Chapter 3

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Reo (POV)
Fudo gets back to his feet and it looks like he's about to attack until that Kakuzu fellow yells out in pain. We both look to see Kakashi had got right where we wanted him.

Kakuzu- But how?........I didn't even......sense your approach.
Kakashi- Sorry bout that.
Hidan- Hey! What the hell is going on?! What's all that crap about physical attacks being useless against you?!
Shikamaru- Yeah how? How did you get behind the guy Kakashi sensei?
Kakashi- I saw everything. Even that flesh hardening jutsu. From the signs you were weaving, it's an earth style jutsu isn't it?
Kakuzu- You were able to read and interpret my signs so quickly. And your mastery of lightning style jutsu. That's it. You're Kakashi of the Sharingan and your comrade over there with such mastery of wind is Reo of the Wind.
Kakashi- Earth is inferior to lightning. Not your lucky day.
Reo- You guys picked the wrong village to fuck with. This is on your hands.
Kakashi dislodges his hand from Kakuzu's chest.
Hidan- Sucker punch to the heart huh. You through? I can't believe it. Just like that? Man!
Kakashi- Yeah and you're next.
Kakashi charges up a lightning blade. He charges Hidan only get met with a gut kick and a roundhouse to the face simultaneously by Fudo and Kakuzu who is somehow still alive.
Reo *mind*- But what? How did Fudo get over there?
I look back to where Fudo stood and sure enough, he's still there until he fades away to nonexistence.
Reo *mind*- What was that? What that some kind of afterimage due to his Swift style jutsu?
Kakuzu, and Fudo regroup with Hidan as Kakashi makes his way out the multiple trees he got sent through.
Hidan- Heh, and after all that tough talk of yours. Who's done for now Huh? Let's get this thing over with.
Fudo- That is the plan after all.
Kakuzu throws off his cloak to reveal his body

The masks on his back begin bulging out of his skin till they completely rip out of him.

The shadow possession on Hidan becomes undone and now all three of them plus those monsters stand tall before us.

Hidan- Shall we let the slaughter begin?
Kakuzu- Oh yes.
The monster with the broken mask splats onto the ground and stops moving.
Hidan- Kakuzu! What the hell was that?! You put on this big show and one drops dead before we can even get started! Come on! That's pretty lame if you ask me.
Kakuzu- Hidan just stay back. I've got this.
Hidan- No way. I want in on this action. I'm sick of watching these losers push us around. So, let's go with the usual.
Fudo- You two do whatever you want. Just don't touch Reo. He's mine to kill.
HK- Hmph.
An eerie silence befalls the battlefield and the only sound to be heard is the blowing of the wind. I go to start weaving a jutsu until I see a flash of a lightning bolt. Instantly I feel the ribs in chest break and I spit up blood. My focus on Fudo who was now in front of me with the point of his left elbow sunk into my chest. The force of the impact takes me off my feet and I go flying backwards. I could still see Fudo in front of me until something catches me by the back of my head and drives me face first into the ground, creating a little crater in the process. He rolls me over onto my back and begins to choke me.
Fudo- You're making this too easy Reo. I expected more from you.
While he chokes me, he doesn't realize I'm weaving a jutsu.
Reo *mind*- Wind Style: Callous Windstorm.
Strong winds gets forced outward from my feet and it goes in every direction. The wind forces Fudo to fly off of me. He lands a couple meters away from as I get back to my feet and catch my breath.
Fudo- Swift Style: Flash.
His chakra gathers in his hands and he punches the ground. A large flash of light engulfs the area and it blinds me. After a couple seconds, my eyes readjust only to see Fudo mid swing
Fudo- Kihongenzoku: Sky Leg.
I put up my arms to defend myself but it was no use cause as soon as the kicked connected, I was sent hurtling high into the sky.
Fudo (POV)
I just sent Reo high into the sky. So high that he's nothing more than a little speck from where I'm standing. Although, he is still alive.
Fudo *mind*- Normally, I would send this particular jutsu at my opponent, but in this case, I need to up there after him, so this could give me the boost I need.
I place my palm on the surface of the ground.
Fudo- Swift Style: Sonic Boom.
The ground begins to vibrate uncontrollably like an earthquake until I get blasted off  into the sky by the shockwave I produced. Reo draws closer and closer the higher I go. I take out my blade and prepare to end this.
Fudo- You're finished Reo! Say goodbye!
Reo- I don't think so! Wind Style: Angels Dance!!
He snaps his fingers and the sky contorts and produces an F5 Tornado right in front of me.

The wind rips my sword out of my hand and both Reo and I get sucked into the vortex. Round and round we go in clockwise motion. Reo uses his mastery of the wind style to use his jutsu to ram into me. Having each other by our cloaks, fists and elbows rain down on one another's faces. Fighting like rapid animals. Our blood goes in all directions as cuts are made in the flesh, teeth getting knocked out from mouthes. I go for another fist to his face and he leans his head back and bites my forearm.
Fudo- Let go of me you fucking bastard!!
I rip his Leaf headband off his head and clock him with it. He let's go but not hitting me with a kick to the gut. Again we're going round about inside this tornado. Debris is starting to get in the way as trees and other debris get picked up.
Reo- The ride ends here!
Hundreds of bubbles get released from his mouth and go around about inthe tornado as well. Reo flashes a devious smile.

Reo- This is the end for you! Wind Style: Beautiful Destruction!!!
All those hundreds of bubble light up. My eyes widen at the realization.
Fudo- You're fucking insane!!
Reo- Damn right I am!!! Now say goodbye bitch!!!
The bubbles light up to a blinding light and then....

Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. This took way longer than it should have because this was supposed to be out Wednesday but I unexpectedly hit a writer's block because I didn't know how I was going to to do this fight scene. But everything is all good now. So I'll see y'all in the next one. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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