Chapter 48

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Itsuki (POV)
About a thousand smacks later I start to feel the Animalia energy and sense it all around me. I can feel my face begin to transform but it feels natural. A lot natural than the others times I've almost mutated. I look into the water's reflection and see h quarter of my face is that of a lion.

Itsuki- Awh hell yeah!! I can see it!!
I start doing a sort of happy dance much to Walters amusement.
Walter- Itsuki my boy, it's time for a break. I took the liberty of packing some food so come and eat.
Itsuki- Say less.
We quickly chow down the food that Walter had packed.
Walter- Now then, follow me outside.
He takes point and I follow him to the outside of the cave holding the springs. Up the hill we go until we stop at the lion statues we passed earlier.

Itsuki- Okay so what's the plan here?
Walter- You're going to lift this statue using Leo Maharishi jutsu. But first try lifting it with just your ninjutsu chakra.
Itsuki- Okie dokie.
I focus my chakra and try to lift the statue. I put all my might into it but this thing did not budge an inch.
Itsuki- No can do.
Walter- Alright now use some Leo Maharishi chakra.
He splashes me with water he bottled from the springs. Instantly I can feel the Animalia energy entering me. I let it take it's course and let it flow naturally but be somewhat controlled. I can feel my body changing as I grow in size, my hair begins to thicken and grow longer. My teeth become sharper and my eyes turn to that of a lion. I grin knowing I have achieved the desired end result.

Walter- Outstanding. Very unique indeed. Now, lift the statue.
I nod and get in position to lift this thing. I grab the base and begin putting all my strength into lifting this over my head. It budges and then slowly starts to rise
Walter- That's it Itsuki my boy!
I successfully lift this hundred ton statue over my head and set it back down again.
Itsuki (Sacred Lion Form)- So what's next?
Akatsuki hideout
Kyoko (POV)
With Obito's powers, we arrive at the hideout shortly with the Eight Tails Jinchūriki in tow. Zetsu appears to have been waiting for us.
Zetsu- Ah the Eight Tails. It seems Sasuke and Akari were successful after all.
Obito- Pain is collecting the Nine Tails and Seventeen Tails.
Kyoko- The sealing process will begin soon so be prepared
Back in the mountains
Itsuki (POV)
I'm back in the springs sitting under one of the waterfalls.
Walter- It seems you have mastered spring water assisted control. Now you to learn how to control Animalia energy without any spring water whatsoever.
I leap out from under the waterfall and land next to Walter.
Itsuki (SLF)- I can feel the power flowing into me.
Walter- Ninjutsu chakra consumes your internal energy so the more you use it, exhausted you will become. With Leo Maharishi jutsu chakra, you're continuously drawing more Animalia energy from the outside. You won't tire and you'll recover and heal quicker too.
Itsuki (SLF)- Seriously? No freakin way.
Walter- I wanted to give you something Itsuki my boy. It's a gift.
He presents me a familiar sword with the Uchiha Crest painted on the sheathe.

Walter- You probably already recognize it. It Gin's sword, Mugenjin. Used it all his life up until the very end. All of his blood, sweat, tears, and emotion went into making this blade. He would want you to have this.
I can't help but stare at the blade. This was big bro's sword. I've seen him use it countless times and now, it's mine but under unfortunate circumstances. I touch the blade and the memories with him and me seem to thrust themselves to the forefront. Tears well up in my eyes and they begin to fall freely down my face and fur. Even after his demise, he's still finding a way to help me and be by my side.
Back at the hideout
Kyoko (POV)
The sealing process is underway.
Zetsu- With so few people, it sure is taking awhile.
Kisame- Shut up and focus on the task at hand.
Everything is going well until the Eight Tails Jinchūriki poofs and it turns out to be a piece of Eight Tails instead.
Fudo- It would seem that Sasuke and Akari have blundered.
Zetsu laughs hysterically.
Zetsu- It's an octopus leg!
Fudo- That's not funny.
I can feel my right eye twitching.
Kyoko *mind*- First it was Pain now this? You give those brats the simplest of tasks and yet they still find a way to fuck it up. Can't get anything done right.
Back in the mountains
Itsuki (POV)
We're taking another break so I find myself a nice secluded spot. I sit down and admire the Gin's sword. The memories of the good times playing like a movie in my head. I can't help but smile.
???- He really did love you y'know.
Itsuki- Yeah. He was the best.......Wait wha?!
I turn around to face the voice that came from behind me and I come face to face with a person I've never seen before.

???- Sup Itsuki. My name is Indigo.
For some odd reason that name seems familiar to me.
Itsuki- Uh......hi? How do you know my name and how did you even get here?
Indigo- As for his I know your name, I'm the one who named you. In fact, I'm the one you gave you and this world life. As for how I got here, I got my own set of special powers and magic.
Itsuki *mind*- Either this guy is crazy out his mind or he's on crack.
Indigo- No I'm not crazy and no I'm not on crack for your information.
Itsuki- The fuck? You read my mind?
Indigo- I can listen to people's thoughts but I don't normally because it got annoying after the first few hours. I learned to tune them out unless I purposely want to listen. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Itsuki I need your help.
Itsuki- My help? What do you need my help for?
Indigo- I'm trying to save your world, my world, and countless others. A guy named Thanatos is threatening the multiverse and if nothing is done, my world and me included will be destroyed, and your world and the other worlds I've created in this multiverse of mine will either be destroyed as well or will come under harsh rule of Thanatos. Got everything so far?
Itsuki- (perplexed face) Uh huh.....
Indigo- (sigh) Normally if I had the time I would sit here and explain everything in detail like I did with Hiro but we don't have that type of time right now. So I'm going to do a little something to speed up the process.
Itsuki- What proc-
I get cut off with an abrupt slap to my face.
Itsuki- Heh! The fuck was that for you d-
And just like that everything becomes clear. I now know about Indigo and the human world. How my world is just one in the multiverse he created. I know about the other worlds. Daisuke and AOT, hero turned villain Sora and MHA, Seth Alighieri and Fairy Tail, Niko and SDS, Shoki and Highschool DXD, Zack and the RWBY series, Azazel and One Piece, Blackheron and Hellsing, and the first recruit Hiro and his SAO world. I am now self aware.
Itsuki- Okay first of all you're a dick for slapping me and second, it's good to see you Indigo.
Indigo- Likewise my friend. Now I'm going need to follow me back to our temporary base of operations back in the SAO world. Don't worry, multiversesal travel is completely safe and won't affect things here in the Naruto world. You could be gone months and only mere seconds would have passed here. So what do ya say, want to go save the multiverse?
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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