Chapter 89

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Reo (POV)
I watch as Itsuki leaps away to go home.
Reo- What is going on between those two? I'm assuming you taught him that Jutsu Gin.
Gin comes from around the hospital building.
Reo- Don't you think he's a little young to handle such a dangerous technique? He couldn't killed her y'know. I know you see him as a little brother and I know you want I to protect from the Akatsuki and his sister Kyoko but still, to entrust him with a Jutsu, your Jutsu.
Gin- Not to sound petty or anything but you're one to talk. Teaching Akari the Tornado Rasengan, a variation of the technique Lord Fourth Hokage taught you during his life. I knew she had a sort of competitive streak with the boy but damn man. I'd never believe she would be willing to use a bigger sized Rasengan than the one at the Chunin Exams to beat Itsuki. She obviously cares for Itsuki a lot but where is this new mean streak coming from?
Reo- It's nothing we haven't seen before.
Gin- Explain.
Reo- When you think about it, it isn't as different as the relationship Jiraiya has with Orochimaru.
Gin- I see.
Reo- To Itsuki, Akari is a rival but also the person he cares for the most. You can even go as far to say that he loves the girl. It's that love and care for her that pushes him. That and becoming the best ninja in the world. Both Itsuki and Akari are perhaps one edge strongest and most powerful people to come out of the academy and they've only grown from there but Itsuki has been slowly going farther than her in strength and power ever since. To Itsuki, our opinion doesn't really matter. There is only one person who's opinion and feelings he cares about. Akari. On the flip side, it's hard for Akari the person she admires the most get out of reach in terms of strength and skills. Itsuki and Akari have come around so fast but Itsuki was always just that much more ahead. Akari must feel like she's losing him. She wants to be able to stand by his side as equals. Itsuki has something driving him on and now so does Akari. She wants to escape Orochimaru's dark shadow and create her own legacy. And now she has another reason. Doing whatever it takes to keep Itsuki safe from her. Kyoko.
Gin- That's noble in all but that may be driving her too fast. One false move and she can turn to darkness to achieve her dreams.
Reo- Akari is afraid acknowledge Itsuki's growing strength. If she does, she's afraid she'll never catch up with the boy she's in love with. (Sigh) It can be hard work maintaining a relationship like this.
Gin- Well it's not turning out to be a healthy relationship. It's time I gave someone a little bro talk.
Reo- Right. I'll leave Itsuki to you. I'll deal with Akari.
Gin leaps away to trail Itsuki while I search for Akari.
Akari (POV)
I'm sitting up on top of the Hokage face cliff overlooking the village. I can't help but think of the beating I took from Kyoko, her poisonous words, and the nightmare she put me through.
Akari *mind*- What the fuck have I been doing? Why can't I keep up with him? Why do the villagers treat me even worse than before? Do I even belong here?
Suddenly I feel like I'm about to be attacked. I leap up only to have rope wrap around my feet and bring me back down. I look up to see Reo sensei.
Akari- Grrrr. The hell? What the fuck is this all about?
Reo- I would say I'm sorry but then again I'm not. I know you wouldn't sit still for a lecture so I had to ground you.
Akari- Hmph.
Reo- You need to let this new attitude go. Forget about what the other villagers think about you. As long as you do what's right by the village and what's right by you, fuck the others.
Akari- What?
Reo- Believe me, in my time I've met a lot of guys and girls who feel the same as you do. Believe me, for those who follow the path of getting more power by any means necessary, it leads them to darkness and it never ends well. You'll only tear yourself apart, and even if you succeed, do you honestly think Itsuki will look at you the same way he does now?
Akari- What?!
Reo- The answer is no. You will lose him.
Akari- You shut the fuck up. What makes you think you know anything about me or what Itsuki and I share huh?! It's easy for you to talk. You have no idea what it's like to be me!!
Reo- Easy there girl. Try to calm down would ya?
Akari- Maybe if you were to live in the shadow of a monster and have the people of this fucking village treat you like fucking shit or not having the power to protect the person you love or save them when it matters most, maybe then I'd listen to you. Because maybe then you'd understand what it feels like to spend a day in my shoes. Maybe then you'd know how I feel.
Reo- Hmm. I'm afraid you're to late to put that theory to test as you see, the love of my life is already dead and so is my monster of a father.
Akari- What?
Reo- I've been around longer than you have kid. I've seen my fair share of troubles and I have plenty of regrets. You're not the only one to know what it's like living in the shadow of of a terrible person or not being strong enough when it counts to protect the love of your life. Neither of us has led the easy life but, it could be worse. At least you and I were lucky enough to find friends and comrades to help deal with these feelings we share. I do know how you feel. With the Tornado Rasengan, I've granted you the gift of awesome power that lord Fourth Hokage himself bestowed to me. It's not a power to be used against your friends. In your heart, you know what it's for. Itsuki feels the same for you as you feel for him.
I look up at him in shock.
Reo- Tell him how you feel before it's too late. Ok end of the lecture. You decide whether you take what I said and harness it or not.
He unties the rope and poofs away.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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