Chapter 97

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Itsuki (POV)
Shikamaru- It's on you Choji.
Choji- Ok! Expansion Jutsu!

Choji- Alright here we go! Human Boulder!
His limbs and head go inside his shirt and pants and he starts spinning really fast and crashes into the wall. After a couple seconds, he smashes through the wall and we make our escape. The structure collapses revealing the big guy as the only here.
Shikamaru- Well Choji, there's no other way of saying it. That was awesome.
Jirobo- They managed to escape my barrier ninjutsu.
Shikamaru- He's by himself.
Itsuki- And both coffins aren't here. The others must've took them and went ahead.
Neji- You are correct. I'm using my Byakugan and they are nowhere to be seen.
Shikamaru- Ain't that just swell. And just when I thought we'd finally caught up to them.
Jirobo- Not a bad bit of handiwork you guys. For a bunch of losers.
Naruto- What?!
Kiba- Who are you calling losers?!
They run at the big guy.
Kiba- Now that we're out, you're toast.
Naruto- Outta the way, he's mine.
Neji- Stop you two!
They stop in their tracks.
Neji- There's no way we can take him head on. It's too dangerous.
Kiba- We just tore through that clown's barrier. How tough can he be? Tunneling Fang!
He spirals at the big guy but gets known out of the by a punch with ease.
Naruto- Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Naruto spawns a clone and the both run at the big guy. He slaps the clone and headbutts the real Naruto.
Jirobo- I'm gonna eat you guys for lunch!
Kiba- Try it.
Jirobo- Shoulder Charge!
He bashes kiba with is shoulder charge. Kaito jumps on him from behind and pushes his sword against the front of the big guy's neck. Kaito- Say goodbye to your head!
The big guy reaches back and grabs Kaito by his face and throws him into a tree.
Jirobo- You wouldn't even do as an appetizer.
Shikamaru- Careful you guys, he's just getting started.
Jirobo- Earth Style Barrier: Earth Domed Prison.
Itsuki- Everyone move! It's that same attack!
Choji uses his expansion Jutsu scatter up some dust and allowed us to retreat for cover to come up with a plan.
Shikamaru- We're running out of time. There's no choice. We gotta split up.
Naruto- What'd be the point in that?
Neji- No he's right. With all of our chakra taken away, even with the seven of us against him, he's not going to be easy to take out. And with every second that passes, Sasuke and Akari gets closer to the border. Once they cross it, it'll be out of our hands. So we should split into two groups. One to stop him and one to follow Sasuke and Akari.
Shikamaru- You'll head the second team ok Itsuki?
Before I could respond, the ground shakes and a tree almost falls on us. We jump out the way to see the big guy made this spot a clearing to seek us out.
Jirobo- So there you guys are.
Shikamaru- Itsuki, you take Neji, Kiba, and Kaito with you to go after Sasuke.
Itsuki- Right ok.
Shikamaru- Choji, Naruto, we'll take this guy down.
Jirobo- What're gonna do? Play with my shadow again? Don't waste my time kid. You already showed me your little parlor trick, and once was enough.
Shikamaru- That's funny. I seem to remember someone around here getting taken in by that parlor trick.
Jirobo- Heh.
He smashes the ground and a big cloud of dust and dirts picks up. Once it goes away, he isn't there.
Neji- He disappeared.
Kiba- (sniffs) He's right behind us!
We turn around only to see him lifting a big piece of earth.

Jirobo- Earth Style: Sphere Of Graves!
Naruto- Are you insane?!
He rears back to throw it and everyone moves out of the way except me. I place both hands on the ground.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Black Hunting.
Black lightning surrounds me and goes to the big guy as several black lightning panthers. The big guy throws the big piece of earth and it connects with my panthers and both attacks cancel each other out in a small explosion. The others gather back around my position and the ground starts to shake again.
Shikamaru- Get ready, another one is coming.
The ground opens up beneath me to reveal a hand. I get caught and the big guy comes out of the ground and hangs me upside down.
Jirobo- So you're in charge of this rag tag bunch am I right?
Itsuki- I guess per say.
Jirobo- Well is you got a dumbass for a leader, then the whole team suffers. Know what I mean? You don't want to follow a guy like this. Let me get rid of him!
He throws me at a tree but Choji comes in clutch and catches me.
Itsuki- Thanks man.
Jirobo- Aw come on. I try to help you guys out and look what you do. I don't know which is more pathetic, the fools for leaders or those who follow them. Tell you what. You don't want to keep working under this glum faced little shadow lover and the this failure of a Uchiha. I'll just kill you now and put you out of your misery.
Naruto- It's time for you to shut your mouth or I'll come shut it for you!
Choji- Naruto! I'll handle him. This guy is mine.

Indigo: That's the end of this chapter. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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