Chapter 75

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Itsuki (POV)
We were running on top of the castle walls when Gin and Jiraiya leapt down to check out a destroyed part of the wall. We followed after them.
Jiraiya- We're too late.
Itsuki- Man this wall got busted to shits.
Naruto- Did the snake do this too?
Gin- Nope. I recognize Tsunade's work anywhere.
Itsuki- She did all of this? Intriguing.
Jiraiya- Come on you guys. We're not gonna find Tsunade here.
It's nighttime and we'd been walking the streets all day.
Naruto- When are we going to stop? You've been dragging us place to place all day. I'm starting to think this old lady doesn't even exist.
Gin- Oh she exists all right but locating her is turning out to be a lot harder than we originally thought.
We stop outside some restaurant.
Jiraiya- Let's stop here and grab a bite to eat.
Naruto- Hey this isn't no restaurant! It's a bar!
Jiraiya- Yeah so what?
Gin- They're children Jiraiya.
Jiraiya- Oh whatever. Quit being a sad sack and come on already. If you guys don't want to come in then fine. However if the kids come in, have a snack and stay out of the adult's way.
We enter after Jiraiya steps in.
Naruto- Why here of all places? Why not a real restaurant like a ramen place.
Zack: Apparently he hasn't played any elder scrolls games.
Indigo: Why? Just why?
Gin- Because run down places like this are perfect for gathering intel......oh shit.
His face goes pale as he stares at someone. I follow his gaze to a very attractive woman with huge "assets"

Jiraiya see's this as well and he stares too. The woman catches on and stares us down too.
Gin- (turns around) Welp time to go. Nothing to see here.
Woman- Gin Daisuke Uchiha! Turn your ass right back around and come here this instant! You to Jiraiya!
Gin slowly turns back around.
Gin- Uh hi Tsunade.
Itsuki- Wait what!
We walk over to her table and she gets out and gets right into Gin's face.
Gin- Um hi Tsunade.
Tsunade grabs Gin in a bear hug and hugs him tight.
Tsunade- It's been too long! I've missed so much y'know?!
Gin- I've...missed you...too....You can....let go...of
She let's go and we all have a seat.
Jiraiya- I'm glad we've found you. We've been looking for everywhere for you. Should've known you'd be in here of all places.
We order some grub and Tsunade gets even more drunk despite what her friend Shizune says.
Tsunade- It's like a reunion. All y'all's faces coming back at the same time.
Jiraiya- (pours himself some Sake) You mean Orochimaru. So what exactly happened?
Tsunade- Oh nothing much. We said hello and that's about it.
She takes out cards from her shirt and shuffles them. Jiraiya takes them and deals them out to himself, Gin and Tsunade.
Tsunade- So why were you looking for me anyway? Was it because you missed me that much Gin? Hmm?
Gin- Uh yes and no. Being your best friend in all, we don't keep secrets from each other so I'm going to get right to the point. Due to the third Hokage's passing, the village hidden in the Leaves is without a leader. After heavy discussion, the elders have decided to name you the fifth Hokage.
I'm shocked but I don't show it whereas Naruto almost chokes on his fish.
Tsunade- It was Orochimaru's doing right? He did him in. Yeah I heard about it. Heard it from the snake himself.
Naruto- Wait a minute. You're saying he's the one who killed the old man?
Itsuki- Yeah. You didn't know about that?
Naruto- Just exactly is this Orochimaru guy?
Jiraiya- He's one of the Sannin like Tsunade and yours truly.
Gin- Pretty creepy guy if I do say so myself.
Naruto- But why? The Sannin are all from the Leaf Village right? Why'd he do it?
Itsuki- Honestly, I wasn't all that shocked when I found out he did it. I mean he doesn't even care for Akari, his own daughter.
Tsunade- Jiraiya, Gin, who're the brats you guys brought with you?
Itsuki- Excuse me? Brat?
Jiraiya- (chuckles) The blonde is Naruto Uzumaki.
Gin- The other boy with the black hair is Itsuki Uchiha. One of the last of the Uchiha clan and the newly discovered seventeen tailed Jinchūriki.
She looks at us both with a little bit of a shocked expression.
Naruto- Ok wait a second! I haven't finished yet. There's something about this I'm not getting! So this guy, you know he's the one who murdered to Hokage. What have you done about it pervy sage? He's a Sannin and he's one of you guys. Why's he still walking around? Why haven't you caught him? Oh and what's the deal with her being the fifth Hokage?
JGI- Naruto, sit your ass down and shut up.
Naruto- Absolutely not.
Jiraiya- (cold and serious)
Naruto sits down.
Jiraiya- Like Gin just said. The Leaf Village decided to make you fifth Hokage. Your answer?
Tsunade- Impossible. I decline.
Jiraiya- You know it's kind of funny. This rings a bell. This reminds me of the first and only time I asked you out.
Naruto- Will somebody tell me what's going on? You said we'd take her back to the Leaf Village so she can cure Sasuke, Akari, Kakashi sensei, and Reo sensei. Now you're pulling this stuff about making her Hokage. And then she goes off and just flat out refuses.
Jiraiya- Don't worry Naruto. She knows she can't refuse. There's nobody else.
He goes on to explain about her contribution in the third Great War and how she's the granddaughter of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju.
Gin- Gotta hand it out to the elders. They thought this through.
Tsunade- You're slipping Jiraiya. This apprentice isn't at all like your last one and as for the other kid, at least he has some sense. Blondey here is a loud mouth, a fool, and funny looking too. Whereas the other is quiet, has some knowledge, but I bet turned a bit of an emo when his family died am I right?
That sparked anger inside me.
Tsunade- The both of them are just going to die young anyway. Just like the fourth Hokage. He through his life away and for what? The sake of the village? Give me a break. Money is one thing but a life is another. To risk your life against all the odds, that's a bastards bet. My grandfather and his successor, were both willing to die to defend the village. Well they're both dead all right, and the village is no safer than it ever was.
Gin- The Hell Tsunade? The fuck is wrong with you?
Tsunade- Well you see dearest Gin, you forget I'm not as young as I look. The years have taught me things. Sarutobi sensei should've known better. What did he hope to accomplish? To try to be a hero at his age? Me as Hokage, count me out. It's a death waiting to happen.
Naruto and I jump the table gunning for Tsunade. Jiraiya was able to get ahold of Naruto but Gin wasn't so lucky as he didn't catch me and I reared back my right fist and buried it into the wall mere centimeters from Tsunade's face. My Sharingan has already been activated I was giving Tsunade the biggest death glare I've given yet.
Itsuki- You honestly think I was going to sit still and let you say that shit? Insulting me is one thing. I couldn't give a damn. But disgracing the heroes who gave their lives for us, and insulting my family's murder? Nah, that's where you crossed the line. Now I don't condone hitting women but I will beat a bitch ass with everything I have.
Tsunade- Heh. You boy have a serious set of balls for saying stuff like that to me. Are you challenging me to a fight?
Itsuki- You Damn Right I am.
Naruto- So am I.
Tsunade- Well considered the challenge accepted. Let's take this outside kids.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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