Chapter 32

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Hey guys. Indigo here. So I just want to address what happened last chapter. If you haven't read the last chapter, I suggest you get a box a tissues and go read it. The Forgotten Uchiha and the Beast of Legend Volume 2: Chapter 31 was the longest and by far the most emotional chapter I've ever come up with to date. I felt sick and depressed before I could even put down words. I put it off for so long because I knew that this was going to fuck with me and my mental health. I honestly didn't think I'd grow so attached to a character the way I did Gin. And in a way, he needed to exist not just for the plot but for me as a person. You see, when my grandfather passed away last year, I was at the lowest I've ever been. So many suicidal thoughts ran through my head but as I kept writing, the Gin character morphed into something that could share my pain with. In a way, he acted as what my grandpa would've acted when he was still here. And I wanted to share all the goodness and thoughtfulness and emotions that Gin had with you readers because to me, Gin is much more than a fictional character. He's apart me. So to do what had to do in the last chapter utterly fucked me up. I was saying goodbye all over again. And I'm going to be honest with you people, I haven't really slept and I've cried and cried until I couldn't anymore because that's how hurt I was. But all is ok for the most part now. Either way you look at, we got to move on. That's what he would've wanted. Gin is going to have a funeral sometime later in the story so that he can be laid to rest the proper way So that being said, gonna have a moment of silence for Gin Uchiha.

Thank you. On with the story
Elsewhere in the forest
Nakano (POV)
We found an Akatsuki hideout cave thing and Akari and Sasuke went in not too long ago.
Suigetsu- I wonder if those two are ok.
Karin- What's that supposed to mean?
Suigetsu- What do you think? What if the first Akatsuki hideout we try turns out to be the bullseye?
Jugo- Wait a minute are you saying that Itachi and Kyoko are in there?
Nakano- He did say what if. We can't know for sure.
Suigetsu- This Itachi is pretty strong. Not to mention Kyoko is the leader of the Akatsuki.
Karin- No. There's no way Sasuke would lose to him.
Nakano- Akari's got this one in the bag.
Suigetsu- Even so, we should be planning for the worst case scenario just in case.
Karin- Fine. I'm going inside to check in. If anything happens, we're all going inside.
Suigetsu- We're what?! And why are you taking over all of a sudden? Boy when it comes to Sasuke, you go way overboard.
Karin- (blushes) No I don't! That just isn't true at all! Fine then! I won't go you idiot!
Jugo- Then I'll ask the birds. I'll have them scout the entire area and keep an eye out of the approach of any enemy.
In the hidden cave up ahead
Akari (POV)
The sound of Sasuke and my footsteps echoes throughout this dank dark cave. We found a corner and see a dark male shadowy figure.

Figure- So you've come.
I instantly recognize the voice as Itachi Uchiha.
Sasuke- Who's there?

Itachi- Its me Sasuke.
Sasuke's eyes instantly go Sharingan. But I have other things to worry about. I can feel her hate radiating in here. I can feel her gaze on me from the darkness. I simply smirk and look up to see her upside down on the cave ceiling staring daggers at me.

Kyoko- You.......
Akari- You.........
She leaps down to the side of Itachi.
Itachi- You've grown taller Sasuke.
Sasuke- And you haven't changed even a little. Still have those cold eyes.
My eyes never leave Kyoko and hers doesn't leave mine.
Itachi- You two aren't going to go crazy and attack us again like last time are you?
Sasuke- Hmph. You know absolutely nothing about me Itachi.
Those two split off while Kyoko and I never move. Still standing in the same spot as if time doesn't exist. I pop my next and in both my hands, Cyclone Rasengan appears. I make the first move by going full sprint at her. She still doesn't move an inch. I close in on her and thrust my palms forward. She catches my hands by the wrist and my attack fades. She looks me in my face with a smirk. I give her a toothy grin as I look just past her. She catches on and looks to see a Cyclone Rasenshuriken coming at her from behind from of my clones that got spit out by one of my dear snakes. With her distracted for the moment, I give a Swift yet well deserved kick right into her ovaries. Her eyes bulge as she grabs her area. I bare my fangs and bite down on her neck. Her blood sprays everywhere in this cave and on my face must to my delight. I lift her up off the ground using my fangs and I throw her right into the Cyclone Rasenshuriken. The impact causes gale force winds which ends in that blasts us both out of the cave.

After a couple minutes to recover, I walk over to her body to find out she's still alive.
Akari- You don't know how much hatred I have for you. You don't know just how strong I've become because of my hatred for you. I'm completely different from the little girl you beat down years ago.
Kyoko-.......So you have gotten strong. Big fucking deal. What do you want, a medal? You've wasted years of your life to accomplish something you'll die trying to do. I am Kyoko Uchiha. The Leader of the Akatsuki. You honestly think I haven't prepared for this? You want me so god damn bad, then you've got it you self entitled little bitch! Not to far from here is a place in the middle of an open field called the Tower of the Starry Sky. I'm there right now waiting for your ass. Come to me and lets finish this shit once and for all!
Her body bursts into purple flames and she disappears.
Akari- Tower of the Starry Sky huh? Finally, after all these years of training and killing, our fateful confrontation is at hand. The Scorn of the Uchiha Clan vs The Queen of the Snake. One shall live and the other shall fall. This time around Kyoko, I'm killing you and I'm going to take your head as my god damn trophy!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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