Chapter 2

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Harmony's P.O.V.

I woke up in the dark. What time was it? How long did I sleep? I looked at my iPod that said 2:28. Wow, I slept for like four or five hours, which really sucks. I was looking around the room when I noticed a piano. Thank god. I got up, made my way over and sat down on the cold piano seat, and started playing one of my songs. The piano half of it. I don't have a name for it yet, but it might be something like "My Story" or something like that.

As I was playing, I heard quiet footsteps coming down the stairs. It didn't make me stop playing, though. In the corner of my eye, I saw Hermione attempting to hide herself behind the stair wall. She's so pathetic. I acted like I didn't see her and continued to play.

When I finished, I looked up at Hermione.

"Enjoy the show?" I said sarcastically.

Hermione blushed.

"Oh, um, I just came down for some water for Harper."

"And watch me play a whole song?"

"Well, um-"

"Stop talking. Just go." I said coldly.

Hermione glared at me for a few seconds until she speed walked over to the kitchen to get some water. I stood up, walked over to my iPod to check the time. It read 2:41. Ugh. I'm still kind of tired, but I don't want to go back to sleep. I took off my red and black ripped sweater and walked into the kitchen to see what was in the fridge. It looked like there was a muffin box in there. I grabbed it, opened it, and saw a beautiful muffin. I mean, I have my own muffin in my bag upstairs, but I'm to lazy to get it. I took the muffin out, through the box away, and inhaled it in a few bites. It was delicious. I threw away the rapper and made my way back to the couch. That's when Hermione walked over.

"Look, I don't want to be fighting the whole time we're at Hogwarts, so can we just act like nothing's wrong between us?"

"Ooh, I don't know. I'm still pretty mad at you." I said sarcastically.

Hermione glared at me through her messy hair.

"Fine." She said in an angry tone, and walked back upstairs with the glass of water.

Heh. I bet she forgot why I'm still mad at her. Oh well. I sat back down on the couch, wondering what I should do.

A few minutes later, I fell back asleep.


"W-wake up H-harmony! Are H-hogwarts letters are h-here!" Hope yelled in my face.

I glared at her for waking me up. She shrunk back. I sat up to what she was talking about. Everyone was in the living room looking at some letters. Hope handed me mine. I took it from her forcefully. I opened it up and read it.

So it basically said that I was accepted to Hogwarts and listed a bunch of supplies. Pretty basic.

"Okay, girls, we can go to Diagon Ally today if you want." Mom said to the others.

"Yeah! You guys would love it there. It has everything you'd need for Hogwarts." Hermione said to Hope and Harper.

Great. We're going somewhere. I'm still tired. Well, I'm not changing. I still look fine, probably. My hair still looks straight. I got up, walked upstairs to my things and grabbed my brush from my suitcase. I started brushing my hair in the mirror when Hermione, Hope and Harper walked in. I glared at them then continued to brush my hair. They walked by me, grabbed some clothes and walked out.

About ten minutes later, I ended up with my hair in space buns just as the three came back in, dressed for the day. Harper looked normal, but Hope looked a little to dressed up for my taste.

"We're leaving now. Do you have your list?" Hermione said matter-a-factly.


"Well get it, then."

"Don't tell me what to do."

Hermione glared at me, wanting to say something, but didn't. She stomped down the stairs, Harper and Hope trailing behind her. I smirked, following as well.
When we got downstairs, I grabbed my list off of the table and put my shoes on. Then, following the others, we got in the car, and left for what Hermione called "The Leaky Cauldron."

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