Chapter 31

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Gin (POV)
In our new transformations, Jiriaya and I step out into the open
Pa Toad- So, where is this foe then? The one with the pupils of Six Paths?
Ma Toad- Your eyes must be degrading with age.
Gin- It's not your eyes toad sages. He's hidden himself inside a creature of his summons that make itself transparent.
Rosalie- It's gotta be that of a chameleon species.
Jiriaya- I erected a probe barrier so that I can detect him.
Ma- That will only maintain a stalemate. Let's drag him out using creature detection jutsu.
Pa- Ma, don't get so excited. You know the only thing that's going to do is give you more wrinkles.
Ma- You shut your trap Pa.
Pa- But Jiriaya boy, why do you and Gin boy have to fight such a fellow? And why go so far as to summon us and the two Lion Elders?
Gin- This opponent is a former student of Jiriaya's.
Pa- That it really him?
Jiriaya- Yes.
Ma- The Child of Prophecy. But why are you two fighting him?
Walter- Yes do tell.
Jiriaya- Well it appears he didn't grow up in the right direction. Back when I heard that he and the other two had died, I assumed he couldn't have been the one from the prophecy.
Gin- He's one of the leaders of the Akatsuki
Walter- If that is the case, then it's our duty to kill him here and now.
Ma- Alright, let's do it!
Ma sticks out her toad tongue and it has a face on it.

The tongue creature begins sniffing the air.
Ma- Aha! Found em!
It darts towards the scent it caught and wraps itself around the invisible creature. A spray of toad juices and the chameleon becomes exposed.
Rosalie- Nicely done.
Ma- Now you Pa!
Rosalie- Walter!
Pa shoots water from his mouth whereas Walter shoots out an ash bullet. The pressurized water cuts the chameleon in half and it lets out a screech. It's silenced by the following ash bullet that burst into flames on its face. After it poofs, Pain stands before us once more.
Rosalie- The Rinnegan. The one mentioned in the legends and scripts amongst the Uchiha.
Gin- Yeah. Never thought I'd see it up until today.
Pain- Summoning Jutsu.
Instead of animals, he summons two humans.

Jiriaya- You turned out to be a harbinger of destruction. So as your teacher, it's my duty to take you down.
The two humans lift their heads and they have Rinnegan as well.
Gin- What the.......How the.......Now wait just a god damn minute!
Jiriaya- Must be his jutsu. There must be some kind of trick behind it.
Ma- This would happen just as I was about to prepare dinner.
Pa- Ma don't worry about that. Just stay focused on the opponent ahead of us alright?
Their yakking goes on and on so I tune them out. Pain takes action as both summoned humans dart at us looking to strike. One comes for me and I drill my right fist into his stomach so hard, he lifts off his feet. I quickly follow up by grabbing him by his face and throwing him away. Jiriaya deals with the other one and both opponents go crashing at Pain's feet.
Pain- Not bad.
Ma- Biy bring the oil and Pa your wind style.
Jiriaya- Yes ma'am!
Rosalie- Walter, Gin.
Gin- Right.
Jiriaya- Sage Art: Bath of Boiling Oil!!
Gin- Sacred Art: Grand Fire Obliteration!!

A wave of boiling oil combined with my giant fire blast barrels toward all three Rinnegan users. The short haired Rinnegan guy gets back up and steps in front both oil and flames.
We see him do something to both attacks before the steam rises up. Both Jiriaya and I get to higher ground for better view to the are. The steam dies down eventually and all three of our opportunities are unscathed.
Jiriaya- All the oil and fire just vanished.
Rosalie- They should've been blasted by it.
Pa- That probably has tricks up his sleeve too.
Jiriaya- How about all of us go check it out in close combat?
Gin- Now you're talking.
I get down on all fours and pounce.
Jiriaya- Massive Rasengan!!

