Chapter 3

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Harper's P.O.V.

After a while of driving, we eventually got to The Leaky Cauldron. It looked like a run down little place. I like it. It's good inspiration for my drawings. I took a mental note of it before getting out of the car. Hope and I followed close behind Hermione and our parents as we entered.

It was even darker inside, but full of people. Witches and wizards, I guess. We walked past them all until we exited a back door that lead us to a brick wall. Hermione walked up to it, tapped her wand on the bricks in a certain pattern, and the wall opened up to a whole different world. It looked so amazing and colorful, and happy. I smiled a little at that, but it quickly faded when Harmony spoke up.

"Whatever. How long are we going to be here?"

"For a few hours. You three can follow Hermione to the places you need to go. We'll come with you for the robes, but then meet us back there in about three hours. Ok?" Mum spoke quickly.

"Ok mum, see you later!" Hermione spoke for us.

She started going into the huge crowd of people, us following close behind, not wanting to get lost, searching for a store.

After a little while, she found the robe store, I think.

We got our robes, and after that we got a ton more things. We even got to get a pet. I got a black owl, Hope got a tiny white kitten, and Harmony got a fat black cat. It's kinda cool, but she won't let anyone touch it.

Well, anyway, we were finished shopping, so we had to go and find mum and dad now. We started going back in the direction of the robe store, when someone called out to Hermione.

"Hey, Hermione!"

Hermione turned in surprise. She looked nervous. Why? Isn't that her friends calling out to her? Harmony smirked at Hermione's unease, making her glare at her. Then, I'm guessing the people who were yelling her name, walked up to us. One had black hair and the other had red. When they came close, Hermione shoved us behind her, making Harmony shove us, which made Hope start crying.

"H-hey, guys."

"Shut up crybaby, you're fine. I barley touched you." Harmony said harshly.

This seemed to make it worse. I noticed Hermione's friends were staring at us in shock. Why would they? Doesn't Hermione talk about us? Well, it doesn't matter to me. I'm nothing. Harmony looked like she was enjoying this.

"Hi, I'm Harmony. Im guessing you don't know who we are. Isn't that right, Hermione?" Hermione didn't answer. "Well that's just cliché, isn't it? Well, like I said, I'm Harmony, the one crying is Hope, And the last one is Harper." Harmony said in a sassy tone.

The two boys continued to stare at us, and then at Hermione. Harmony started to laugh silently.

"Hermione? Who are they?" Asked the boy with black hair.

"Um, I was going to tell you two, one day, but, I have sisters."

"No way." Harmony said sarcastically.

Hermione glared at her, but Harmony kept laughing. This must have been quite awkward for her. I mean, her friends not knowing that she has sisters? That she's one out of a quadruplet? I mean, she was mad at us, but still. I guess I really am nothing.

Harmony's P.O.V.

This is hilarious. I mean, come on Hermione. Not telling you're friends about us? How cliché are you! I continued to silently laugh as Hermione tried to explain who we were and why she never talked about us. It's pretty amusing, watching her panic. I felt like I was about to laugh out loud pretty soon so I started to walk away in the direction of mom and dad, holding my stomach and gasping for air. I don't even know why I'm laughing so hard. I wasn't looking where I was going and accidentally bumped into some blonde kid.

"Hey, watch where your- Granger?" I guess he knows Hermione. He looks pretty shocked.

"I'm not Hermione, if that's what you're thinking. I'm her 'twin' sister." I said, putting air quotations on twin.


"Technically we're quadruplets. There's two more of us. Oh, I'm Harmony by the way. What's your name?" He looked really shocked. I'm guessing that this will be everyone's expression when they see us. "Well, I have to go now. See you at Hogwarts I guess?"

He didn't answer, so I walked toward my parents.


When we got home, (Hope finally stopped crying,) I ran up to our room to start packing. The others followed me, which is pretty annoying. I ignored them when they entered, and started sorting things, putting my cat next to me. I decided to name him Cream Puff. Even though he's a light orange tabby, the name really suits him.

"Did you have fun explaining to your friends about us?" I asked Hermione sarcastically. I felt her glaring into the back of my head.

"In case you were wondering, they understood perfectly well why I never talked about you three." She said annoyed.

"Heh, yeah. Sure." I love torturing her like this. It's hilarious. It probably just me though.

Anyway, I finished packing, I really never unpacked, and grabbed my cat and notebook and got up, walked over to my bed, Hermione looking angry, and started writing some music. The song I was playing earlier is still in progress. I want to add a violin part to it, and fix the piano part.

When the others finished packing, they put there things near the door, sat on one of their beds and started talking about Hogwarts. Ugh. Is that all they talk about these days? I mean, Hermione does most of the talking. Don't the other two ever get annoyed at that? Like, how did they even forgive her? God. There so annoying. I can't listen to them anymore. I know we all have the same voice, but at least I have the American accent. I got out my IPod, put my earbuds in, turned on Green Day and laid down, putting my notebook to the side. I closed my eyes, and eventually fell asleep to the song Pulling Teeth.

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