Chapter 4

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Hope's POV

Well, today's the day! We're finally going to Hogwarts!!! I'm so excited!!!! I can't contain my excitement!! We're currently at King's Cross Station, walking up to Platform 9 3/4. We just said goodbye to our parents. Hermione told us that we have to run through a wall to get to the actual train.

"Ok, guys. What we have to do is run straight into that wall," Hermione pointed at the brick wall in between platforms nine and ten, "And then weight for me on the other side, okay?"

Harmony scoffed. What is her problem? As Hermione was glaring at her, Harper started to push her cart towards the wall, then going into it.


"Oh come on. She went through a wall. Big deal." Harmony said unamused.

Why is she so mean? I can feel my eyes watering a little. I didn't want her to see, so I started running with my cart as well. When I went through the wall, it felt like a warm breeze. It calmed me down, too. I saw Harper standing off to the side, and walked up to her. I stood beside her just as Harmony came through. When she saw us, she rolled her eyes at us. Then, Hermione came through. We started towards the train, putting our things away, and finding an empty compartment. We found one near the back, and sat in it. Hermione started telling us what happened when she was at the Tri Wizard Tournament, until Harmony rudely interrupted.

"So, does this train count for being at Hogwarts? As in can we go magic yet?"

"Well, I guess so-" Hermione said, being cutoff.

"Thank GOD." With that, she waved her hands over her messy bun and turned it into a braid. How did she do that? I had a feeling that the three of us were staring in shock, so Harmony smirked at us.

"How did you-"

"It's what I've learned at Ilvermorny, Hermione. Doesn't everyone know how to do this?"

"No, it's very advanced magic. I didn't expect you to know it."

"Well that just proves how much you know about me or anything."

Hermione glared at her for that. I didn't want to see them get into a mental fight, so I looked out the window. It was very beautiful outside.

Harmony's P.O.V.

We're finally at the castle. It felt like that train ride was forever. Anyway, the castle looks pretty cool, I will admit that. Hope, Harper and I were pulled aside at one point to get sorted into our houses privately.

We eventually got into this little room in the castle which held a stool and an old hat. Is that how you get sorted or something? Wow, back at Ilvormorny there's this giant room with four statues that would do some sort of movement.

Hope sat on the stool first, and the woman put the hat on her head. What did that do? Just then, the hat started moving and talking, then stopped.

After a brief moment, the hat shouted 'GRYFFINDOR!' And Hope slid of the seat. Then, Harper sat on the seat. The hat did the same thing, and eventually shouted 'GRYFFINDOR!' And Herper got off the stool, smiling a little. Then it was my turn. I sat on the seat, had the hat places on my head, and it started talking in my head.

"Another Granger? I didn't know there was four of you. Anyway, you are very shrewd towards your sisters, yes, and cunning. Yes, you are fit to be a Slytherin. But there's something about you. Something in your heart, that's soft. Kind. Yes. I've made my decision. GRYFFINDOR!"

Okay, then. Know idea what a Griffindor is, but whatever. I got off the stool, and the three of us were led to the main hall. It was pretty big, but where you got sorted back at Ilvormorny was much bigger.

Anyways, when people started to stare, Hope started to hide behind Harper. I ignored them all, with there stares and shock and silence, I walked over to the Gryffindor table, (I think it's the Gryffindor table, it's red and gold, and that's what are robes look like,) with Hope and Harper behind me, looking for a spot to sit.

Sadly, Hermione was waving us over, blushing hard. I reluctantly took a seat next to her, along with the other to, and looked up and down the long table.

"Why do the different houses have different colors?" I hate asking questions, especially to Hermione, but I had to know.

"Each house has two different colors, representing the elements. Gryffindor represents fire, Slytherin to water, Hufflepuff to earth, and Ravenclaw to air." Hermione stated matter-a-factly.

"Okay, but what the heck is a Hufflepuff?"

"It's not a what, it's a whom. Helga Hufflepuff is the founder of that house, so it was named after her. Just like the rest of the houses. They were all named after the four founders of Hogwarts."

I was about to say something else, but the room got really quiet. Then, an old man, I think I heard Hermione call him Dumbledore, started talking, and after that some younger kids were getting sorted into their houses.

After what felt like an eternity of that, Dumbledore started talking again, welcoming the new kids, and started talking about something called the Tri Wizard Tournament. Then, a group of girls in blue came in, kind of doing a little performance thing, and when they finished, Harper and Hope were clapping wildly. Then, another school came in, that was all boys doing cool flips and stuff, and blew fire from there wands. I kind of zoned out during that, and before I knew it, food was magically on my plate. It was on the table too. It looked really good. I started stuffing my face with chicken when I looked up and noticed a blonde boy was looking at me from a table across from me. Slytherin, I think. I think it's the same one I met in Diagon Ally that day. I waved my hand a little at him, and he looked down. Maybe he's shy or something. I shrugged, and continued eating. I think Hermione saw who I was waving at, and stares at me.

"What?" I said coldly.

"Do you know who that is?"

"No, I didn't get his name. I met him back at Diagon Ally. Why?"

"You met him and didn't tell me?"

"God, Hermione, I don't have to tell you anything!" I said, yelling over the noise. It's really loud in here.

"Just stay away from him. He's a jerk." Hermione said, trying to sound protective over me.

"Why? Have a crush, Hermione?" I love teasing her like this. She glared at me.

"No, I hate him!"

"Heh, okay, then."

I continued eating while Hermione was glaring hard at me. I ignored her.

After a while, the feast was done and everyone had to go up to their dorms now. Hope, Harper and I followed Hermione (reluctantly) to a moving painting of a fat lady. Someone said a weird word and the painting opened up to a room. I walked inside with the rest of the kids, and followed Hermione up to where I was staying.

Sadly, I'm sharing a room with the three of them. Ugh. Do I ever get a break? I walked over to my bed, which had all my things on it, and started unpacking.   I put my clothes away, except for my pajamas, and my cat still in its cage on the bed, and my school supplies on the table next my bed. I then picked up my pajamas and walked to the bathroom, changed, and got in bed and took out my IPod. I put my earbuds in and turned on Green Day, eventually falling asleep to 21 Guns.

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