Chapter 34

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Meanwhile at the Tower of the Starry Sky
Kyoko (POV)
I sit here on my throne awaiting the foolish girl looking to take me out for good. And yet, I can't help but think back. Back to the days leading up to THAT DAY that started it all.
It was like any other day. The afternoon sun was beaming down on Konoha and the wind made things cool and refreshing. Here I was, sitting on a park bench watching little Itsuki run around the playground.
Little Itsuki

The smile on his face could melt the most coldest of hearts. That little boy is everything to me. Eventually it was time to leave.
Kyoko- It's time to go Itsuki.
Itsuki- Coming sis.
He runs to up to me and wraps his little hand in mine and we begin to walk home.
Kyoko- You seemed to have fun.
Itsuki- I did! It was really cool! I played on the swings and I went down the slide! Oh and I played tag with the other kids! It was so much fun! We also talked about how we're all going to start at the academy tomorrow! Ooo I can't wait!
He literally jumping up and down out of excitement.
Kyoko *mind*- You are so precious Itsuki. Never grow up.
Itsuki- Big sis Kyoko, I want to be like you when I grow up. You're so talented and skilled.
Kyoko- Is that so? Well I'll make sure that you get even more skilled and talented than I.
Itsuki- You will?
Kyoko- Of course. That's a promise.
Itsuki- Pinky promise?
Kyoko- Pinky promise.
He gives me a hug.
Itsuki- Love you big sis.
Kyoko- Love you more.
Timeskip to that night
Outskirts of Konoha
Itachi and I were summoned by a higher member of the Anbu who's waiting on our choice.
Anbu- Itachi, Kyoko. Have you made up your minds yet? If you haven't, then we will be forced to take action instead.
Itachi- No please wait.
Kyoko- Don't you dare. Just give us more time please. I'm begging you!
Anbu- It will be too late once the players start making their move. The situation is extremely dire.
Itachi- We realize that. We....we shall settle this.......
Kyoko-.......With our own hands.
Anbu- Good. Dismissed.
We leave the the little hut and Itachi starts heading back to the Uchiha neighborhood of Konoha through the woods. I follow his lead.
???- Seems like quite the predicament you're in isn't it, huh Kyoko.
I stop abruptly and begin looking at my surroundings. I don't spot anything until I see a person in a mask come out of the shadows.

Kyoko- Who are you?
???- We'll get to who I am in due time but right now, it seems you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. A lose lose situation in which both result in massive casualties. Konoha versus the Uchiha. A never ending battle dating back to before the creation of this village. But now it looks like they seek to rid the world of Uchiha once in for all. I knew this would come. If only Hashirama would've listened.
Kyoko- Hashirama? Hashirama Senju?
???- The very one.
Kyoko- There's no way you could be THAT Uchiha. He's been dead for a long long time.
???- You're indeed correct. I am not Madara Uchiha. I am merely his student. You see, I've been supposedly dead for the past couple years. I "died" during the war. You probably heard of me. You know, Obito Uchiha.
Kyoko- But-
Obito- Before you say anything......let me tell you my tale.
He proceeds to tell me his story. Things like how old man Madara used the jutsu Izanagi unwrite his death and replace his corpse with a shadow clone. How he infused himself and a thing called the Gedo Mazou with the first Hokage's cells which pumped chakra in him which kept him alive. How he saved Obito after getting crushed and fused him with white Zetsu cells to heal him. He then tells me his and Madara's plan called Eye of the Moon Plan.
Obito- You see, you're going to have to go through with your mission no matter what but I can bring everyone back. A new world with no violence or pain. So what say you? Are you in?
Kyoko-.........I'm going to need a replica body of myself so that the village thinks I'm dead.
Obito- That can be arranged. I have my sources. As soon as you've done the deed, I'll be waiting here. We can proceed with the plan immediately.
Kyoko-......Sounds fine by me.
I go home and sit before my parents to inform them of that I won't be attending the secret Uchiha meeting.
Dad- What?! Do you know what day tomorrow is? I don't think you really understand your position.
Kyoko- I'm setting out on a mission tomorrow.
Dad- What are you talking about?
Kyoko- Classified. The mission is covert.
Dad- Kyoko, you also serve as one of the Uchiha Clan pipelines to the village nerve center. You know that don't you?
Kyoko- Yes.
Dad- Well make sure you don't forget it. You will be at that meeting tomorrow.
I'm confronted by fellow Uchiha in front of my brother.
Uchiha 1- There were three people missing from yesterday's meeting.
Uchiha 2- Wanna tell me why you weren't there? You are in the Anbu Black Ops now and I know full well you can be called away at the drop of a hat and that's the case we we're trying to make to your father.
Uchiha 1- But we're not him so you aren't going to get any special treatment from us.
Kyoko- I understand. Guess I should've been more careful.
Itsuki- Big sis, what's going on?
Kyoko- Nothing to worry about Itsuki dear. Just stay behind me. (Turns to the Uchiha) Will that be all gentlemen?
Uchiha 1- Yeah I guess so......On second thought, before we go there's just one other thing. You know anything about Shisui Uchiha? He killed himself in Nakano river. His older brother Gin Uchiha found him.
Uchiha 2- It's funny. You, Itachi, and Shisui we're all pretty tight.
Kyoko-.........How terrible. I haven't seen him at all recently. (Losing patience) But it seems like you're trying to accuse me of something I didn't do. Something along the lines of......murder?
Uchiha 2- No.......just find it very very odd. Don't you you find it odd? The police force sure do, which is why there's a full investigation on this and you're going to get the Anbu to help us in this investigation. There's no way a shinobi as skilled Shisui would just throw that all away.
Kyoko-...........(loses it) Liars!
Uchiha 2- Huh?
They all look at me with Sharingan out.

