Chapter 93

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Itsuki (POV)
Shikamaru- Alright let's go.
???- Wait!
It was Sakura.
Naruto- Are you alright?
Itsuki- Tsunade told us everything. Sorry but we can't take you on this one. I know you tried but even you couldn't convince Sasuke, could you? And before you ask why I'm bringing Kaito is because Akari is gone as well and I need his skill to force both Sasuke Akari back to the village if necessary. Sorry but there is nothing else you can do for Sasuke.
Sakura- (crying) Naruto, this is a once in a lifetime request. Just bring him home. Bring Sasuke back to me. I did everything I could. I tried, but I couldn't stop him from leaving the village. At this point there's only one person who can stop him and that's you.
Naruto gives her some inspiring words and we walk on out the village ready to face the danger ahead and take Sasuke and Akari back.
Akari (POV)
The sound ninja four brings us to a halt and surrounds both Sasuke and I.
Sakon- Sasuke, Akari, I think this far enough. We're already past the Hidden Leaf Village.
Sasuke- So what's up?
Akari- What is the meaning of this?
Sakon- Orochimaru gave us a very important task to take care of when we reach this point.
Sasuke- You're gonna tell us what we have to do or not?
They are start to softly chuckle.
Akari *mind*- I don't like this. Looks like we may have to tussle after all.
Sakon- Before we go any further I'm afraid you must die just this once.
Sasuke- We must die once?
Akari- I knew you guys couldn't be trusted.
Sakon- (chuckles) Easy Akari. It's not what you think. You both must take one of these awakening pills.
Akari- Awakening for what exactly?
Tayuya- The marking on your neck and Sasuke's shoulder is only a first state curse mark. But those pills will stimulate and magnify it's power, making it a level two.
Akari- What's the catch?
Sakon- Ah a smart one. You see, strengthening the curse mark will also increase the effects on both your bodies. Such a rapid change will kill you at once. And so, to insure that you two survive the transition to the second state, we must give your bodies time to get accustomed to it. Several hours at the least. After that, once the transition is complete, your power may even be equal to ours. Unfortunately the fact remains that even with all the preparations, you both still have to die.
Sasuke- So we're dead. What'll happen after that?
Sakon- Not to worry. Why do you think my friends and I are here? We'll cast a barrier ninjitsu to lessen the effects of the transition. Instead of dying, you'll both be suspended in the state of half death for awhile.
Akari- And we're supposed to trust you guys to make sure this half death doesn't turn out to the actual death?
Kidomaru- Listeb Akari. Don't forget who we are. Orochimaru's hand picked bodyguards. If there's anyone who knows about curse marks, barrier ninjutsu, and all the rest, it's be us.
Akari- Well I mean you did help kill lord third Hokage so I guess we have no choice. Gimme those pills.
Sakon tosses the small pill bottle to me and I open it and take one. I give it to Sasuke and he grabs one.
Akari- Well, bottoms up.
We both down the pill. Instantly everything starts to hurt a bunch and I grab my chest and fall to one knee.
Tayuya (POV)
Sakon- (pulls out big scroll) Right. We have to do this quickly before we lose them.
He summons two big coffins.

Jirobo places both Akari and Sasuke in separate coffins.
Sakon- Get in position.
We all perform our required hand signs.
Sakon- Now.
We raise our hands to in the air and dark mist fills area above the coffins.

We slam our hands down to the ground and the mist strikes the coffins.
SN4- Four Black Mist Formation!
The coffins get sealed and Sakon pulls out tags. He nips his thumb and writes symbols on them and throws them in both coffins.
Sakon- Sealing Jutsu..........There. That'll hold them for now. Let's continue our move. Kidomaru, Jirobo, you take them.
JK- Right.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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