Chapter 2

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Reo (POV)
We headed into the forest and combed the area and the surroundings are for the Akatsuki's tracks
Kakashi- As I feared. The rain has wiped out any traces of their tracks.
Reo- So, how do we go about moving ahead in the endeavor?
Shikamaru- Well, we can't do anything until we've found them. So that's still our first order of business.
Choji- Remember what they said? They said they'd be back. That's what they said but they really wouldn't be stupid enough to return to the same place would they?
Ino- In any case, we got another team watching the collection office just in case they do return there.
Shikamaru- The loud mouth guy doesn't bother me so much. It's those other two that I'm worried about. And I'm betting they'll take different route but their destination will remain the same. Whether they're after the bounty on Asuma or the Jinchūriki inside of Naruto and Itsuki, in either case, their target is the Leaf.
Reo- There are many approaches to the Leaf Village. It's a lot of territory to cover. How do we go about finding them?
Shikamaru looks around till he spots a hawk flying in the air.
Shikamaru- That's how.
Ino- I'm on it.
Ino uses her Mind Transfer Technique Jutsu on the hawk and we wait by her body until she comes back. When she does, it's in a panicked shocked way.
Choji- What happened? Are you alright?
Ino- Oh man. That was close.
Shikamaru- Did they spot you?
Ino- I think I'm okay. They're taking a different route just like you predicted. If we head northeast, we'll run into them. It'll take about ten minutes.
Fudo (POV)
Kakuzu just murdered a bird that was perched on a tree.
Hidan- What was that all about?
Kakuzu- It was nothing. Nothing at all.
Fudo- Then let's keep moving. We're burning daylight.
Kakuzu- Right.
We keep on walking in silence until I get the sense of an imminent attack.
Fudo- Hidan. Kakuzu.
Hidan- I know.
Kakuzu- Right.
We break away in three directions and we look back only to see that shadow jutsu again. Kunai knives come to us from the other direction with paper bombs attached to them. I use my jutsu to zip out of range impending explosion. We all come out unscathed.
Kakuzu- Watch out for the shadows.
The shadows come for us once again.
Hidan- We won't fall for that trick again!
Fudo- Above you Hidan!
That Shikamaru guy appears in the air and throws more knives with tags at the end at Hidan
Kakuzu- Paper bombs. Hidan look out!
One knife struck Kakuzu by his eye while the other got lodged in the dirt right behind Hidan.
Fudo *mind*- It didn't detonate.
Kakuzu- We've been had.
Hidan and Kakuzu are both trapped and Shikamaru jumps from his branch and lands a bit always from me.
Shikamaru- Shadow Possession Shuriken Technique achieved.
Hidan- You jerk. How did you do it when we dodged your shadow?
Shikamaru- What I threw at you were chakra blades. Not only do they absorb the chakra nature of whoever wields them, the complement and  augment his jutsu.
Hidan- What the hell is this kid talking about you guys?
Fudo- Would you shut up you fucking idiot.
Shikamaru- All right then. It's time to finish this.
Hidan- Hey, why so quiet huh? Why aren't you doing anything Fudo? You know what I think? Things aren't looking too good for us. That's what I think!
Shikamaru- Yeah you're right. As a matter of fact, by my calculations, it's all over for you two. Fudo here will be the only survivor for your side.
He uses shadow possession technique and locks onto Hidan.
Hidan- You fool.
Shikamaru uses his shadow to order Hidan to move amd pick up his scythe.
Hidan- I never forget a face kid. Some day I'm going to find you and kill you.
Shikamaru orders Hidan to rush Kakuzu.
Fudo- Enough of this!
I rush in to intercept Shikamaru.
???- Heavenly Messenger Jutsu!
Out of nowhere I get decked in the face from the right with a wind chakra charge punch and I go flying into one of the trees. I look to see that the person who attacked was none other than Reo of the Wind
Reo- Long time no see aye Fudo?
Fudo- Reo of the Wind. Didn't think I'd cross paths with you again.
Reo- It has been quite some time hasn't it.
Fudo- Kyoko said do whatever I must do to obtain the brat you protect so much. That involves killing you, oh what a treat it shall be. 
I notice that Hidan has Kakuzu backed up against a tree and another person jumps from said tree and enlarges himself.
???- Spiky Human Boulder!
He lands on Kakuzu and makes a crater in the process. I turn my attention back to Reo who's staring a hole at me.
Reo- So, I'd say let them sort out their problems and how about you focus on me huh? Make killing you worthwhile mkay?
Fudo- Confident are we? I'll make sure to present your head to the Jinchūriki and watch the pained look on his face right before I take him and bring him to his sister.
Reo- Over my dead body.
Fudo- That I will do.
I use my jutsu to appear in front of him in the air within the blink of an eye. I connect my knee with his jaw and he staggers back. I follow up by grabbing his vest and throwing him hard into a far off tree. He breaks the bark of the tree as he made impact and he slumps down the tree in a sitting position.
Fudo- Swift Style: Extreme Speed Fist.
I dart towards Reo gaining massive amounts of speed while readying my fist. At the last second, Reo tilts his head to the side and my fist goes through the tree leaving a smoke trail.
Fudo- Lucky dodge.
I dislodge my fist only to get met with a kick in stomach. I keel over only for Reo to drop to one knee and uppercut me. The shot sends me in the air a bit but I backflip through it and lags on my feet.
Reo- Wind Style: Great Bazooka!
My eyes widen as he releases an air shockwave from his arms.
Reo (POV)
The wind immediately takes him off his feet and he gets taken away by force of the wind and it's pressure until it finishes with a small shockwave explosion.

The dirt and smoke clears up I see that he's down on one knee. He looks up at me with devious smile with blood trickling down his mouth and a cut from his head.
Fudo- Oh so that's how this is going to be. This will be fun.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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