I bare my Three Pinwheel Sharingan as well with a grin on my face

Uchiha 2- Yeah we lied. Of course you had a hand in this...little bitch.
That strikes an internal nerve.
Kyoko- Little bitch huh?
Before you can even count to one, I'm in front of one and deck him in the face with a hard right that sends him sailing into the wall. I immediately spin to right and nail another right on his left temple with a roundhouse kick.
Like this

He crumples to the ground immediately as he's KO'd. I turn to face the last of my accusers ache swings on me. I duck and hit him with a nasty jumping spin kick that leaves him on the ground like the others.
Like this

I look over them as their blood begins to leak from their faces onto the pavement.
Kyoko- I'll say this once. Appearances and preconceptions aren't going to tell you anything. For instance, you made the mistake of assuming I am just woman who would take your insults and not do anything about it. The Clan this. And the Clan that. People like you overestimate your abilities with no idea of the depth of my own. Look at you now, groveling in the dirt like scum.
Uchiha 1- Shisui......had been.....keeping an eye on you.....and Itachi. The strangeness of your behavior plus your time in Anbu.....couldn't be overlooked. What are you playing at you filthy wench?
Kyoko- Oh so I'm a wench now?
I place my foot upon his throat and begin choking him.
Kyoko- Obsessed with the Organization. Obsessed with the Clan. Obsessed with our lineage. An obsessive compulsion that enslaves us. All it does is limit our capabilities. And that leads to fear which you have no idea of understanding. You all are sick. Sickened from countless violence. But that's ok. Once cleansed, a world of actual peace will be born!
???- Stop it Kyoko!
It was dad.
Dad- That is enough. What on earth is the matter with you? Kyoko, you've been strange lately. What's been going on?
Kyoko- (steps off the Uchiha) Nonw of your concern. I have my own duties to fulfill. That is all.
Dad- So why didn't you come last night?
Kyoko-.......I was reaching the next level.....
Dad- What are you talking about?
I stare dad in the face and for the first time, a for a hot second, a glimpse of my Mangekyo Sharingan is seen by another.

I feel a tiny hands wrap around my waist and I look down to see little Itsuki staring up at me with a concerned face. I immediately retract my Sharingan
Itsuki- Kyoko what's going on? Are you okay?
I simply smile

Kyoko- Yes Itsuki (caresses his face) Everything will be just fine.
He let's go and I leave our home to go cool off and move on with the next step.
That night
I overlook the entire Uchiha quarter of Konoha under a rare red moon with Sharingan out and ready.

Itachi joins my side.
Kyoko- You ready?
Itachi-.....Let's do this.
Kyoko *mind*- I'm sorry everyone. Please forgive me. You will be reborn again once this world ends and a new one begins.
Both of us leap down into the Uchiha Clan quarter and begin systematically slaughtering all Uchiha we come across. That is until I come across my house.
Itachi- You need help doing this one or are you ok?
Kyoko-.....I got this. Got to do this quick before Itsuki gets home though.
Itachi- Have at it.
I begin by sneaking in back through my bedroom window. Once inside I carefully made my out of my room and into the hall. I sneak to the end of the hall and find my parents having a conversation in the front room. Using the smallest amount of chakra, I blow out the candles illuminating the front room. Now in the darkness, I unsheathe my blood soaked sword and maneuver my way behind my dad. Coming to terms of what I have to do for the final time, I proceed my wrapping my left arm around his mouth. That's when mom notices me.
Play music
Mom- Kyoko what are you doing?!
The eyes of my dad look into mine
Kyoko- I'm so sorry. No be cleansed.
I impale sword through his back and out his chest. His blood sprays all over the carpet and walls over the room. The life leaves his eyes and I push his corpse off my sword. He falls before my mother's feet. She immediately screams and begins running to the baby's room. I take out a kunai attached to a chain and throw it at her. It gets lodged in her Achilles' heel and she falls forward.
Indigo: Shout out to Scorpion from MK
I drag her back to me and she looks at me in utter terror as tears stream down her eyes.
Mom- Kyoko please. You don't have to do this.
Kyoko-........I love you mom. I always love you.
With that said, I slice her throat open and her blood sprays and gets caked on my face. I watch her bleed to death and then I move onto the baby's room. I find him sound asleep in his crib. A sad smile crosses my face as I lean forward and his his little forehead. I take out a shuriken as it will be the quickest, easiest, and less that he won't have to suffer. A nice throw to the cranium and the baby was no more. Now with everyone dead, I head to my room and pull out my ultra realistic fake body of myself and slump it over against my bed. I begin leaving stab wounds in it and to my surprise, it leaked blood. I slather the blood all over the walls, bedsheets, and carpet. Once I finished, I take a look at my handiwork.
Kyoko *mind*- Gonna have to thank Obito's contact. What was his name again? Oh right, Kabuto.
Finally finished, I exit my home one last time and await Itachi to finish up. The unfortunate thing is that I saw Itsuki come home and his wails and screams of sadness immediately made me weep uncontrollably.
Kyoko- I love you Itsuki. I'll love you forever little brother. Im so so sorry.
Back to present time
Footsteps make me open my eyes and at the end of the room is none other than Fudo flanked by Akari.
Fudo- I have brought her milady.
Kyoko- Thank you Fudo dear. You may leave.
He bows and poofs away.
I stare into her eyes as she stares into mine.
Kyoko-.......So you actually came.
Akari-.........I did. And I'm here to end your life.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Oh boy. This is one of the fights I've been looking forward to and now it's finally upon us. Akari vs Kyoko. And you got to see a bit of backstory so there's that. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace. (P.S, I've managed to get in contact with one person in my fight against Sora)

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