pieces stood out to me and I got mad. I set up the Shogi game and played and played, trying to come up with a strategy to take those three down. I play all night long and into the morning until I have it. By the next night , I've gathered Choji and Ino and we're all in our combat gear at the gate of the village.
Ino- Ready to head out?
Choji- Let's go Shikamaru.
Shikamaru- All right.
We take a few steps but a way too familiar voice stops us. It was Lady Hokage.
Ino- Milady.
Tsunade- (stern) You going somewhere?
Shikamaru- Your mission directive still stands right? I've just assembled a new team. We're going ahead with the mission.
Tsunade- Not without my approval you're not! Shikamaru, you will be assigned a team of MY choosing. And only when we have a solid plan of attack in place.
Shikamaru- Listen, just send some reinforcements after us. The three of us have already worked out our own strategy.
Tsunade- I've heard enough! Asuma is dead. There's only three of you.
Shikamaru- That's not true. Asuma is still with us.
Tsunade- You're after vengeance then are you? This isn't like you at all. Are you so eager to die?!
Shikamaru- We're not stupid. We have no intention of running straight to our deaths. Believe me. It's just........
Tsunade- Well? Just what?
Shikamaru- We don't want to run away and just go on living without fulfilling our duty. (Lights lighter) We're not going to live without meaning. That's why we're going.
Tsunade- Grow up you three. The shadow of death hangs over us all. Some deaths may be harder to accept than others. But unless you can get past that, there can be no future.
Shikamaru- Carrying the lighter around, it's almost like Asuma is still close by. Like he's watching over us. I really feel that. Until I've closed the book on this thing, his lighter will stay with me.
Tsunade- Face reality. There's only three of you against the three of them. They managed to defeat all four of you. A full squad has-
????- A full squad has four.
????2- But in this case you're getting five.
We all look to see who those voices were and they're Kakashi and Reo.
Kakashi- I'll take over as Team 10's leader and go with them.
Reo- And I'll be there to help them. Fair enough?
Tsunade- Kakashi. Reo. What're-
Reo-They're just going to go anyway, no matter what you tell them.
Kakashi- I figured why not send me along to keep an eye on them.
Reo- (whispers) Plus the partner of Kyoko Uchiha is one of the three and he's threatening my student. Figured I go with them and set this guy straight. He's not taking MY student and that's a promise.
Tsunade- (sighs) Alright. As you wish then.
Shikamaru- What about Naruto and Itsuki?
Reo- Well let's just say they're finishing up on something. Naruto has Yamato and Itsuki has his big brother. My guess is that they'll join in later.
Shikamaru- Man those guys.
Kakashi- Alright. Team Asuma, let's go.
ISC- Right!
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Not gonna lie, I shed a few tears when I saw Shikamaru break down like that. And I bet the song makes things all the more sadder. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.
Future edit
Hey guys, Indigo here. I didn't know there was a max on how many parts you can do in a book so that being said, I have made a volume 2 that continues the story right where I left off. Go check it out if enjoy this story. Indigo out.

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