Chapter 33

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Transversing the forest
Akari (POV)
I sense the same two chakras from before all over the place. What is this?
Suigetsu- Shouldn't we change our course Sasuke?
Sasuke- Ignore it. We'll just forge ahead.
Akari- Forge ahead indeed.
Suigetsu- The long way around would've been tiring.
We keep pressing forward until we come across a shadow clone of Naruto.
Naruto- Sasuke!!
Sasuke activates his Chidori and destroys the shadow clone.
Karin- What was that?
Suigetsu- Shadow Clone. Duh.
Sasuke- Naruto huh?
Karin- So the multiple chakras I've been sensing all over the place belongs to him. Wait a minute, then who's the other chakra signatures other than him?
Nakano-.......Above us!!
I move to my left and the branch I moved from burst in crimson lightning. I look back and see him, his sword in his left and a sparking Crimson Chidori in his right. I can't help but look into his dazzling Sharingan eyes with mouth slightly parted.
Itsuki-........Found you.
Sasuke- Akari keep moving! We have no time!
Suigetsu- What are you talking about. We can take this guy.
I keep looking on at Itsuki and I can tell his whole mood has changed as the air seemingly goes frigid.
Nakano- Geez. It's gotten so cold all of a sudden.
Itsuki stares on at us with a blank stare. No emotion whatsoever. But hidden behind the stare is something dark. It reminds me of HER.
Itsuki- You should listen to Sasuke. Go on, keeping running. It makes the hunt all the more satisfying. But it honestly doesn't make a difference how far you run. In the end, (stares at me) you are my prey.......
His eyes changed from Sharingan to that of the wolf.
Itsuki-.......and this predator is playing for keeps (gets in pouncing position).........5............4........
For the first time in a long time, I feel fear.
Akari- Everybody run!!!
We take off in the opposite direction as fast as we possibly can.
Nakano- Akari what's going on?  Who is that guy?
Nakano- R-Right.
We come up on a little clearing with some ruins.
Karin- We have two huge chakra signatures coming this way. And it's fast too.
The two people Karin sensed popped out of the tree line before us and we skid to a stop. It's Kisame and Fudo.
Kisame- Only Sasuke alone is allowed past this point. Itachi's orders so that's how it's going to be. The rest of you are welcome to wait right here with me.
Fudo- Akari Yashagorō, upon Kyoko's orders I must escort you to the tower. You and only you.
I look back to the forest we just came from to see if Itsuki is coming.
Akari- That's fine with me. Karin, how far away is he?
Karin- He's close. Very close.
Kyoko- Shit. Nakano, I need you to stall. Buy as much time as you can.
Nakano- On it.
I watch her go back into the forest to go confront Itsuki. Sasuke pats me in the shoulder and makes me turn around. He sticks out his fist as if asking for a fist bump to which I oblige.
Akari- Give him hell.
Sasuke- I intend to. Make sure to beat her ass.
Akari- Hah, as if I'd lose. See you on the other side.
With that, he leaps past Kisame to go to Itachi.
Fudo- This way ma'am.
Akari- Right behind you.
He takes point and I follow. We barely get anywhere still I see an explosion happen where Nakano went to.
Akari *mind*- Hang in there Nakano.
Nakano (POV)
I'm a bloody mess as I hide behind a burnt log. The fire from his last jutsu has spread so hopefully the smoke a smell masks my scent.

I take out some gauze and begin treating the wound on my side and the burns on my left shoulder. His voice suddenly echoes throughout the area.
Itsuki (voiceover)- I can smell you. I know exactly where you are. No is no use hiding.
My eyes begin to dart everywhere looking for this guy...thing...whatever he is.
Nakano *mind*- I don't see him anywhere. All this fire and smoke isn't helping either. He's stalking me. I can sense his eyes on me. This is some bullshit.
Itsuki (POV)
I can see her looking for me. She's terrified. She may not look like it on the outside but I can tell. I begin to build storm chakra in my hands.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Flashbang.
I throw my chakra at her feet and it goes off in a white blinding light. I proceed to make my move.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Imperial Thunder Palm!
It registers too late for her as my lighting coated palm connects with the side of her face in what has to be the most painful bitchslap in record history so far. She goes careening through the forest upon contact ripping up the ground and trees in the process.
Something like this

I follow the path of destruction to find her slumped up against the tree.
Itsuki- Are you ready to talk? Tell me where Akari is headed.
Nakano-.......If I'm right about this, I'd say she's already face to face with Kyoko right about now or damn near close.
Locations begin to run through my head. The Uchiha hideout is not too far from here but so is the tow-......THE TOWER.
Nakano- You're not going anywhere though. You're going to stay here with me and play some more. I am prey after all. You can't just give up on the hunt. Otherwise you might just end my prey instead.
Her skin begins getting in markings.
Itsuki *mind*- Curse Mark.
Her curse markings fully take over her and she stands up fully healed in her second state.

Nakano (second state)- Now then, shall we keep going?
A small smile spreads across my face.
Itsuki- With pleasure.
Akari (POV)
Fudo and I break the tree line and the tower comes into view as Thunder rumbles

Akari *mind*- Won't be long now. You better be ready Kyoko. Your demise is fast appears.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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