Chapter 88

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Itsuki (POV)
Naruto and I stand side by side as Akari gets out of the wall and stands next to Sasuke. An eerie silence takes over as the tension is about to reach it's breaking point.
Sasuke- Naruto!!
Naruto- Sasuke!!!
Akari- Itsuki!!!
Itsuki- Akari!!!
We all rush towards each other as the fight begins. Naruto and Sasuke clash as they block each other's oncoming fists. Akari comes at me with a superman punch and I slide underneath her on my knees to avoid the hit. I quickly get up and turn around only to catch a flying roundhouse kick by Akari. I punch her inner left thigh and toss her up. She backflips in the air but gets catch her with a bicycle knee to her jaw as she comes down.
Itsuki- Shadow Clone Jutsu.
I spawn two clones and they rush the staggered Akari. The first one knees her in her stomach and she bends forward clutching her stomach. The second clone gets on all fours and I run and use him as a springboard. I land on top of Akari and my legs wrap underneath the open spaces in her arms. I force my momentum forward making her backflip. I drive her head into the concrete leaving a crater.
Indigo: Basically this 👇

I don't even have a moment to breath as I get kicked in the side of the head and get sent tumbling. I get up and notice Sasuke is the one who's targeting me now. I look for Naruto and see he's down temporarily.
Itsuki- Fine so be it.
Sasuke comes to me and starts laying in a flurry of punches. I cover up as best as I can as he forces me backwards. Sasuke kicks me in my stomach and sends me against the protective cage. He goes for right but I catch it with my left hand. I pull him in right into my right elbow. It connects with his nose and his blood begins to flow. I grab the back of his head and ram it into the cage wall. I ran his face into the cage wall several more times until I backflip away from him.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Laser Shot!!
I extend both hands and fire off a big lightning laser blast.

Sasuke ducks last minute and the blast leaves a gaping hole in the protective cage wall. With Sasuke still in shock I dash at him with a right hook locked and loaded. I turns back to me and ducks. I skid to a stop and prevent myself from falling off the roof. I turn back around only to get tackled by Akari and we both go through the hole and go off the roof. Still in the air Akari hits me in the face with a right hook and a left hook.
Akari- Earth Style: Double Giant Gauntlets Technique!
Big rock gauntlets form on her hands and she brings both fists together and smashes me. I get rocketed to the ground even faster and I crash into the ground making a crater.
Akari- Earth Style: Binding Chains.
Rock chains lock onto my wrists and ankles as Akari approaches my downed self. With her gauntlet let's no longer on, she mounts me and begins to pound in my face with shot after shot.
I focus on breaking the chains around my wrists which I successfully do after some effort. I grab Akari's head much to her surprise and I bring her face down and headbutt her. While she grabs her head in pain, I grab her right hand and take hold of her middle and ring finger. I rip them opposite of each other only to hear a satisfying pop and Akari hollering in pain.
Indigo: Like this 👇

Akari gets up still holding onto her fingers. I break my leg chains and double boot Akari in the face sending her up and through the hospital wall. I slowly get up only to look towards the hole to see Akari barely standing.
Akari- I'm ending this right now!
Itsuki- By all means go ahead. The sooner this is over, the sooner I can go home.
Akari- Tch.
She extends her right arm and the wind begins to pick up as that Jutsu begins to form in her hand.
Itsuki *mind*- Two can play it that way.
I hold out my right hand in front of me as red lightning begins to spark and intensify.
Akari- Tornado Rasengan!!!
Itsuki- Crimson Chidori!!!!
She leaps out of the hole down towards me.
Akari- This is how I finally beat you!!!!
Itsuki- Bring it on!! I ain't losing!!!
Akari- Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
Itsuki- Raaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Something grabs my wrist and Akari's wrist and we get spun around and thrown in opposite directions. I fly towards a group of trees and they burst in an explosion up on impact with the chidori.

I get up slowly get up and turn around to see who threw me. Reo sensei stood in the middle eyeing me disapprovingly. I look past him to see Akari has hit a bunch of trees and caused some damage but not as much as mine. She eyes me and my aftermath and looks on on in shock and and a bit upset.
Reo- What do you two think you're doing? That was a little too intense for just a rematch don't you think? The hell is wrong with you two?
Reo *mind*- Itsuki, was that really that Jutsu? There's no doubt about it. The Crimson Chidori. But Itsuki mastering THAT Jutsu? I know he's good but that should be impossible.
Reo- What were you thinking? Were you really going to kill him Akari?
Akari- Yes! Wait no! I-I don't know!
Tears flow from her eyes as she stares at me.
Akari- I'm so sorry.
She leaps away to who knows where.
Reo- Are you alright Itsuki?
Itsuki- Physically yes. Mentally and emotionally, I hurt even worse. I going home. Bye sensei.
With that I leave to go home.
Orochimaru's Hideout
Orochimaru (POV)
Orochimaru- Hehe. It's time. It's finally time. Go. Bring them to me sound ninja four.

SN4- Yes.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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