Chapter 41

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Itsuki (POV)
I was leaning against the wall on the platform cross armed and staring a hole at Gaara on the other side while he does the same to me. I'm still heated from the Neji Hinata match and I didn't get all of it out during my match.
Itsuki *mind*- Man, I gotta get away from people right now before I lose it. Maybe then I'll calm down.
I begin my walk to a more secluded spot on the platform by the stairs.
Kaito- Hey where are you going Itsuki?
Itsuki- (not taking eyes off Gaara) I'm gonna go cool off a bit. Don't follow me.
I get to the spot and resume leaning against the wall until I hear steps coming the stairs. It was Kankurō.
Kankurō- Yo! How come you're all by yourself? Why aren't you hanging out with your buddies?
Itsuki- I'm still pissed off and I needed to get away from everyone and cool off. What's it to you?
Kankurō- So tell me about yourself. I get the feeling we didn't see the full extent of your powers in the last fight did we? So what's your story.
Itsuki- I ain't telling you shit. But what you do know is yes, that was nowhere near close to my full power.
Kankurō- Fair enough. You know, I was actually pretty shocked at the way you got in Gaara's face like that. Normally he would just kill whoever did that right then and there. You're the only one who's ever lived. And the other thing is that he seems to have some sort of interest in you. I mean, like the way he gives you that sadistic smile and the way he shakes in excitement when he stares at you. He must really want to fight you.
Itsuki- More like kill. I can feel his bloodlust from all the way over here. The thing his, ever since me and the guy met a couple weeks back, he interested me as well cause there something about him that's terrifying but I like it. It makes me want to fight him even more. And Neji's bitch ass only fueled the flames for my fighting itch.
Kankurō- I see. You know at first I thought you were a dick but now I actually kinda like you and I truly mean that. You're not all that bad.
Itsuki- Yeah? You're not so bad yourself.
Proctor- Ok everyone. Let's get this thing started.
The names get remaining names get randomized and Gaara turns into sand and reappears on the floor below. Rock Lee was going to be his opponent and he leaps to the floor below.
Kankurō- You may want to watch this one dude.
Itsuki- You don't gotta tell me twice.
We lean over the railing to watch.
Lee- I knew that sooner or later, we would have to meet and I am glad it's sooner.
Kankurō- I don't know what kind of moves the kid with dumb haircut has got but he'll never take Gaara down. Not in this lifetime.
Itsuki- We'll just have to see. Lee is a taijutsu prodigy. He's a lot more powerful than you think.
The top to Gaara's gourd pops off and Lee catches it.
Lee- Why are you in such a hurry?
Gaara doesn't say anything as little specks of sand begins to filter out of his gourd.
The proctor begins the match and Lee rushes Gaara.
Lee- Leaf Hurricane.
He goes for a leaping spinning roundhouse kick but it's stopped by a sand wall. It grows in size and tries to smother Lee but he backflips out of the way. Lee rushes in again and goes for multiple strikes from all sides but once again is stopped by the sand with Gaara arms crossed and not moving an inch. The sand surrounds Lee and he takes a kunai and cuts to stop it from closing in. The sand is relentless as it gives chase to Lee who is rolling out the way. He leaps into the air and throws shuriken at Gaara but the sand catches them.
Itsuki- As fast as Lee is he can't even get close to Gaara. And yet Gaara ain't doing a damn thing. It's like the sand has a mind of its own.
Kankurō- Wow. You figured that out real quick. You're right, the sand is protecting him on it's own accord. It's almost like a living thing. It'll come to Gaara's defense without him  doing anything. That's why Gaara's never been injured. No one can get at him. No one's ever been able to touch him. Maybe you'll be the first. Who knows.
We go back to watching the fight.
Gaara- Is that all? I hope you haven't finished entertaining me. We haven't had enough....blood.
The sand comes for Lee mad fast and Lee jumps in the air. The sand grabs his foot and swings him around like a rag doll until it final throws him into a wall. Lee rolls out the way as the sand came for him fast and left a crack on the wall. Lee gets up and goes back to the same strategy of getting in close to hit Gaara but to no avail. The sand finally gets him and crushes him or so we thought. Instead he lept and backflipped all the way to the giant hand sign. He sits down and takes off his orange socks to reveal leg waits. He takes them off and drops them to the ground causing a massive boom and miniature explosion.
Kankurō- What the?
Lee- Ah that feels much better.
Itsuki- And now the real fight begins.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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