Chapter 51

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Itsuki (POV)
Down below Temari and Kankurō take Gaara and they leap over the arena wall and retreat. Sasuke follows them soon after.
Akari *mind*- Sasuke is going after them. Maybe if it's him and me, we could probably take down Gaara. Either way, I must prevent Itsuki from facing off against Gaara.
Akari dashes forward and leaps over the group of enemies. Some of the sound ninja throw shurikens at her but Reo and and Gin knock them out of the air with kunai. Akari runs along the arena wall them eventually leaps over it.
Guy- Hey guys, you may wanna look inside the barrier.
We all turn to the barrier and see that The Kazekage who had the Hokage hostage was in fact Orochimaru.
Kaito- Him again.
Itsuki- That bastard.
The sound ninja take action and leap at us with their kunai. Out of nowhere, Reo comes in an stabs two of them in the chest killing them.
Reo- That should do it. You kids stay low while we get rid of these guys.
We do as he says and we crawl in the row behind Sakura. After a couple minutes, Kakashi lands close to us.
Kakashi- Sakura, Itsuki, Kaito. It was worth teaching you Genjutsu during the Genin exams. You three truly do have a talent for it.?i want you three to release the Genjutsu on Naruto and Shikamaru. Naruto will be delighted he'll be getting a mission after a long time. Same as you Itsuki.
Sakura- What kind of mission?
Kaito- Yeah man. What mission we talking about here?
Kakashi- Y'all have to be careful on this one. It's the first A rank mission since the land of Waves.
Another sound ninja comes flying in and Kakashi blocks his kunai and Gin comes and decks the guy in the face sending him away.
Sakura- But why? With all of this going on, why send us on a mission?
Gin- Sasuke and Akari are chasing Gaara and the rest of his squad.
Kakashi- I need you guys to follow them.
Gin- Hey lil bro.
Itsuki- Yeah?
Gin- Don't lose to Gaara guy.
Itsuki- Got it big bro.
Kakashi summons a dog named Pankun and we do as were told. It turns out Shikamaru was awake the entire and just didn't want to be dragged into this mess. After Guy sensei punched a sound ninja through the wall, Kakashi explained the mission. We were to stop Sasuke and Akari and then find a safe spot to await further orders. We lept out the hole and followed Pankun into the forest. During the way, we filled Naruto in.
Naruto- Oh I see. Now I get it. Looks like Sasuke and Akari got a little impatient.
Shikamaru- Oh man. Why'd you have to pull me into all of this? I mean it's such a drag.
Sakura- It can't be helped ok. It was Kakashi sensei's orders.
Itsuki- Yeah stop being a downer. You're pooping all over my excitement.
Pankun- (sniffs) This way!
Everyone- Right!
We go from running to leaping from branch to branch in the trees.
Pankun- (sniff) Hurry it up you guys!
Sakura- What is it?
Naruto - Did you see Sasuke?
Pankun- No. There are two squads behind us. That's eight ninja. Wait a minute, there's one more. That makes nine ninja following us.
Kaito- Really? C'mon man!
Shikamaru- Aw come on already. Give me a break here.
We jump to the ground and go on foot until Pankun stops.
Naruto- What's the hold up?
Pankun- Zip it and follow me. We're going back over our footprints. If we pull this off, our footprints will seem to disappear.
Itsuki- You heard the dog. Let's get to it.
Naruto- Ugh. Is this really gonna do anything? I mean, they'd have to be pretty lame ninja if this throws them off.
Itsuki- It'll help us buy some time so quit complaining.
We finish and Naruto is the only one left.
Sakura- Hurry up.
Shikamaru- We don't have all day you know.
Naruto- I know quit bugging me. He finishes and we continue to leap through the trees as we follow Sasuke and Akari's trail.
Pankun- (sniff) This is not good. Be prepared for an ambush because they're definitely back on our trail.
Shikamaru- (sarcastic) Great. They're probably Chūnin or higher. We'll be wiped out if they catch us.
We talk it over and an ambush is out of the question and Shikamaru comes up with a plan for one of us to stay behind and act as a decoy.
Shikamaru- Whoever stays behind and acts as the decoy will probably die.
We immediately come to a halt.
Shikamaru-............So, who's gonna do it? We need the dog to follow Sasuke and Akari. So that means........
Kaito-..........You know what, fuck it. I'll do-
Shikamaru- I'm the only one who can do it.
Sakura- Shikamaru!
Itsuki- Wait a minute man.
Naruto- Why does it have to be you?
Shikamaru- It's better than all of us being taken out. Besides, I'm the only who has a chance of pulling this decoy act off and of surviving this attack. Besides, we need Itsuki and Kaito in case of Gaara and his squad. (Leaps to another branch) And the Shadow Possession Jutsu was invented as a delay tactic. Anyway, I'll catch up with you guys later. Go on. Get going.
Naruto- All right. We're counting on you shikamaru.
Itsuki- Don't you dare die buddy.
Kaito- Come back alive.
Shikamaru waves us off and we move on without him.
Akari (POV)
I eventually catch up to Sasuke we continue to leap from tree to tree as we close in on Gaara Squad. We leap to one branch and hear a clicking sound. We look down to see a letter bomb.
Akari- Shit! Watch out!
I we start to jump erratically as we leap from branch as they explode every time we land. We get out of range and get to a higher level in the trees.
Sasuke- That was close.
Akari- Yeah no kidding. Let's keep moving.
Sasuke- Yeah.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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