8 - Confession?

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Joo-Won's eyes were so focused on Hwan that he didn't even realize his brother was talking to him. "Joo-Won. Joo-Won!"

Joo-Won suddenly flinched, which caused Hwan to turn to them, and look at Xander. "W-what?"

Xander eyed the two for a second and pointed at Hwan with his head. "I was asking who he is."

Joo-Won turned to curious Hwan and realized they haven't met yet. "Oh. This is Hwan, the one I met... that day."

Xander thought for a moment before understanding which day he was talking about. He slightly frowned when he remembered what happened to his older brother because of that boy.

Hwan noticed the change in his expression, which made him knit his eyebrows in confusion.

When he realized the tension between the two, Joo-Won cleared his throat to get the attention. "Uh and this is my brother Xander."

Xander just nodded and turned his head to Joo-Won. "Can we talk?"

Both Joo-Won and Kyong looked at Xander, extremely confused, while Hwan just stayed silent and turned his head to the grass. He was aware that Xander didn't really like him, but it made him feel a little bit stressed when he actually showed his dislike. He was used to this but even the thought of Joo-Won somehow disliking him made Hwan feel bad for some reason. And kind of sad.

Joo-Won nodded and got up, following his brother to a place where they can't be heard. "What's going on Xan?"

Xander turned to Joo-Won with a frown. "Isn't that the boy who messed you up? Why are you friends with him?"

"That's... Not how it went."

"Well from what I saw, it went just like that."

Joo-Won sighed. He knew his brother was just trying to protect him and he was thankful for it. "Look, he didn't do anything to me that day. It was actually me."

Xander lifted one of his eyebrows, waiting for him to tell the full story while Joo-Won started to play with his shirt. "He had a wound and he was in pain. I didn't know what to do so I called for help. The doctor accidentally touched the wound, which probably was extremely painful for him. Then he screamed and I got... You know the rest."

After saying it out loud, Joo-Won finally understood why he acted that way in the first place.

Xander slowly fixed his posture, a worried look forming on his face. He suddenly felt really ashamed for accusing the boy he didn't even meet.

"That's why I ran away..."

Xander came closer and squeezed his shoulder. "I'm sorry... I just want what's the best for you."

"I know I know." Joo-Won wanted to say that Hwan was the best thing for him at the moment, but he couldn't. He tried to lift his mood by smiling. "Shall we go back?"

Xander nodded before they went back. When they sat down, Xander turned to Hwan and reached his hand to the boy who just stared at his hand in confusion. "Nice to meet you."

The other two watched them as Hwan slowly lifted his hand and squeezed Xander's hand without saying anything. Xander smiled slightly as he pulled his hand back. He turned to Kyong, who was watching them with a big smile on his face.

"What?" Xander said with a forced smile on his face. His hand was once again on his stomach, trying to ease the sudden pain that he tried his best to hide to not ruin the picnic.

"Nothing I am just happy that I am with you." He quickly continued. "All of you guys." After smelling it first, Kyong happily took a bite of his gimbap, which Joo-Won prepared all by himself.

When Hwan noticed what Kyong did, he couldn't help his curiosity get the best of him once again. "You know Kyong, I always see you sniffing your food before eating."

Kyong froze when he realized what he was trying to ask, and slowly put down his food on the table in front of him. He chuckled lightly, so well that it was nearly impossible to understand that it was a fake one, and waved his hand as if trying to say 'it's no biggie'. "Ah true... It's just a habit from my childhood I guess." He took his chopsticks again and slowly ate the roll he put on the plate, this time, being extra careful to just eat it without doing anything.

Xander smiled at the boy's cuteness and slowly took out his hand when the pain weakened a little. As he tucked the strand of hair behind the older boy's ear, his fingertips softly touched his face. "That's actually cute."

Kyong froze once again, but this time, a smile formed on his face as he felt the heat going to his ears once again. He turned his head at Xander and shyly played with his hands. A visible blush was forming on his cheeks as he tried to avoid eye contact by looking around. "Thanks."

Xander smiled at his reaction brightly and reached for a roll. While the two were eating happily, Hwan got closer to Joo-Won and whispered in his ear. "Can we talk?"

Joo-Won turned to him with a worried face. He got up and pushed the wheelchair to the tree that was a little bit far away, leaving the other two alone.

When they reached, Joo-Won locked the brakes of the wheelchair and kneeled in front of Hwan. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." His signature-like small smile formed on his face once again. "Just wanted to give the two some space to freely flirt."

Joo-Won sighed in relief and sat on the grass. "You scared me."

Hwan placed his hands on his lap and started to play with the hem of his sweater. "Sorry..." The fact that he got worried for him weirdly made Hwan smile once again.

Joo-Won then lifted his head again and looked at Hwan, deciding it was best to get to the point. "Min talked to me," Joo-Won said with a serious tone.

The smile on Hwan's face slowly faded away as he understood what he was talking about. He was not waiting for Joo-Won to bring up this subject out of the blue, and honestly, neither was Joo-Won.

The words just poured out automatically when he opened his mouth again. "She told me everything, Hwan. How you were not focusing on yourself, and how you seem to just give up." Joo-Won sat on his knees again and got closer to Hwan, who was avoiding eye contact with him by looking at the grass. "Can you please tell me what is going on? Is something bothering you? Did... Did I do something wrong?"

Hwan finally made eye contact with him, placing his hand on Joo-Won's shoulders. "No, it's not you. I'm just... tired. That's it."

Joo-Won rolled his eyes, not believing his bullshit. "You are always tired. Don't even try to lie."

"It's different..."

"Then what is it? What's different from it used to be?"

"It's nothing Joo-Won. For real."

"You are lying Hwan. What's going on?"

"I feel guilty, okay! You happy?!"

The sudden change of his voice was enough to scare Joo-Won. "W-what?"

"The last time we talked... I just feel guilty since then. Seeing you like that... I should have just shut up... You didn't even want to continue while I just forced you..." While talking, Hwan felt like he was the worst human being. "You told me to stop and I just..." He looked down, too ashamed to look Joo-Won in the eyes. "I even mocked about it... I was the one that judged you for talking without thinking first, but in reality, I was the one who didn't think."

Joo-Won reached his hands and put them on Hwan's hand that was on his shoulders. Then, he held and squeezed them to reassure Hwan that he was not mad about what happened. "Hey... You don't need to feel guilty. I already told you I don't mind talking about him."

"But you looked so sad and... I don't... want to see you sad like that." Hwan finally looked directly at his face, not breaking the eye contact. "I just... I just want to see you smile. It just breaks my heart that I was the cause of your sadness."

Joo-Won could feel his heart skipping a beat. Like, for real. He widened his eyes because he was not waiting for something like that. Especially from Hwan. "I... Uh... Thanks...?"

His unsure voice made Hwan suddenly feel very dumb. He quickly pulled his hands back away and turned his head down, eyes wandering while blinking a few times to pull himself together. "Can... can we go?"

Joo-Won nodded and got up, pushing the wheelchair with a confused smile on his face. "Let's walk around before getting back to them. They look so happy right now, I don't want to ruin it."

Hwan silently nodded instead of answering as they turned their way to wander around the big garden.

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