Chapter 94

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Itsuki (POV)
We breached the forest not too long ago and were following Kiba as he tracks down the scent of Akari and Sasuke. Suddenly Akamaru starts to whimper.
Kiba- Akamaru?
Shikamaru- What's with him?
Kiba- He smells blood. It's somewhere nearby. Here's what happened. The scent of two newcomers converged on the scent of Akari, Sasuke, and four others. The two have stayed behind while Sasuke's group moved on. So what now?
Itsuki- I knew it. Akari and Sasuke has got an escort.
Shikamaru- Man this is turning out to be such a drag.
Naruto- Well there's no question. We gotta go after Sasuke.
Kiba- Who died and made you boss? Last time I checked, Shikamaru and Itsuki were in charge of running the show. It's up to them to decide.
Naruto- Hmph.
Kaito- So what's the plan Itsuki?
Itsuki- Well my best guess is that from the blood Akamaru smelled earlier, Akari's group had a little fight with the newcomers.
Shikamaru- If we go to the spot where they fought, we might be able to gather some useful information. Of course we can't just rush in. It might be a trap. When we it closer, we'll go into full reconnaissance mode and take it slowly.
Neji- And while we're doing that, Sasuke and Akari will have crossed beyond the borders of the Land of Fire and out of our hands.
Naruto- Ok platoon leaders, what's it gonna be?
Itsuki-..........We follow Sasuke and Akari.
Shikamaru- Agreed.
Naruto- Way to go you two. I knew you'd make the right choice.
Shikamaru- One thing.
Naruto- What?
Shikamaru- These guys have already been in one fight, so they'll be on their guard. Unless they're complete idiots, they'll have to know there's more ninja on their trail. There's a good chance we'll hit some booby traps or even an ambush up ahead.
Itsuki- From this point on, we proceed with extreme caution. I want everybody, not just Akamaru, to put all your senses on full alert. If you catch a trace of anything suspicious, sound the alarm. We wanna get these guys before they get us.
Naruto- Got it! And when we get them, I'm gonna clobber then with this brand new Jutsu of mine.
Kiba- The enemy's scent is here. All around us.
Shikamaru- Everybody stop.
We all land in a tree limb.
Shikamaru- Look up.
We look up to see a paper bomb on a tree trunk.

Neji- I'm sure there's five more of them. A perimeter barrier, that's what it is.
Choji- A perimeter barrier?
Kaito - It's a type of trap ninjutsu. There's a delay after the perimeter is breached, giving the victim just enough time to get to the center of the area for full effect. It's a tricky Jutsu indeed.
Kiba- Ugh. Now we gotta waste time going around it. Great.
We hop down to ground floor and go around. We eventually run into some tripwire and are forced to go slow to avoid them.
Kiba- Man, this whole forest is booby trapped.
Shikamaru- Yeah but luckily they're easy to spot. These guys are moving fast and getting sloppy.
Kiba- Naruto do us all a favor and watch where you're going. Don't want you blowing us all up.
Naruto- Tell me something I don't know.
Naruto steps over a wire but there was an almost invisible tripwire that he was about to step on. Shikamaru catches him with his Shadow Possession Jutsu.
Kiba- Didn't I tell ya to watch your step you moron?!
Shikamaru- I see what's going on.
Itsuki- Yeah. One wire is easy to see because it catches the light while the other is camouflaged. You're too busy avoiding the first and they make you trip the second. A smart tactic.
Neji- They've created a trap within a trap. They're clever whoever they are.
Shikamaru- All their other traps were quick and dirty as if they were moving fast. But not this one.
Neji- They may have stopped to rest. Perhaps one of them is injured. Or is this part of the trap? Byakugan!
Neji uses his Byakugan to scan for our enemies.
Neji- I see them.
Naruto- Well let's go, I'm dying to show these clowns what I've got.
Kiba- Is that right? Hate to disappoint you hotshot but I've got a new Jutsu I've been working on too.
Choji- Yeah me too.
Kaito- You guys aren't the only ones.
Itsuki- Okay okay you guys calm down. First we need to make a plan and get everything ready. Then, we beat these bitches.
Tayuya (POV)
We're all slumped over in the ground breathing hard after the battle we just fought against two Hidden Leaf Jounin.
Sakon- It drives me crazy, having to stop like this and rest when we should be moving on.
Tayuya- But what did you expect? You think you can fight a level two battle without feeling the effects?
Jirobo- To feel like your whole body is completely useless, it's frustrating.
Kidomaru- Can't be helped if you're going to take on two Jounin level ninja. If we'd held anything back, we'd have been dead.
Tayuya- Let's just hope those punks were our only obstacle. These two brats better be worth it I swear.
Kidomaru suddenly sits up as his web strings vibrate.
Sakon- Spoke too soon.
I follow his eyes to a bush across the way.
Tayuya *mind*- Well Damn. Here we go again.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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