Gin- Crimson Chidori!!
Our attacks hit dead on but they start to get absorbed.
Gin- Impossible!
Walter- Gin behind you!
I turn around only to see the other Rinnegan user. I cover up as he delivers a kick that sends me rocketing into the group.
Jiriaya distracts Pain with a toad and gets behind his back. He sends a out a rain of needles from his air but Pain does a jutsu and summons a stone panda. With him distracted, I kip up and appear in front of Pain.
Gin- Hi.
I Spartan kick the bitch into his stone panda and he bounces off of it right back to me. I follow up with an uppercut to his jaw that sends him flying into the air. I get back down on all fours and sprint of the sides of the pipes until I'm above him. From there I leap off and double stomp the back of Pain's head and drive us both to the concrete below causing a shockwave on impact.

I back up to Jiriaya only to see Pain get up without so much as a scratch. The other Rinnegan user regroup around him.
Jiriaya- Those two Rinnegan users are no ordinary clones.
Pa- You said they had a trick up their sleeves and you were right. When Jiriaya got behind the guys earlier, you picked one and attacked from his blind spot. One of the other guys was staring at us the entire time.
Gin-........I get it. It's the eyes. All of them have the same eyes. They can see what the others see. Each sharing a vision.
Jiriaya- Then all three pairs of eyes ate sharing images then. That's what your hypothesis is?
Walter- That's a pretty solid theory. I believe that it's correct. But still, what in the heavenly Jesus are they?
Gin *mind*- This is not looking good. Even with our jutsu getting nullified, as strong as we are, facing all three........If Jiriaya and I continue on battling these guys even in Sage and Sacred Lion mode.......we'll die. I knew the Akatsuki leaders were strong but not this strong. If he's this strong then Kyoko..........Oh shit! I have to get back to Itsuki! I can't let him go after Kyoko! She's only gotten more powerful! We've underestimated her! She'll kill him!
Rosalie must've seen the look on face because she pats my head gently.
Rosalie- Gin, we need to fall back. This is a fight we cannot win right now.
Gin- Right.
Jiriaya and I poof away from Pain all escape into the pipes.
Ma- Why are we running away?
Pa- We have to analyze the Six Paths and come up with a strategy. We need some time to put it all together. Those three may all look different but they all have the same distinctive pupils. In short, all of them seem to possess the Six Paths Rinnegan.
Jiriaya- But even if one of them is Nagato, I can't believe there are that many people around with the Rinnegan. So what in the world is going on here?
Walter- Which ever one is the real Pain isn't the problem. The real problem is that three Rinnegan holders exist and we must fight them.
Jiriaya- Just who or what is Pain?!
Rosalie- We don't know that yet unfortunately but there is a little bit we can figure out on our own. Their vision is linked and they share images between them. That's the ability those eyes posses.
Ma- Yes but what does that mean exactly and how is that an advantage in battle?
Rosalie- Let me put in simpler terms. In the same way that three security cameras show three different angles of the same image, those guys are able to see three different viewpoints all at the same time. If just one of them can see their target, then the other two can attack or counter with the ideal move and perfect timing without even seeing their foe or with their own eyes at all. So they've got triple the sight of everyone else. Unlike the weakness of the Byakugan, they can always keep guard over their blindspots. All without weaving hand signs or manipulating chakra.
Ma- He does make for an invincible combination.
Gin- Means we'll just have to split them up and fight them one on on. Facing them
One on one is a win for us. But since the posses such abilities, fighting as a team would be their base mode of attack. I bet they do all they can not to get split up. Taijutsu isn't going to work against them. Ninjutsu would just be absorbed.
Pa- If taijutsu and ninjutsu won't work then the only other option is genjutsu.
Ma- Yes.
Jiriaya- Too bad I'm just a big dud when it comes to genjutsu. But as I recall, the two of you....
Pa- Yes you're right about that Jiriaya boy. If they're former students of yours, then they undoubtedly know that you don't use genjutsu very much. But that might just give us an opening that we can use.
Ma- No way! I'm not gonna do it you understand?!
Jiriaya- What are you two talking about?
Pa- Ugh listen Ma, world peace could be hanging on the outcome of this battle right here. This time no time for you to be selfish.
Ma- I don't care about the senile old geezer's prophecy.
Pa- The Great Lord Elder told us to get along or did you conveniently forget that?
Jiriaya- I don't get it. Why do you object to this so much?
Ma- I can't sing a duet with Pa. Not at this ripe plump age. It's embarrassing.
Gin- Wait wha? A duet? Like singing?
Pa- Yes. It's our most powerful genjutsu is a jutsu were we can dumbfound a person sense of hearing with song.
Jiriaya- With song huh? So that's why we retreated.
Pa- That is correct. This genjutsu is very powerful but it's one major weakness is that once we make a sound, our whereabouts are revealed to the enemy. To make it work, we have to combine the sounds and create the melody that traps the enemy inside the genjutsu. It takes a little time for the whole thing to take affect. If they figure out where we are before they're locked inside the genjutsu, they'll attack us and we'll surely lose. But once they're locked under our spell, victory is assured.
We stop our running as we come to a split off of pipe.
Jiriaya- If your lives are in danger in this fight, I want you to free yourself from my shoulders.
Gin- That goes for you too Great Lion Elders.
Walter- But Gin.....why?
Gin- Trust me. I know what I'm doing and so does Jiriaya. We have a plan but it's a huge gamble.
Rosalie- Do tell.
Jiriaya- Please begin.
The toads begin and the sound vibrates and rocks a bit of everything in the vicinity.
Pain and the other two approach us but little do they know, it's just Shadow Clones. The real us waits further down the hall. They pass another set of clones hidings behind the wall.
Jiriaya- Fire Style: Giant Flame Bomb!
Gin- Lightning Style: Crackle Of Death!

