Chapter 37

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Itsuki (POV)
Once the sound ninja recover, all three of us rush in. The girl opens her fans.
Girl- Wind Style: Whirlwind Column Technique.
Sand ninja 1/ Sand ninja 2- Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!
The combined attacks of the whirlwind and the dragon mud bullets come at us without haste.
Itsuki- Akari.
Akari- On it. (Stops running) Earth Style: Earth Wall.
A giant wall gets erected from the ground to counter the combined attacks. The combined attacks connect with the Earth wall and slowly starts breaking.
Akari- If you have a plan Itsuki, do it now. This wall isn't going to hold for long.
Itsuki- Yeah. Um Kaito, you go right and Akari to the left. Hide in the trees and do that one Jutsu that causes the ground to open up. Kaito, once the ground opens up, attack them from above. As for me, I'll provide you cover by creating a Storm. Everyone got it?
Kaito- I got it down.
Akari- All good here.
Itsuki- Ok, let's do this. Storm Style Secret Technique: Demon Dragon Storm!
Just like that, clouds roll in blocking the moonlight. It develops into ginormous supercell.
Itsuki- Alright go!
They go just as the Earth wall gets destroyed. I stand all alone in our enemies view.
Sand ninja 1- Look, his friends left him all alone haha.
Sand ninja 2- Don't be so naive. They're here somewhere.
Girl- Precisely. Use the cat to sniff them out.
Sand ninja 1- Alright fine. Find them Meko.
The cat known as Meko hops off his shoulder and begins to sniff.
Girl- Well, where are they?
Sand ninja 1- I don't know. Usually Meko finds the enemy right off the bat. How come not now?
Itsuki- That would be me dude. You see, I created this big storm above us. All of this rain and dirt is blocking out their scent. Oh and I forgot to mention that this storm of mine is actually absorbing all of your chakra as we speak which is making me stronger by the second. So basically, you're fucked. Now!!
Akari (POV)
Akari- Earth Style: Devouring Earth.
Even through all of this rain, I watch as the ground rips open underneath the ninja and stone jaws try to crush them. They scream as they try to escape. They successfully do by leaping into the air but not without cuts and bruises.
Akari *mind*- Your turn Kaito.
Kaito (POV)
I was hiding in a bush and I watch the enemies leap into the air to escape the devouring earth.
Kaito *mind*- That's my cue.
I leave my hiding spot and I leap up to a nearby tree then leap in the air above them. They haven't spotted me due to the rain which is perfect.
Kaito- Water Sword Dance.
The rain wraps itself around my blade making it even more powerful. I grip my sword with both hands and proceed to slam it down right towards them.
Kaito- Look out below assholes.
The sand ninjas look up and the two dudes faces go into one of shock. My sword connects with all but one and causes a water explosion. The girl however used my head as a step stool to propel herself even higher into the air.
Kaito- Damn.
Itsuki (POV)
I saw that the girl isn't falling down to the ground with the rest of her team.
Itsuki- Kaito must have missed her. (Activates Sharingan) Oh well.
With great speed, I appear in front on the girl.
Itsuki- And just where do you think you're going?
Girl- Oh no!
I bring my foot up and axe kick her right on the top of her head and I send her back down to the ground. I start to free fall until Akari catches me with her snakes right before I hit the ground.
Itsuki- Thanks. I really appreciate it.
Akari- (blushes slightly) Don't mention it. While the girl is still struggling to stand, Akari sends her snakes to grab one of the sand ninja boys and she yanks him to her and she headbutts him away. She grabs at her mark on her neck.
Itsuki *mind*- Must be irritating her.
On Kaito's side, he looming over the sand ninja with the cat.
Sand ninja 1- You wouldn't hit a dude holding a cat would ya?
He just smacks the cat of his hands with the flat of his sword.
Kaito- Ice Slash.
His blade becomes ice and he slashed the ninja down his chest and sends him away. The girl of the group was almost up and I took action.
Itsuki *mind*- Time for a little Judas Effect Barrage.
I dash forward just as she got up and I punch her in her gut. I followed up with a spinning back left elbow. She clutches her mask as it cracks a lot. I kick her right knee and she goes down to one knee and I back away a few steps. I get to running and successfully deliver a bicycle knee strike to her face which obliterates the mask. Akari and and Kaito move their respective opponents next to the girl who's barely conscious.
Itsuki- I'm ending this now. I want to you two to go back to Naruto in the others. You'll get seriously hurt if you get caught up in my next Jutsu.
Kaito- Uh ok. Let's go Akari.
Akari- Stay safe Itsuki.
The leave and back up a great distance.
Itsuki- Here goes nothing. (Slams fists on the ground) Storm Style: Falling Phoenix Crusher!
A blue Phoenix made out of lightning comes from the clouds and gives out a mighty screech.

Itsuki- Your target is the sand ninjas mighty Phoenix.
I lets out another screech and flies upward. After a couple seconds, it dive bombs right into the sand ninja making a mighty explosion.
Indigo: Like this.

Once the explosion goes away, I part the clouds and the storm stops and goes away. I walk to the pile of barely breathing sand ninjas and I take a Scroll. It turns out to be an Earth Scroll.
Itsuki *mind*- What do you know. Looks like things are looking up for us after all. Now, gotta get back to the others so we can go to the to and pass this exam.
With that, I leave and head back to the others.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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