2 - Going back.

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Kyong stared at the closed door for a few seconds before looking down. He felt very hurt, but mostly like a fool. Did he really think that he could just befriend his first patient in a matter of... what, two weeks? How foolish was that?!

"Kyong?" Xander's soft voice made both Kyong and Joo-Won turn to him. "What happened? Why do you look so sad?"

Kyong looked down at the floor again. "I just... I thought he was starting to warm up to me but... I guess I was just making a fool of myself."

"Hey don't say that." Xander put his hand on Kyong's shoulder and smiled slightly. "Why would he not want to be friends with you? You are one of the funniest, most caring people I met, and even I could understand this in only a few days."

If they were not in a situation like that, Joo-Won could totally mess with his brother. But it was not the time.

"You think so?" The hope in Kyong's voice made Joo-Won's heart ache.

"Whoever made this boy feel like he is annoying will be murdered by my bare hands." he thought to himself.

It was clear that Xander was thinking like that too as he nodded. "Why don't we go and eat something? It might make you feel better as well," Xander said, which made Kyong smile and nod. As they were walking to the elevator, Joo-Won looked at the closed door once again before joining them.


As they reached the cafeteria, Xander placed his bag on the table. Joo-Won sat beside him while Kyong sat in front of Xander and smiled at them sweetly.

As they started to chat, Joo-Won couldn't help but drift and think about that boy again. This time, it was not fear nor anything like that, but more like... sadness? He didn't know, he just wanted to sit and talk with him. It looked like he really needed someone to open up... Was there a name of emotion that describes this feeling?

Joo-Won sighed as Kyong came back with the things they ordered before sitting down.

Joo-Won didn't even realize he got up. After he sat down, Kyong gave them their food. "So, how are you since the last time you came here? You didn't look really well that day." Kyong said as he turned his head to Joo-Won.

Oh yes, that day. Joo-Won totally forgot that Kyong was right behind Xander when he found him, probably freaking out.

Joo-Won thanked God when Xander talked before he could even open his mouth. "He is all better now. And you?"

He thanked Xander with his eyes for answering instead, receiving a small smile as a response.

As he was chewing, Kyong smiled and made thumbs up to say he was good as well. After he swallowed, he looked at Xander, who was eating his burger silently and looking around the cafeteria. "Are you free next weekend?"

Both Xander and Joo-Won turned to him with widened eyes, Xander nearly choking on his bite. As he calmed down and took a sip of water, he looked at Kyong, who was just staring at him like a curious puppy, with a surprised face. "W-what did you say?"

"I asked if you are free or not the next weekend. I have a day off and I get bored at home. To be honest, I want to wander around but I am new to this place and don't know anyone other than you guys. Sadly, people usually don't talk to me because I am a foreigner."

"New? Where are you from?"

"I'm from China."

Xander's eyes widened with surprise. "Wait what? Really? Me too! Well, I was not born there but used to live there for 17 years."

Kyong smiled in surprise as well. "So I suppose you know Chinese?"

When he spoke in Chinese, a small smile formed on Xander's face as he responded in Chinese as well. "Of course. Wait so Kyong is your Korean name, right? What's your Chinese name?"

"Li Jie. Yours?"

Xander's smile faded as he stopped himself from talking. His body tensed as he thought about the question he just asked. "Uh... I don't have one..."

Even though he couldn't understand what they were talking about since he didn't know Chinese, Joo-Won was not late to realize the change in Xander's posture, unlike Kyong who was just continuing to stare at them like a puppy. "Hey, that's enough! I don't understand you guys." He fake sulked. "I feel left out."

While Xander silently thanked him, Kyong laughed and took a bite of his food. "I'm sorry, I just got excited. So, as I was saying, you free on-"

"Yeah yeah I am." Xander smiled while looking at him.

"Okay Joo-Won, it's your time." Joo-Won thought to himself before dramatically resting his cheek on his hand. "Ugh, I can't. I am full at the weekend. University stuff, y'know. Is it okay if you two go alone?"

Xander turned his face to him with a smile so full of anger that it screamed 'I will kill you'.

"If Xan is okay with it, then I am too," Kyong said happily.

"Yep, all good." Xander stepped on Joo-Won's feet with all his strength, which made him bite inside his cheek to prevent the painful scream.

After they finished their food, Joo-Won looked at Kyong, who was looking at something from his phone.

Then suddenly his mouth opened before he could prevent it. "Kyong can you give me some information about the patient you were taking care of?"

Kyong blinked a couple of times at the sudden question. "I'm sorry I can't. I can lose my internship."

Joo-Won's face fell and he sulked. "Oh..."

After minutes passed in silence, Kyong sighed and closed his phone, and looked at Joo-won, who was throwing him sad puppy eyes. "Okay, okay... Just don't do that face, it's my soft spot!" He got a little bit closer and talked in a silent voice. "His name is Shin Hwan. He is 23 years old and as far as I know, he has been here for a long time." 

This time, Xander looked curious too. "What happened to him?" 

Kyong shrugged. "I don't know the details, the information I have about the patients is limited. The only thing I know is that he is like a closed door. He doesn't let people in and he pretty much hates here. Also, he doesn't really remember much of how his life was before coming here. At least that's what the others say."

Joo-Won looked down.

"That was probably why he was frowning when he thought I was a worker. He is probably sick of here." Joo-Won thought to himself.

"Why does he hate here? Wait, staff doesn't treat him bad, right?" As Xander asked this with his worried face, Kyong widened his eyes and shook his head.

"No! Actually the opposite, we try our best to take care of him and make him feel comfortable, but he never even looks us in the eye!" He pouted like a kid and looked at the table. "I actually feel bad that you thought like that. I would never come here if the staff was being bad to patients. I also try my best to befriend him."

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't understand why he would hate something without a reason. I didn't want to make you feel like that." Even by just looking, it could be easily understood that Xander felt bad for assuming something so horrible like that.

"No worries!" The sudden change in his expression made both of them chuckle. Then, just like he remembered something, his expression changed. "But, come to think of it, some of the older meds don't really act like other ones."

Joo-Won frowned. "What does that mean?"

"New workers and interns like us are friendlier to him, but the ones that are here more than five or six years are not like us. It's like, something happened in the past that some meds don't even bother to look him in the eyes. Most of the time, they just assign us to take care of him or help him. The only senior that takes care of him with her own wish is Nurse Min. But at the same time, none of us are allowed to examine his body, either the meds I told you about do it or we wait for Mr. Park. They say that it is because he always causes a scene and only they are familiar with taking care of it."

As both Joo-Won and Xander got chills, Joo-Won slowly got up. "Um... I think will leave now, thank you for this meal Kyong."

Xander turned to him and got up. "What happened? Are you feeling bad?"

Joo-Won forced a smile while looking at their worried faces. "No I just want to wander around, I think I ate too much. I will come and pick you up when you want Xan, see you guys later."

"Okay then,... bye."

After waving goodbye and leaving them alone, Joo-Won sighed. What he just heard made him feel like throwing up. Even the thought that there might be a chance that the meds could be mistreating a patient... He just wanted to get his mind clear.

He thought for a moment about where he should go. After some thinking, he started to walk through the elevator and pressed the second floor.

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