Lightning and fire rip up everything in their path as the make their way to our opponents. As suspected, the begin to get absorbed. While that guy is focused on absorbing the jutsu, the other two run to us and we use the same moves. They leap in the air and one big end to sink into the sealing as soon as he touches it.
Now it's just Pain against us. I take charge as I leap from wall to wall so fast that he can't keep up. I finally pounce and drill Pain in the face with a dropkick. Be bounces of the walls like pinball till finally falls to the ground. With that, the genjutsu gets completed. And all three are trapped

Pain- So you got us.
Jiriaya- You're trapped inside a genjutsu paralysis that binds your psyche. Now none of your bodies even your main body will be able to move at all.
Pain- Jiriaya sensei. I didn't exactly a genjutsu like this from you of all people.
Jiriaya- I thought I taught you better. Don't let your guard down no matter who your opponent is, Nagato. You urged in your decision. Instead of trying to rule the world through pain, I wish you'd move past it and use your powers create peace in a positive way. For just a little while there, I believed that you were the one. Farewell Nagato.
The genjutsu breaks as all three of them are down on the ground with swords in their chests plus a Crimson Chidori strike in each one.
Jiriaya- It's finally over.
We begin walking away until someone comes over our shoulder.
???- Didn't you teach me not to let my guard down? Did you forget Jiriaya sensei? We quickly turn around but it's too late as we get exploded through the wall and out into the ocean. We recover and skid to a stop in the ocean surface. We let our guard down and because of it, Jiriaya only has one arm now and blood is leaking profusely out of my abdomen. That and I now have three toes short of ten as my sandals were blown to smithereens.
Gin- Awh fuck!
Walter- Oh no! Gin! I can see into your abdomen.
Rosalie- And you're missing toes on both feet!
Gin- I'm......aware of that. Jiriaya.....
Jiriaya- I'm.....I'm alright.
Pa- What's going on?
Jiriaya- This new one's got a face different than the others. He was probably summoned earlier but we weren't aware of it till now.
Pa- I see. Back before the others got caught under our he just then. Out of the hole comes out not only the three we beat but three more guys. All who possess Rinnegans.

