Chapter 1

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Harmony's P.O.V.

Home. I haven't been home in about three years now. And I could care less. I hate my family. My parents I'm okay with, but Hermione, Hope and Harper I can't stand. Especially Hermione. We got into a fight just before we left for our schools. You'd think that with three years apart from them that I'd calmed down, but no. I hate them. Sadly, I'm just about to board my plane to London. I stood up, grabbed my suitcase, backpack and violin case and got in line to board. Right as I got in line, they started letting people on.

When I got to my seat, which is in the front of the plane, because I was traveling alone, I put my suitcase in the overhead and my other stuff in the seat next to mine. Since this is an all night flight, I came prepared. My bag basically consisted of candy, soda, chips, granola bars, and a bunch of other crap.

About ten minutes later, the plane started. I took out my iPod and turned on Green Day. As I put my earbuds in, I grabbed a bag of chips as the plane flew off of the ramp and into the night. It's like 10:00 or something, and I'm so tired. I eventually fell asleep listening to American Idiot.

I woke up to the jolt of the plane landing. I looked at my IPod that read 9:56. Holy crap it's late. It doesn't feel like that though. It's probably the jet lag sinking in. And the time difference. When the plane finally stopped, I got up,grabbed my suitcase, from the overhead, grabbed my almost empty backpack and violin and walked off the plane.

I walked to a café and got a blueberry muffin before I went outside to the front to wait for my mom to pick my up. Oh yeah, I picked up an American accent while at Ilvormorny. Anyway, my IPod now read 10:00. As I was untangling my earbuds, my mom drove up in front of me.

"Hello darling! It's been forever since I last saw you. I missed you so much!"

"Are the other three at home too?"

"Yes- you sound different. Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, it's just my new accent. Anyways, can we get going now? I'm really tired."

"Oh, of course honey." While she said that, she started to drive away, looking a little confused.

It's probably because the last time she saw me I looked, sounded, and acted differently than I do now. I shrugged it off, finished untangling my earbuds, and listed to My Chemical Romance.

A few hours later, we were finally home. I wasn't that thrilled, but if my bed was still there, I would stay in it for days. I got out, grabbed my things, and trailed after mom inside.

When she opened the door, it seemed like no one else was home. The others were probably outside or something. I took this chance to go upstairs, and go back to sleep. I speed walked up the stairs with my things and opened the bedroom door. As I did that, I saw three way to familiar looking girls sitting on one of the four beds, talking and laughing with each other. I guess they made up. When they saw me, they stopped talking and laughing and just stared at my with blank expressions.

"Great." I said grumpily while taking my earbuds out.

"Well it's nice to see you too." Hermione said sarcastically.

"Yeah, as much as I would love to talk to you three, I'm going to sleep." I said, putting the empathize on the word 'love'.

I left my stuff in here and walked back downstairs and jumped on the couch, taking my shoes off, and covered myself in a blanket. Shortly after that, I fell fast asleep.

Hope's P.O.V.

Gosh. Harmony sounds so different from the last time I saw her. She's still mad at us I guess. Well, more mad at Hermione then us, I suppose. And Harper, Hermione and I just made up, too. Oh well, she'll get over it, right? Hm.

"She's such a jerk!" Hermione said, throwing a pillow at the door.

"It's okay He-Hermione, she'll g-get over it, r-right?" I said, trying to comfort her.

"She won't. She's such a grudge holder. I mean, it's been three years! How is she still mad!?"

"It's okay, w-why don't we j-just talk it out w-with her? Make things b-better."

"You know she can't be talked to. SHE'S IMPOSSIBLE!!" Hermione said, practically yelling now.

I hugged her, trying to comfort her, which seemed to help. After a little while of me soothing her, Harper spoke up.

"She didn't really say much. She's just tired from the flight in. I think you're just overreacting a little." Harper said in a quiet voice.

"Overreacting? Did you not just see her rudeness? She's so mean!" Hermione snapped.

"Hm. Well, let's not d-dwell on this for m-much longer. I w-want to c-catch up. Ok-kay?" I said, trying to avoid making Hermione anymore stress.

Hermione sighed.

"Okay. That sounds good. Harper, I'm sorry I snapped at you."

After that, we continued our conversation from before Harmony came in. We talked about an hour more until we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore. We climbed into our beds and fell fast asleep.

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