Chapter 74

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Tsunade (POV)
Glasses guy- Please! We haven't come all this way to fight. We're here to negotiate.
Tsunade- Negotiate?
Glasses guy- That's right.
Tsunade- Are you trying to make me laugh?! I've told you once already. Now get the fuck out of my sight!
Glasses guy- I'm afraid that's just impossible.
Tsunade- Get outta here.
Glasses guy- You're the only one who can cure lord Orochimaru's arms. You know that.
Tsunade- I'm warning you.
Glasses guy- We're not asking for charity. We can make a deal here.
Tsunade- I'll count down from five. I suggest you leave before I'm done. Otherwise, I'll have to make you.
Glasses guy- Please try to remain calm. This could prove beneficial for both of us.
Tsunade- Five.......four........three.....two.....and one.
Shizune leaps into action.
Orochimaru- I'm offering to bring back your dear little brother and your beloved back to life.
Everyone stops in their tracks and my eyes go wide.
Orochimaru- I can do it with a forbidden Jutsu that I have developed.
We just stand there for a couple seconds longer.
Orochimaru- I can't help but notice that you haven't chased us off yet, my old friend. I suppose it's safe to assume we have a deal here then?
Itsuki (POV)
We finally made it to Tanzaku Town to look for Tsunade. We've been going place to place to see if anyone knows of her whereabouts. We just left a gambling house and are back wondering the streets. Gin was searching the area by rooftop and he just landed in front of us.
Jiraiya- You see anything?
Gin- Not a Damn thing. Why does this woman have to be so difficult?
Jiraiya- I know right? She's been this way ever since we were young. Welp, let's keep looking.
Gin- We have to try higher ground than just rooftops. Doesn't this place have a Castle?
Jiraiya- Hey good thinking. We can search from up there. Hey Naruto, Itsuki this way.
Tsunade (POV)
Orochimaru- Come now Tsunade. Don't you want to see them again?
Tsunade *mind*- Nawaki, Dan
Their faces flood my mind.

Tsunade- What exactly do you plan on doing once your arms have been restored to you?
Orochimaru- Well you know me. I've never been one to lie. So I'll just go ahead and give you the truth. How about that? In addition to grabbing all I desire, this time around I'm going to finish what I started and I'm going to grind the hidden Leaf Village into dust.
Itsuki (POV)
We made it to the castle only to find it all the way fucked up.
Naruto- So what happened? It's like a typhoon hit it.
Jiraiya- Yeah.
Gin- Something doesn't add up.
There were some citizens below running and and saying a big snake crushed the castle like it was nothing.
Itsuki- I think I know what they're talking about. He attacked me during the Chunin exams in the forest of death.
Gin- Why does he have to be here.
Jiraiya- Come on. Me thinks this is the same fella we're all thinking about.
Back to Tsunade (POV)
Shizune- You're going to destroy the Leaf Village?
Orochimaru just gives a evil grin.
Glasses guy- Well what do you say?
Shizune- Lady Tsunade! Don't trust them. Do not listen to their sweet words. Think of your brother and my uncle. They wouldn't have wanted any part of this. This isn't what they lived for. It would be a betrayal of them. A betrayal of yourself. Have you forgotten all of your dreams? I know it's not easy. I know how tempting it is for you. But wake up Lady Tsunade! Open your eyes!
Tsunade- Shut up Shizune!
Glasses guy- Don't decide now but we'll expect your answer within the week. Keep in mind, if your answer is yes, this Jutsu requires two human sacrifices. It will be your job to take care of that part.
Shizune- What are we doing? I say we kill them both here and now. Come on Lady Tsunade. What are we waiting for? Together we can-
I don't bother looking at her as my eyes are to the ground. I lift my head a bit only to see Orochimaru bite his right index finger and let the blood drip from. My fear of blood activates and start to shake and breathe hard.
Orochimaru- It's true I may be a little weak right now. However, (chuckles) our good friend here has her one weaknesses too doesn't she? I see you haven't lost it yet haven't you? Your fear of blood. Come it is time we were going Kabuto. I look forward to your decision Tsunade. I'm sure it will be the right one.
With that, Kabuto and Orochimaru depart leaving me still shaking uncontrollably while holding my cursed necklace and cursed ring.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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