Pain- The Six Paths Of Pain. All in attendance.
Pa- Six now? We have to face six of them?
Walter- I'm not liking this one bit.
Ma- And take a closer look. The three we just took down are among them too.
Rosalie- The only thing that comes to mind is that the new ones used to jutsu to revive the others.
Ma- Is there a jutsu that can revive as many as three people when they're undoubtedly dead and gone? Are the guys even human at all?
Jiriaya- I don't know. Just who exactly are you Pain?
The one in the center speaks up.
Pain- That name is an alias. Pain is actually a designation that refers to the six of us as a group.
Jiriaya- But why? Why are there six Rinnegan bearers? Wait a're..... I know that face. Is that you Yahiko? Just what is going on here? You said that Yahiko died and those eyes!
Pain- You see Yahiko's image when you look at me. You really are his former teacher. But Yahiko has been dead for quite sometime. All there remains is pain.
Gin- Quit your bullshit! Why do you have a Rinnegan?!
Pa- What are you talking about Jiriaya boy?
Jiriaya- One of my students is among the six but he didn't have eyes like that when I taught him.
Ma- What in tarnation is going on then? Are you telling me there are two Children Of Prophecy?
Jiriaya- No. That's not it either. When I saw the Rinnegan, I convinced myself the first one was Nagato. But he's slightly different from the Nagato I knew. Come to think of it. Upon closer inspection, none of the six really remind me of Nagato all that much. On the other hand, one of them does resemble Yahiko. But he possesses Nagato's Rinnegan. Just what exactly are you?!
Gin- Spill the beans god damn it! I'm sick of your shit!
Pain- We are pain and we are gods.
All six of them leap from the ledge towards us.
Gin *mind*- This is it. Two on six who have the Rinnegan? Not a chance. Not even with us two Sannin. But even if this is the end, I'm not going out like no bitch.
Gin- Bring it on!!! I'll murder all of you if that's what it takes to see Itsuki again!!!
My Susanoo comes back and my Mangekyō Sharingan comes back out.
The area is now nothing but rubble and debris. All Six Pains are still up. Hurt but still up. I on the other hand is fucked up sitting on a piece of rock behind a pipe. My right leg is gone. It got blasted off. My nose is broken, my left arm is broken and it's been separated from my shoulder. I have multiple stab wounds in the back and chest, and blood is coming down from both eyes. Both elders are doing their best to slow the bleeding but it's too much at this point. I look from behind the pipe and see all six Pains have Jiriaya surrounded. I try to get up to aide him but my body won't let me. One of the Pains come up from the water and gets Jiriaya by the throat. I hear the bones pop as I know his throat is now crushed.
Pa- Jiriaya boy!
Pain- You figured out who it was way too late.
All Pains come down on him and stab him in his back at the same time.

Pa- Jiriaya boy! Hang on! The Pains leave to look for me but Jiriaya is getting up through sheer willpower alone. Pa detaches himself from Jiriaya and Jiriaya burns a message onto his back.
Pa- Alright. Message received.
One of the Pains Fire a rocket fist as Pa leaps away and escaped. Jiriaya slowly turns his head to me and smiles.

And just like that, my friend that I've known for years disappears forever beneath the waves. Jiriaya the Gallant has died. My tears mix with my blood as I look away.
Pain- Gin! We know you're out there. We'll make your death quick if you give up the location of Seventeen Tails.
I look off into the horizon as the sunset breaks through the grey clouds.
Play music here
Gin *mind*- Tsunade, looks like I'm not coming back after all. Thank you for the love you given me. Wish I we could've done a lot more if I wasn't such an idiot. Although I may be gone, I'll always love you. I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Ren, it's been a pleasure working alongside you. You as well Yamato. Now dear little brother. Were do I start.......You are something special. You gave me something I thought I was never going to get again........a brother's love. I'm so thankful that I was able to have someone like you in my life. You were always there for me as I you. Having you around gave us the opportunity to be ourselves. You knew my qualities and and faults yet you still wanted me to be your big brother. I'm so proud of you. Always have. And it's not just because of your accomplishments but for the person you are and the person you'll become. I was so lucky to have you to laugh with, to talk with, to cry with, to reminisce with, and to make new memories with. You're the most important person in my life and I love you. I'm so sorry that I won't be coming home. I'm so so sorry. I wish could stay and watch you grow into a man. To grow into an amazing ninja. To see you accomplish your dreams. Be there when get married to Akari after you get her back. Be the best uncle to my nieces and nephews. One of the many things I'll regret never doing.
I wipe face off tears and blood and then I pause for a moment.
Gin- Elder Lion Walter. Elder Lion Rosalie. You two need to get out of here.
Rosalie- Never. We'll die with you.
Walter- That's right.
Gin- I can't have you do that. I need you to be there for Itsuki. Watch over him. Train him in the Sacred Lion Arts. Also, I had a gift for him.
I reach into my bag and pull out an empty jar and fill it with sterilized water that I also had in my bag just in case for a moment like this.
Rosalie- What are you doing?
I take off my head and hold in my teeth and bite down on it. I can feel my body shaking.
Gin *mind*- Itsuki. You said wanted to get Akari back. You said you wanted to become the best ninja in the world. Well damn it, I'm going to see it happen! I'll see when you save Akari! I'll see when you become the best in the world! (Activated Sharingan again) You know why? There's going to come a time here in the near future when your eyes don't work the same as they used to. You'll be going blind. I know you've read books on the Sharingan......Itsuki.....I'll be your sight......I'll be your vision......I will be.......your eyes. A dying brother's last gift.
With trembling hands, I raise my it to my right eye and after lots contemplating, I pluck it out. The headband stifled my scream of pain.
Rosalie- Gin......
Gin- I.....need you to give eyes. You can show him but give it to him......when the time is right. Also tell him this.
I relay what said word for word to the two elders.
Walter- We'll........We'll do that for you Gin my boy.
I pump myself up and pluck out the next eye.
Rosalie (POV)
We watch as Gin takes out his other eye. We help him place the eye in the jar and we seal the jar for him. Walter puts the jar in his mane for safe keeping.
Gin- Now go. Live. Live on.
With heavy hearts we spread our wings and take flight. Luckily we weren't spotted by the Pains. I couldn't help myself and I stop to look back the boy. The Pains had found him and surrounded him. I landed on the nearest thing solid and listened.
Pain- Well well well. Would you look at you. The Mighty Master Gin being reduced to a one legged, blood covered mess. What do you have to say for yourself?
Gin being the guy that he is hobbles up with his one leg and stands up against the pipe behind him.
Gin- What do I have to say for myself? I'd say it took you guys long enough to kill me. And it's such a shame. You couldn't beat me with one. Couldn't beat me with three. It took six of you bitches to bring me down. Goes to show how much of a pussy you guys really are. I wish I could see the confused and angry faces on you right now. You expected me to beg for my life? Like hell that's happening. Im going out the way I want to go out. I want to go out like the badass that I am. So.....(sticks up middle finger on good hand and flips everyone off)
All the pains have blades come out of their robe sleeves. Gin's hand gets coated in his signature Crimson Chidori.
Music 2:30 Gin's final stand
Gin- I ain't no bitch. Bring motherfuckers.
All Pains rush him looking to end it with one final blow. Gin thrusts his hand forward and I catch his final word as I close my eyes.
At this exact moment somewhere in the forest miles and miles away
Itsuki (POV)
I'm still in same spot Kyoko left me. I haven't moved. Her words still going through my head. Clouds get the way of the sun and causes a few godrays. This one godray in particular shines right before my feet. I look up at it and Gin is standing there with a smile on his face.
Itsuki- G-Gin?! Hey big bro!
Gin chuckles and ruffles my hair.
Gin- You know I'll always love you right?
Itsuki- Of course. I love you too big bro.
Gin smiles again then fades away.
Confused, I wipe my eyes and look around for him.
Itsuki *mind*- I'm I seeing things?
Itsuki- Gin........
Back at the Village Hidden in the Rain
Rosalie (POV)
The Pains left not too long ago. Gin is however is now on his back with a chest full of blades.
Walter- Come Rosalie.........there's nothing we can do for him now.
Rosalie-........Walter.......we can't leave him like this. Gin was a hero. He was a Sannin. I can't leave him like this.
I spread my wings and fly down next to Gin. I feel his face and feel the warmth of body already begin to leave him. One thing sticks out to me and it finally brings me to tears.
Rosalie-........Even after all of died with a smile on your face...............Come Gin. Let's bring you home one last time.
Indigo:.............................I don't..........................I just........................I can't

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